
1st floor

Is a network of abandoned mine shafts with mine cart tracks which is a 3D maze with a lift in the middle of it that would take you the the second level.

There are chests and hidden rooms through the mineshaft

1. Iron golems

2. Khezu

3. Stone golems

4. legionnaires golems dotted around but no formations.

Boss monster Golem robotic knight

2nd floor

70 ft tall roof above the ground level

Lava type area fire resistance gear is recommended.

There is a valcano in the background which houses a hot spring which is a secret portal to the third floor.

To get to it you need to cross a wooden bridge over a lava river

1. Lavasioth

2. Fire drakes

3. Fire elementals

4. Fire birds

Boss monster Azure Rathalos

3rd floor.

You swim out into a murky swamp that's lit up by brightly glowing fungus on what appears to be a forest canopy on the roof you can't see far into the distance since there is a heavy fog.


2. Zombies

3. Odergoron

Boss monster Val Hazel.

A giant dead tree has the passageway to the 4th floor.

Unlocks after Val Hazak dies

4th floor

You walk up a set of stairs to walk out from under the center stone of stone henge in the plains. Has a bright blue sky and swaying grass

1. Colossi that walking around minding their own business

2. Fire horses

3. Hippogriffs


Boss monster Plains Crawler(massive underground worm)

Stairs to next level is found in the plains crawlers nest.


You Come out of a sink hole to a ruined city scape of a modern city which like man kind has disappeared over night and has been gone for the past 50 years.

1. Tobi Kadachi

2. Kulu ya Ku

3. Puki puki

4. Golem legionaries in small squads (up to 12) can use battle tactics and formations.

The door to the next room is in the Roman senate ruins.

Boss monster: A golem Spartacus and a 10 Roman legionaries.

6th floor

It is a moving labyrinth floor. The walls can be destroyed but no one knows



2. Najarala

3. Bullfango

Boss monster: Behemoth.

(An: floor 7 and 8 are combined.)

7th floor.

You appear on an aircraft runway with a steampunk zeplin plane thing.

It has to be defended before it can take off on a set route.

Defend the airship don't let it take too much damage.

Monsters come in waves

Wave 1.

3 legiana

Wave 2

2 legiana and 2 shrieking legiana

Wave 3

3 rathalos 2 azure rathalos

Wave 4

3 Azure Rathalos 1 bazelgeuse

Wave 5

2 bazelgeuse 1 seething bazelgeuse

Wave 6


Wave 7

Kushala daora

Wave 8

Golden Rathian

Wave 9

Silver Ratholos

Wave 10

Coup d'etat

( silver Ratholos and golden Rathian)

The ship takes off and you arrive at level 8 in the ship.


Cloud level

Upon takeoff you board the ship, make your way to the deck, and continue the defense of the airship. The airship is outfitted with cannons, ballistae, and a gong.

Monsters fly at the airship from above.

This section is split up into 5 specific events

1. Storm ahead

The airship heads into a massive storm cloud and is beset on all sides by storm spirits. This section tests the perception of challengers and their ability to both detect the threats amidst the storm and also their ability to hit said threats.

2. Cloud Plain Panic

At the end of the storm event the ship will not leave the storm, instead, only the roof of the zeppelin will breach the top of the cloud, white at its top. A light shower will ensue, refracting sunlight through the raindrops, reflecting the landscape around the challengers. The monsters here will be a crab/angel hybrid that shoots invisible bubbles of high-pressure air. These bubbles are invisible because they refract light perfectly and don't have a sheen. This event will test the challengers' awareness of the projectiles and how they might respond, also will test their memory of where the bounds of their platform lie.

3. Fear incarnate

After defeating a few of the crab/angel hybrids the sky will become suddenly cloudy. A shriek will be heard as a Gore Magala plunges from above and crashes onto the nose of the zeppelin, instantly enraged and tinting the surroundings a dark grey. The Magala naturally slams the ground a lot so the challengers will be highly pressured to kill it quickly.

4. A royal procession

Succeeding these events the ship will now rise until the ship is about 15 feet below the second layer of clouds. And at this time a chariot pulled by 2 Kirin will charge at the challengers at hundreds of miles an hour. This will test the reaction time, and/or preparation skills of the challengers. And their ability to take the loss of a at least a single person as they will likely be blindsided if they are not prepared.

5. High Holy Dragon

Finally, the ship will break that line of clouds and emerge above a massive expanse of clouds, leaving the target, a massive cloud with a wrecked starship. on it as if it were a mountain fully in view to the forefront. But then a resounding roar will echo through the sky and Amatsumagatsushi will breach the clouds and guard the island in the sky. At this moment the challengers will be able to assume full control of the zeppelin. This is the ultimate test for the challengers as they try to invade this massive dragon's domain for their goal.

The door to the next level is on the crashed star ship in the clouds.


Steam punk level.

The floor is a futuristic floor that has what appears to be factories working yet no one is seen around.

1. Automaton androids

2. Robotic golem knights

3. Standard Silhouette knights

Boss Safi the giant metal Safi Jiiva.

10th ancient forest.

Every thing can spawn in the ancient forest will spawn. This includes elder dragons.

11th floor hidden garage with a bunch of stuff