Ch 64

Rimuru walks into the dungeon and almost immediately can see a map of the first floor.

"Jeez, the hell is this mess?" Rimuru asks eve though she can see an entire map it's a massive 3D maze. Having a map doesn't help much if you can't see the exit.

"We could always just hug the same side of the wall strategy." Rimuru says before noticing there are several areas which you can go up and down in making it those strategies useless.

"Speed run?" Rimuru mutters as she hears really loud footsteps coming towards her.

Rimuru looks up to see a massive stone golem.

"Yeah speed run sounds right." Rimuru says as she throws black flames at the golem disintegrating it nearly instantly.


Several hours later.

"Is it here?" Rimuru asks as she punches a wall.

The stone wall crumbles down and it reveals a chest.

"Is it another mimic?" Rimuru mutters looking at the chest.

"Man, this is getting ridiculous," Rimuru says as she looks at the mineshaft full of mutilated golem parts.

"How long have I been here?" Rimuru asks

'A few days.' Raphael responds

Rimuru nods as she looks up to see a decrpit old mine elevator.

"Another one?" Rimuru asks herself before realizing it doesn't go anywhere on her map.

"Nekra hid the access to the next floors on all levels didn't she?" Rimuru mutters realizing if the elevator which is covered in cobwebs and will probably give you tinnitus

Rimuru heads towards the mine shaft elevator and pushes a lever forwards standing in the elevator. There is a loud clank as the platform begins to get lowered.


Meanwhile in the dungeon apartment.

"Nya, about time she figured it out." Nekra says sitting on Yuki's lap watching from the control room.

Yuki meanwhile has her eyes closed and is feeling everything within the dungeon.

"It took her a bit." Yuki says nodding

"Its probably because the though she could power through it nya, it doesn't work like that nya you have to think." Nekra says with a smile.


Meanwhile back with Rimuru.

"Is it getting hotter?" Rimuru asks since she can feel the air heating up in the elevator shaft.

"I bet its gonna be a lava level videogames always have one." Rimuru says with a smile


"Nya! how nya!" Nekra shouts in pure disbelief Rimuru cant even see through the floor boards and still has 10 minutes to go before the next floor.

"Its fine isn't it?" Yuki asks as she starts to pet Nekra to calm the cat girl down.

It works as Nekra starts petting.


"jeez its getting hotter." Rimuru mutters as suddenly the elevator lights up brigly as it breaks out of the shaft revealing the next floor of the dungeon.

Rimuru looks over the railing on the elevator and sees a rock floor about 70 feet below.

"It was a lava level!" Rimuru shouts before looking into the distance and seeing what appears to be a volcano.

Meanwhile using her vantage point she gives the level an overview and sees a bunch of Lavasioth's, Fire Drakes(Look like Hungarian horntail.) Fire elemntals, and Fire birds(discount phoneixs)

"Huh what was that?" Rimuru asks catching a bit of motion on the volcano in the distance.

Increasing her range on the Magicule sight she can see a proud Azure Rathalos guarding what appears to be a hot springs.

"I can get through this alone, but that would be boring. Let's go grab the Benimaru and Souei." Rimuru says about to go put together a proper party for this.

Rimuru flips the switch in the elevator the other direction the car makes a creaking noise as the elevator stops and it slowly begins to go back up.

"It probably didn't like that but it's not gonna break right?" Rimuru mutters as she heads back into the dark elevator shaft.