Ch 69:

"Well, those are some large things." Rimuru says looking at a colossi.

"I... at least it doesn't seem his-" Benimaru is cut off as the ground rumbles and a massive worm as snake creature launches itsself into the air before it lands overtop the colossi eating it whole.

"... well, I really don't want to fight that thing."Shion says

"and now we are going to have to." Rimuru says with a sigh.


"Nekra what are you doing?" Yuki asks

"Oh this whole interesting thing is going on with game stop." Nekra says looking at her tablet holding back a giggle.

"Really... what's game stop?" Yuki asks looking at the tablet.

"Oh, yeah you probably wouldn't understand but it's gonna be very entertaining later today." Nekra says

"Sure..." Yuki says looking back at the dungeon screen.


"Are those rapidashes?" Rimuru asks looking at the horses that are on fire.

Some eagle screeches are heard as the group looks up to see hippogriffs flying in formation in the sky.

"Right into the hole that thing left." Rimuru says

Benimaru nods as they all make a run towards the Plains Crawler.

Once they get inside the dark massive cylindrical hole they look around to see a ceiling held up by roots and it is like staring into a dark void.

"So which way?" Benimaru asks

"It should be this way." Rimuru says after Raphael told her the way.


"Nekra?" Yuki asks

"Yes nya?" Nekra says

"What are you laughing at?" Yuki asks

"The chaos." Nekra says with a flat tone.

"But they are in the tunnel." Yuki says

"Nya? Right we never put anything in the tunnel." Nekra says looking at the massive 3D maze Thats gonna take a bit." Nekra says

"Wanna take a nap?" Yuki asks

Nekra nods her head before being hugged by Yuki.


Several hours later, Rimuru's group arrives at the nest of the plains crawler.

The ground starts to rumble as the massive worm arrives back at its nest.

"Battle formation!" Rimuru shouts which everyone has no clue what to do.

'Note to self, teach them formations and tactics.' Rimuru thinks to herself.

As she pulls out a sword and faces down the Plains Crawler.

With a battle cry Rimuru charges into battle swinging her sword as a high pressured water blade shoots out cutting a few feet into the worm.

Of course the enraged worm manages to cause a small earth quake collapsing a few tunnels.


"The plains!" Nekra shouts seeing the ground collapse and swallow monsters.

"That's gonna take awhile to rebuild." Yuki says

"Nnn." Nekra says


"Finally." Rimuru says as she sits down and lays against the corpse of the Plains crawler.

Suddenly a part of the nest collapses showing light.