Chapter 4 The Deal?…Well this was unexpected

The Beretta kingdom is the second largest human territory on this continent consisting of a few Islands off the continent as well. And is the second most diverse region on this continent, that goes for their army as well. While mostly known for their more savage side than their heroes, their Kingdom holds the most amounts of famous warriors the Three Crow talons the King's personal guard, the seven Fang generals as well as the Fanged clan themselves.

Almost all their generals originate from the Wolf, Snake, Crocodile, Tiger, Shark, Dragon and Bear Fanged clans and have all played major parts throughout all wars in history. Always carrying on the legacy by having successors to that title, for better or worse. But unfortunately the time caught up with their Infamous reign of terror, and that alarm clock happened to be the Red Moon War. Which took the life of two of their head general, Bortan and Serupet leaving only five head left to lead their ever growing armies. (With everything going on in their Kingdom, I would never expected a general to be this far away from home). He thought as he peep through from the door gap. (But there's no question about it).

(Although I haven't met him in person knowing the two idiots that I have met before and judging by the description in one of my old reports it's definitely him. He's more noticeable than the rest of his peer and that's saying something, seeing that most of them are mostly mutated in some way or just beastmen). What he saw through the door was a human of a bulky build, with a black wolf tattoo across the left side of his forehead going down to the corner of his eye on his pale face. A chiseled chin with black low-cut bearded with a pointed goatee, standing 5'.7''ft tall wearing his signature pitch-black multi-layered thick full body heavy armor. With little bright red highlights to some sharp edges on his shoulder, chest and knee plate and a red wolf scarf going from is left shoulder to his back. With the Beretta Crow claw insignia on his chest plate.

Carrying his famous broadsword Cobalt a gray six foot long one foot wide sword, dark brown guard wrapped in the scarf to the back. And a katana to his side he's well-known outside of his country mostly to the north and west region, as well as inside has being a battle beasts. As well as a brilliant tactical leader always carrying a smirk look on his face to many war,. Well knowing he's a one man army type, does brings out the arrogants I suppose.

"Hmmm... it seem, it was a good idea to keep my men outside. If anyone of them had heard you just now. It would have been seen as an insult to my name and that alone would have had your head on this table right here. So has free spoken as you are, some self-control would be nice" Kari asked while sitting down.

Tetso looks at him with a stern expression, left hand pressed against his cheek, looked him in his face and responded with a proud laugh.

"Ah ha ha ha! if they would have had my head for the way I talk to you boy, I wouldn't even imagine what they would do to me if they knew what I thought of you... boy" he said with a prideful smile on his face.

The air around them started to heat up, Kari demeanor didn't change he just stared attentively.

Tetso continued "Now... I have told all of your Kings, I have no interest in joining under any of the your flag. As he waved his hand gesturing

(Sfx Air Quoting )

And continue "Of protection, I'm more than enough to protect my little village right here without any help boy".

Now…after hearing that, if you didn't guessed it already then you know now this old man is a badass. After hearing all that, I peeked over to Kari to see his what is reaction would be. Kari's fame boastful smirk went down for a bit, followed by light chuckling as he's sitting down straight in front of the Chief.

Ie Tetsos is by no means a foolish chief he understand the situation, but he's just so use to it by now. Remember what I said about 'Good vs Evil' fighting for power, well with free reign due to no real threats stopping either at the moment…everyone is taking as much territory as they can possibly get.

The continent of O Vráchos was originally splits in six regions Tetsukuzu to the east, Schwarzland to the cold northwest and Leodeus the holy land the largest of the three human territory right in the middle of two. Then there's the demons territory, with the closest to the Schwarzland to the southwest the hot red lands of Aíma Drákou and to the southwest is Tono Gris the great demon capital.

What everyone seems to be fighting over right now happens to be the strong regions of Sizlion. It's like a magical boundary between each regions, it's like a vein of life running through each region on the continents. And it just so happens, it was the original home the King of Monsters. It's called the strong region due to its strong Geomagical Force, which causes unpredictable weather, fixed weather patterns, natural disaster, strange mutation on the plant life and animal in the region.

The strongest area of effect on the continent can be broken up into five sections, to the north you have the Aerlydust mountains ranges the coldest place on the continent. Birthplace of the airhead as well as a place known has the Beautiful Tundra for its, permafrost soil, beautiful glaciers, 'literally a breathtaking' experience. Very few plant life survive there yet, has a surprising amount of Arctic mutated species of manabeast.

Then to the west is the Lacs Hollow Plains also known as The Land of the Dead, nothing for miles upon miles, other than a few withering gray ash oak trees, the air is stagnant, the soil is dry some place muddy, mostly around the Black Ashroot Forest. And it has the mysterious effect of weaken the spirits of those who enter, with zero signs of life to be found sometimes due to it poisonous air vent through the cracks in the dry soil in certain areas. Dark magic seems to seep into the very soil in the area which makes it a zombie hotspot.

To the south is the Mangrove Lake a wetland the closest to Sizlion heart, with mostly swamp home to the most vicious sea life and vegetation. Then to the east is the Gaza Forest that takes up most of the region of Tetsukuzu, there's hardly any information on anything within the forest.

All record there has been silence or kept to a minimum no one that is from the outside, has been able to get a full scope of the forest. And what secret it holds, can only be found out through legends and myths, home to the elves?, fairies and other mythical Beast?. Knowing that they can't just invade the magical region, everyone's focus are on the complete domination of their entire territory. You see even within their territory there are a few villages, and even castles from lesser kingdom that are unclaimed by each Great kingdom.

An independent body where villages have their own home governing system, and while they'll still do trades with major Kingdom. They usually don't need nor ask for the protection of any. For centuries that's how it's always been it their wasn't a need the show power over different territories, but now things have changed for the worse it's either assimilation or destruction. Everyone is growing their military forces by the day, they're getting more and more land.

(I feels like they're getting ready for something big in the near future...but something's not right here). He thought (Why is the Beretta military on Holy Kingdom llam's land even if it's on the outskirts of the Kingdom it's still on leodeus the holy land they're basically waving their flags of war, why go through all of this trouble for this Village).

"I must admit I can understand why you would think that's the case, but things have changed over the years old man" said Kari.

"Really explain how so, boy" Tetso reply, then all of a sudden Kari smile came back and it had a grim stretch to its.

"To put it simply we're not here for your protection, we are here for the village itself and everyone in it."

Tetso jump out of his seat "Boy, what did you just say!", Kari leans the chair over with his right hand on his head and started to laugh hysterically loudly.

"Ha aha aha aaha aaha bet you haven't heard that one in the 60 years of being chief. I bet you were tired of rejecting everyone's offer of protection under their banner, so we... the Beretta kingdom has decided to take this Village off your hands".

( Well this was unexpected, it's obvious he doesn't mean it has a joke. But how did Beretta come up with such a bold idea on another's territory, also by now the Holy Kingdom must have gotten word of this invasion by now why isn't anyone coming).

"Boy... this is Leodeus, what power does the Beretta Kingdom have in this region to make such statement" asked Tetso has he gripped the table between them so hard it broke under his finger.

(Wait the power to allowed this?, but llam does have ) he thought then Kari wipe the tears from his eyes from laughing so hard. And when he got the grin off his face the air got heavier, the house started to creek all over as if their mere presence alone could destroy the building. All over I could feel the animosity filling the air all the way from the other room.