Chapter 21 Yanagi part 2

As if it was predestined he was freed on a solar eclipse which boosts bloodline magic, he was out and about a man on a mission. He made his way, out of the cave, the forest, through the streets slaughtering everyone in his path. Walls, trees, animals, humans nothing could have stopped his approach, as he made a clear walk to the palace. The shogun's samurais even the remaining emperor's concubines we're no match for him in the state he was in. Now having three arms, two to the right one to the left, skin bloody in dark red covered in purple vein over his ripping muscles, two large horn from his forehead, standing over nine feet tall surrounded by a thick auburn colour mist from his breath, that would kill every plant life in his way. After bottling up all of his rage, envy, jealousy, bloodlust while being sealed, the curse was in full effect from his mother he was now an unstoppable force.

The sister hearing of his reign of terror rushed to the palace but it was too late he had already reached the palace, slaughtering his way up the steps to the emperor's throne room. Although once there he was surprised to see that his brother was put to sleep by his wife Yanagi, she knew this day would come. Despise the poisoner's the two warring factions of the ninjas and samurais, She knew they were no more than distractions. And they were all too organized for it to be an outside attack they felt too personal as if it was solely to break down the foundation that emperor left his legacy on. She knew it would have to be the prince upcoming return; knowing her husband's emotions are tied the very fertility of the land, she couldn't have him corrupted by his brother. Has he looked at her and saw her stomach close to giving birth, his rage was immediately pointed towards her and off his brother.

Then just moments away from striking her down, she was saved by the sisters in the nick of time. They tried but failed to restrain him like the last time the curse was in full effect and his bloodline magic and the solar eclipse was at its darkest form. They told Yanagi to run away as fast as possible, he's after her they'll try to keep him occupied as long as possible until the eclipse subsides and he's weakened. But when she was about to make her escape, his third arm managed to pass his two sister to clawed at her leg upon exiting the window. The wound was deep but manageable for her has she kept running, away from the palace out of the capital all the way into the mountains. She went into her hiding cave which she had not seen since she went to the palace to live with her husband.

Her childhood home where she was in enshrine, by the villagers. To rest from our wounds, realizing that the solar eclipse was over; she exhale a sign of relief knowing she had squeezed every ounce of ki she had left just to run away. But just when she thought everything would be settled soon by her stepsisters any moment; without noticing what's already set in stone. This would be her last moments as the deity known as Yanagi. Within a few hours of her laying on the rockbed where she slept has a child trying to rest from the serious wound she's sustained.

A dark pressuring presence became known inside the cave, immediately sending cold shivers through her spine. As she heard the footsteps approach closer, cold sweat started dripping from her skin an indescribable fear she had just recently come to know but to know so well that she could say his name without even looking at who was causing this level of fear from her.

"Amayakasa" she whispered,

"Hmmm… interesting, did you think it would be someone else" he replied standing before her in his human form no less.

With one of the families Imperial Relic an orc tooth spear Naginata, crafted using his mother's essence and bones.

* I know, I know gross right.

"You should really must find a new hiding places, even dear brother could find you here easy He said.

"How can you be here, your sisters",

"Are currently fighting a cheap imitation of me, from my dear second brother's limb no less" he interrupted her and said.

"Flesh clone technique, Niku kurōn gijutsu. To create a clone close to me I needed something that was already close to my level of strength, a perfect distraction to my two sisters, and that cowardly brother of mind has probably ran off in hiding somewhere. Although you have my many thanks, for putting my dear eldest brother to sleep. After exhausting my two sisters with that clone, I can finish them all at once, stop the fighting and take my rightful seat at the throne".

"But there is one thing I would still want first, I always thought you were too perfect for my brother. The way you hide your true mischievous nature around him, he accepts your good side because you've never shown him your bad. Leave the fool come with me, 'Be Mine', I need someone like you beside me, all you have to do is kill that thing in your stomach. He said eyes bloodshot red with an insane smile on his face.

She looked at him and smiled "Me… be yours, are you sane?. Do you honestly think I would betray my emperor to be with you a joker, a complete disgrace of a bastard, who would tear his own family's legacy of peace apart just to get what he wants. You know nothing of loyalty, love, compassion, only greed, envy and hatred. And this child in my stomach has a brighter future of being emperor than you". She proudly proclaim as she slowly took herself up off of the stone to stand".

"Has the wound on her leg that was healing had opened back up the blood running down the rock. He looked at her seeing the fear in her eyes,

Then he hold on his head down and said "I see… well then"

(Sfx Lash!)

With a simple upswing from his blade, he gutted her clean in the middle from the open wound on her inner leg going straight up for her thigh, over the stomach and coming off across her neck. Has her lifeless body was falling mid air back onto the stone bed,

He looked over her blood dripping off his mother's spear and said With a face void of emotions "You know you're wrong about one thing, if everything else was true, if I had what I wanted from the start, I would have never been so crazy".

Has her blood rain down over his head, "But the one thing I wanted didn't choose me, me who just wanted her more, the envy of knowing she belongs to someone else, the rage to know he doesn't deserve her. If I just had that one thing I wouldn't be so greedy now would I". He said to her as she fall to the ground.

(Sfx Flop)

"You should take some fault you know, you managed to fill such an empty hole. All the greed in the world couldn't fill".

Has he turned and left the cave, this day would mark The beginning of everything after the end of this life. As her eyes were slowly closing, Her consciousness fading in and out; but just before she could close it she heard something that manage to left her smiling even has her life ended.

* Okay, okay, Here's the thing what she heard before she died is there and has relevance and I could say it's right now but, It will be so much better if I talk about that later.