Chapter 27 So… what happens now? Part 3

Looking back on the village, as they're greeted by the crowd of villagers gathered around the square. Some with a few lumps on their head some still drowsy from the sleeping spell in the Mist, but more importantly unknown and his two ladies side by side Rizette to the right. And Ulia to the left on their knees as if they're being ready to be lectured by a parent. Which is kind of close to the truth seeing how it's the chief standing over them looking for answers to what just occurred,

"So… how's your ribs" asked unknown with a nervous look on his face.

Trying to see if he can recover his facade of a normal villager. Tetso looks down on him put a smile on his face and replied,

"Uhmm funny you would ask that, cause what would seem to have been a fatal wound just so happens to be completely healed. Only a high-grade full potion could have done such heal. Funniest part about it, I seemed to have been healed by your subordinate over there, so does she carry full potion on her all the time… what was her again your so-called wife".

The reason why he's questioning these events is the fact that, healing potions are not commonly owned by villagers outside of a major Kingdom. Even in this Village they only have a stock of 5 mid potions and that's directly under the Chiefs supervision, that's considered lucky because two of them was given as a gift to stay in the village to the chief by unknown himself. They're only to be granted use for a life-and-death emergency, for the most part if the damages is too great for normal healing. For example the the Chiefs injury there's a 40 percent chance that he still might not have made it with a mid potion due to the high burn of several internal organs.

"Oh, uhmm… really, truly a miracle" unknown nervously replied as he awkwardly turn to the right looking at Rizette, with her then turning her head to the right trying to avoid eye contact with an expressionless face trying to whistle.

"Well you see… what had happened was",

As he bumps Ulia shoulders for assistance she turns, look him in his eyes then blink the show confirmation that she understands the situation and then replied.

"Well our house was blown to smithereens by a bunch of bandits I assume, we were rescued by some kind hearted crusaders. They realize that the bandit's targets was The Village so they left us with a few healing potions, to help the village".

"Yea, yea that's it our house is blown to Smith",

Unknown stops shaking his head in confirmation, turn his head back to her.

"Sm… smithereens?".

"Yes smithereens" she applied a cheerful smile in her reply,

He turns his head back to Rizette but she's still trying to whistle with her head turn. He try not to lose his head, trying to remain cool looks up scratching his head with his left hand.

"It took me one month to build that house, you would think I hadn't told you to protect the damn thing!", He replied out of frustration.

The chief then looks at him and said,

"So are you suggesting these two ladies here have the capability of killing these so-called bandits by them self, or even defending the house as low balling it boy. Then again 'Bandits' while I dont find that hard to believe, I made it a point to build my Village on the Holy Land next to the Naga Forests to the east".

"Which I might add might have had it's fair share of mercenaries, ambitious Kings, even traitors in this Village, can't remember any case of such high class Bandits my memory. Sure we have a few of them down the hill but none serious enough that I cannot handle these two?".

Unknown holds back his head down,

(I need to come up with another excuse).

"Well you see the Crusaders",

"Let's leave that there, You forget I was in the room with you when you stood up to one of the generals of the Beretta Kingdom" Tetso cuts his explanation short.

The villagers starts to mumble amongst each other,

"Beretta Kingdom General?",

"So this was an invasion",

"Impossible how could three people be able to stop an invasion",

"They did say they had help from Crusaders".

The chief made a fake cough to the silence the crowd,

"After seeing what had occurred in my office, It's without a doubt you aren't what you said you are, so I'll ask you kindly who are you people and what is your intention with us boy".

Three of them stood up at the same time, and looked out at the villagers straight to their faces and with a stoic expression on his face he said,

"We are the holy lands heroes, We have heard words of an impending invasion so we took up the mission of protecting you all".

"Ok cut the crap, you forget the general was working with the Holy Kingdom for this invasion in the first place, there's no such as hero that would break their countries goal for their own. Neither would a country make two conflicting missions to invade and to protect and invade the same Village?, who did you think you could fool with that nonsense boy. Honestly it would have made more sense if you called another kingdoms name, although judging on the current times we're in there is no other Kingdom that would help out common Village in another land. That's actually one of the reasons why I didn't delve into questioning you when you said you were from the demon continent. But with that being said, I believe you said you were intending on destroying the village so no one can have it, or was that just the gas up general. So… is there some truth in it. The crowd started to talk amongst themself again, "So wait you're not here to protect us",

"Wait the the chief said the church is in on this",

"That's right they are from the demon capital",

"Could it be they saved our Village from invasion just to invade us instead",

"So there aren't our village heroes their real objective is to kill us instead",

"But wait what about the crusaders from the Holy Land",

"You heard what the chief said that's not true plus don't you remember the the images we saw earlier".

Unknown then looks to the villager who said that, and asked.

"What images?".

(Sfx Horrible whistling)

Rizette's bad whistling then started to get louder as the villagers looked at each other,

The Chiefs sighed and replied "After you threw the general through my house. I collapsed due to loss of blood, It was then that your 'wife' there healed my wounds with the full potion. I was able to regain consciousness only to hear an uproar in the mist from my villagers, I ran out to find some of them sleeping peacefully, some of them knocked out cold. But most surprisingly some of them are cheering the battle that was ensuing outside on a huge glass monitor".


"This dumbass wouldn't",

Rizette whistled louder,

"She couldn't", as unknown shook his head in disbelief.

She then turned her body to the right to walk away. But was immediately grabbed by her collar after torn burnt I hope she had on, pulling on it causes more area to be reveal around her chest so she mediately had to cover her chest as well as your waist with her hands.

"Please, continue chief if you would" he said with veins showing.

Everyone looks awkwardly at each other, Has they try not to look at Rizette. The chief trying to keep a calm demeanor, while it's still trying to take a peek continued.

Well… after making it out of the house and see what happened. Naturally I asked for an explanation that's when your 'daughter' over there explained after appearing out of the Mists, With a few of my strongest Village man dragging on the ground by their robes.

I asked "What was the meaning of this",

She replied "Nothing much just headhunting",

"I Immediately cast my body ironing spell 'lohe ka shareer' seeing her has a hostile. But before I could attack she immediately rephrase her statements".

"Wait…Before you attack take a look",

"She when through their bodys that had been slightly charred, then threw an arm over to me. That's what I noticed they had a 'Lupus insignia' tattooed on, on their chests as well".

She then replied

"I was specifically ordered not to hurt any villagers, but I was also ordered to silence any witnesses that means spies old Tetso".

Unknown immediately looked at Ulia and I asked,

"What has you so talkative today",

"Simple if he had attack me in my current state I would be unable to subdue him it out fatally injuring him".

He didn't notice until then that her horn was showing abit,

"I see… you realized it too, so you're hunting for the spies that explains some of the villagers being knocked out".

"Yes after realizing that we were infested with spies all around us, and that most of my Villagers we're not sure why this little girl was knocking some of them out I had to intervene by helping her smoke them out. We were doing a good job the children were asleep from the spell cast in a mist, and the adults who were strong enough to resist the mist's influence were mostly distracted with your fight against Kari. Everything was going smoothly until we found out that a Beretta Lieutenant, was hiding amongst us the one you seem to have disposed of outside of the Mist. With all of that being said I still have one question for you all".