Chapter 59 The ride from the east part 2

"So what exactly made this cave so special, compared to all the others around the mountains?" Ulia asked.

Tetso looked up at her surprised by her statements, reply to the look would another look of confusion not knowing what she said would be so surprising.

"Even if you haven't been here that long it's funny you would ask that, isn't this the way you came to the Village?… no matter. Take a look at the sides of the entrance of the cave, those are manabeast warding crystals. They line the internal layouts of the cave, supplying it with a decent lighting while also keeping away all monsters of c rank and below".

"That's where the problem is now, normally we would of use this cave to head down the mountain so we wouldn't stumble upon manabeasts on the way. I'm having more than enough trouble keeping everyone safe, as it is. I won't be able to protect them from sneak attacks, and while my men are strong they won't be able to take on any D rank monsters like the steel tooth Diferwolves who are abundance around here".

"Oh so that all" Ulia replied.

Then she started jumping up and down on top of the calash of the carriage, so her voice could be heard at the last carriage.

"Hey ice block, chain link!"

And as soon as she commanded it, out came Rizette zipping through the carriages all the way to the back. Upon landing on the ground behind the last carriage, small trails of glistening ice crystals followed behind her.

She stretch it out both her hands and whispered "Cadenas de hielo" has chains of ice started linking all the carriages together in a straight line,

From her hands, she jumped into the last carriage with Bao inside startling everyone. Everyone in the carriage just looking at her, she looked back at all of them just standing in the carriage.

But with a polite bow pretended like nothing special was going on, she sat down. "That should do it, so man I didn't get to answer what you said before did I about how we got into your village" said Ulia taking in a deep breath.

(Sfx Smash)

Leaps into the air and does a flaming double axe handle on the boulder in front of them, and with raw strength alone broke through the barrier and cleared the way all in one move. The force alone cause burst of water from the waterfall behind them, the water coming back then sprayed up on all the carriage mixing with the dust cloud of the destroy boulders. The Chief just stood there in amazement.

(God damn… I can see what she meant, with raw destructive power like that there's nothing on this mountain that can be seen as a threat. After the smoke at settled Ulia was visibly fixing back her hair, that had gone over face in a slow-motion worthy hair flip she asked "So are you just going to stand there or are we going down a mountain?".

Taking Tetso out of his state of amazement,

"Ahem!… well done, now that the way is clear; making it halfway down the mountain is not going to be any problem".

(It's not a fleeting dream anymore).

"Why halfway?" Ulia asked,

"Simple we'll make it down to Cama Valley down the mountain on this side from there; all you have to do is follow the trail down the hill to the forest. Anyway no time to think about that it's a four hour ride down the mountain the longer we stay the worst our chances are, on making it to Naga before the church catches wind of what happened here".

But while making their way through the dark tunnel cover in dimmed green crystals, Tetso in the front carriage with Ulia taking the lead just sitting back in the carriage lost in thought drifts back to the conversation he had with Lieg in his home, after everything was done with Kari.

(Sfx Glowing, Sizzling)

"Okay chief that should do, remember the Mantra and you should be able to use it for a few minutes at best by your old age that's a miracle".

As Lieg removed his hands over the Chief's back, awakening the fire crest.

"Risks don't out weigh the benefits boy; still I'm impressed, I've never seen a human so proficient in rune-magic not originating from the southeast?" Tetso complemented Lieg while moving around his shoulders.

"Wow, I'm impressed a polite digging, that does not like you chief".

"You're a straight forward person digging for angle really doesn't suit you" said Lieg as he walks around back to face Tetso; back in the seats.

"Well being as old as I am, you'll learn having one approaches isn't always the best; and seeing the bigger picture is always better than being narrow-minded. And now that I'm not letting my emotions take over, I'm still not seeing the bigger picture of… you. You said this was all to get back at someone, but judging by your 'assistance so far' I can't see who would dare to be on your bad side, consider you're actually ruining two major countries plan to take over this land as a 'Payback' for my hospitality. As much as I try to read you I can't tell if you're just insane or just confident enough".

After hearing the Chiefs explanation Lieg sitting in front of him listening earnestly then,

"Ah,aha aha, Let's go with that; either way it does work to my benefit. Cuz at this moment, I'm going to ask for a few things from you. Whenever you fulfill them out of gratitude or fear?; we'll deal with later, I know you're definitely not going to agree with any of them" said Lieg with a tired expression holding out four fingers.

Just has a few hours passed making their way through the dim tunnel, there's a sudden stop jogging Tetso out of his thoughts "What just happened?" He asked as he moves over the curtain to see what was in front of them.

(Sfx Tremble)

And shuddered at the sight of what he was looking at, what was blocking their way was no other than. One of the great Basileus sub breed a full A grade special Manabeast, coiling around blocking the entire tunnel path, a towering 10 meter long, rippling thorn like overlaying scales sharp as the sharpest sword, a four dark purple devil horned serpent with eyes of bloodshot red, Diamond hard fangs oozing purplish poison mist around the tips,

"A… demon, class Abyss… serpent" Tetso mumbled shaking in his boots knowing the terror of this Village devouring monster.

As Ulia looks at this enormous threats and with a loud sigh said to herself,

"Great ... another road blocks".