Chapter 75 Trust me we have bigger issues looming ahead. Part 3

The Raiwalf's then raised it's head for another electrical Roar attack, hovering over its head was a ball filled with web reaching into contact with its face splattered all over its body forming sticky Nets intertwining which each droplets.

"Grève de force art épée"

Seeing this has an opening, holding his sword over his head powerful slash on the ground send a massive wave of force hitting the Raiwalf's side that was already being bombarded by the stone attack. The monster was tipped over Istanbul make sure to anchor the net into the ground,

(Great now that we've subdue it our first priority should be calling back up. Most of the men are still paralyzed and, to the point of losing consciousness).

"Now we can't afford any more slip-ups now-",

"Get the hell out of the way!"

Shouted Istanbul at the last standing guard as while he was distracted giving out orders, all the other guards had blacked out due to the electrical current still flowing through their armor weakening the trap spell. Loosening the mud pit fall that had kept the Raiwalf from fully moving around with in the trap now gone.

Unbenounced to him it had charged up another blasts from its mouth, and within the same breath of Istanbul shouting at him got fired off. It managed to shoot off another blast through the gaps of the net this time a spiral electro ball went straight for the guard frozen in place. And upon getting his armor chest plates hit point blank from the electrical currents, his only thought was.

(Holy Shit… I'm going to… die single?. Istanbul… you better not get a girl while I'm dead!)

Has his life flash before his eyes, he clicked his teeth knowing is only regrets was that he didn't find anyone before his weird coworker.

"You idiot!!",

He heard echoing from a distance upon the electro ball making contact with his armor electrical current went straight to his chest, he briefly imagined himself being completely run through by electrical currents. Blacking in and out with a few seconds apart, but has his body was raised off the floor he realize.

(This hurts… this hurts, why is it getting less painful?)

Has his eyes blurring out of consciousness, realize that between him and the attack was a thin layered of sticky Net stretching out from Istanbul who launched himself using the Net.

(He caught the attack before it could actually fully hit me?),

"First you made me miss my chance to see Lady!",

While he was midair pulled the net back sending it right back at the Raiwalf, the armored gloves on his hands smoking an electrical current that was flowing through it; Hitting the Raiwalf's net surprising the Beast causing it to Sprint up from the side breaking out of the net.

"Then you have the nerve!",

Well still midir launching out another sticky net at the Raiwalf's front leg dragging on it midair pulling himself to that direction rapidly, making the beast get off balance.

"Did you think that you could, just kill all these hardworking border guards if they die I have to do actual work here!!!",

He made a rapid motion holding his blade to side started to spin like a top in the air with the net in the other hand wrapping around his upper torso looking like a spinning top.

"SWORD ART: Rasoir collant",

Has the Raiwalf's shot off a another load right at him slamming into the sticky net covering his spinning blade.

(Sfx Kaboom)

The Nets fluid flew all over in the air, has the Raiwalf try to regain back its footing thinking it was all over; then out of the blast smoke.

"Holy sword art: Coupe-diable"

Has out of the blast smoke came a flash of light, and without noticing Istanbul had cut off the front leg of the Raiwalf while still mid-air.

It howled in pain, has Istanbul was flipping over it trying to land on the ground; but before Istanbul could make safe landing the leg that was cut off and was flipping in the air was caught in the Raiwalf mouth.

Istanbul looked at it in shock, realizing that the Beast was nowhere near finished even after losing a limb while it was still mid-air all he could do was guard himself with his sword in front him expecting a tackle from the beast.

But to his surprise the Raiwalf had other plans for him, the veins all over the body in between the Rippling muscles started to Glow bright blue biting into the Flesh of the front leg caused electrical current to flow back into it. The Beast without missing a Beat threw its neck back with all its might has the leg in its mouth was fully charged with electricity with a few loose bolts sparking out all over the area violently,

"Oh shi-" has it been launched its leg like an electric javelin at Istanbul, he tried to block it with his sword but from the last attack was already breaking from the edge; it shattered like glass of pain in back, hidden behind the blade was informing a cocoon lightning over his body starting from the base of the sword.

(It's not going to make it!)

But it was already too late it had pierce through the small gaps, that we're being filled by a layer upon layer of Net striking him dead center in his chest. Launching him straight into the wall surrounding the training field meters away, Raiwalf stood Victorious three limbed Breeding profusely has electrical current slowly died down from his body blood was visible not only from the wounded side that lost a limb but from all over its body. It fell down to the ground in exhaustion,

"Ha,aha… that explains all that power your newly mutated huh?" A voice suprise the Raiwalf,

He looked over to see who had said it all the way across into the broken wall; was Istanbul laying in a crater like a boss armored that usually has a silver bright Sheen to it, now covered in Smoke and char is armor dented up in multiple places, his helmets shattering from the attack showing his buzz cut shorts braided at the top sand red hair, his droopy orange eyes and unkept beard.

His last failsafe how to work so I couldn't help but laugh a bit the fact that he nearly died, eyes bloodshot from being electrically burned inside out, in multiple places paralyzed, smoke simmering from his blood being boiled a few times over. The Raiwalf's heavy breathing was unable to stop even if it wanted to as it tried getting up off the ground, Istanbul reaching out for his blades broken handle just a few centimeters from his fingers only able to move his pinky, as they both knew anyone that got up first the other would definitely die.

(Sfx low footstep)

Then the both of them could hear a slow pace walking that some how echoed in the distance.