Chapter 81 Do Devil's cry for what they are

"H… Howywee?" Hoku asked, unable to move his head to see if it was her, hoping he was mistaking her voice; as she of all people was the last person, he wanted to see him in this state. But was so glad to hear her voice all the same... but after thinking about it for a few minutes realize what Lieg had done.

Glaring at Lieg confuse and simply pissed off "Y, You… but you said… You son of a",

"Something Wrong here, you're not human right… so why would I have to say that she was still alive?" Lieg commented shutting Hoku up.

"…Well… aren't you going to say sorry for attacking us… or are you going to blame your body for being like that", Hoku clinched his teeth remaining silent.

"So that's not the best way to say sorry, I guess you meant to sink into her flesh with those claws of yours?" Lieg asked.

Hoku was still being silent, angry and frustrated but was so self destructive accepting every word to be true.

"Shut up"

A voice whispered surprising both of them, "Stop hurting him, stop allowing him to get away with saying that about you" Howywee said gripping her right hand on her robe with her lefthand behind her back,

Hoku's senses were still amplified he could hear her voice quivering from the throat to the lips, an almost visible shivering the air around her; she was still afraid that's the true, yet she was still there denying something his own so called comrade and even himself agreed with.

"Hoku… you know" as her walked toward him,

"Stay away from me!" Shouted Hoku turning his head towards her frantically trying to get her to stay away.

Lieg was still there and was about to send his face off her and on to the carriage's floor when, Howywee gripping her dress even more still closed her eyes and signal to Lieg it's ok; as she took a deep breath in, then out opened her eyes and continued

"You've always been this way, when you are in a group everything they say is law; and everything you think is wrong you follow them without question, you've never tried to defend yourself you just accept whatever is thrown at you without a fight and then blame yourself for whatever happens. I know you always been that way but I never would have guessed you would be so far gone that you actually believe all those horrible things said about you to be true?".

"You're not a monster… a coward but not a evil beast" She added.

"I'm not a coward I tried to",

"Try!… try huh, when my father planned my engagement to another villager you stood there and watch where was your trying you smile and did nothing but blame your self in silence. Where was this passion?, if you had fought other's ideas of you as much as you fought yourself you wouldn't have had to be saved by your little sister. Stop running away the peoples who cares for you, just to stay with the ones who hurt you".

While she spoke Hoku's eyes still a bit pale was left shook by her words, the girl who barely shown herself who he believed he could relate with the most in the Village had so much to say about him. Lieg was just in the surrounding, hand over his mouth moving his head left to right slowly close to a meme of a cat in shock.

"Stop letting the people who would call you a curse in your life, when theirs so many people who sees you as the blessing you are. It doesn't matter how you were born as, what matters is what you make out of that life you were given; and if the church calls you out to be a devil, then you just have to prove them and yourself wrong by being you, that and only that is enough for me… got it" Howywee said straight to his face standing over him, not a single motion of fear she'd had earlier lefted. Both Hoku and Lieg were left silence,



"You better listen to your girl" Lieg replied,

"Yea… I, mean she not, my?" Hoku mumbled confused not being able to answer with her eyes still just a few inches apart from his face.

"Ahem… I understand, I understand what you're saying. But before I can start, I want to know what I am devil or not" Hoku explained.

Cleaning out his right ear with his finger, Lieg added.

"Oh that… you're definitely something that is a threat to the church, being said other than that you're just a White Star Dragon one of the most rarest of all the greater celestial dragon god. I think your mother's name was-",

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, you know, I mean you knew who my mom's was all along?" Hoku asked cutting Lieg short.

"Uhmmm, yea I don't know her personally anymore, but that chick is still alive and kicking somewhere in the east I think" Lieg explained,

"Wait what does a threat to the church mean?" Howywee asked.

Hoku wasn't even trying to focus on one topic to a another, his mind was still in the clutter from one thing to another.

"Oh that… it's because your white star dragon bloodline magic is the true that can expose the church for what it is" Lieg vaguely explained.

The two Hoku and Howywee both stared at Lieg in full attention, as he continued to look at them like kids to and good bedtime story and it was kind of irritating him a bit.

(Why are you now able to move weren't you paralyzed before, and you I don't know you who are you in this) Lieg thought.

As moments before he was able to say another word, in came the villagers who were outside; some came to sleep inside while the couple's and children were able to sleep in the tents on the ground. A bright smile appeared on Lieg's face,

"Well look at the time, I'll talk to you about this tomorrow K… bye" as Lieg took his hand off the seat merging into the dark and disappearing from sight. They looked at each other, they face turned red.

"I'm going to Bao's carriage" said Howywee walking out of the carriage quickly holding on to something but Hoku couldn't see what as he replied.

"Yea… Goodnight… goodnight, really?" He mumbled to himself.

Going back to the carriage's front, smiling at the thought of Howywee defending him and went to bed quietly. Then morning came, at the crack of dawn everyone awoke from their slumber. Those who are on watch made their ways inside the carriage to rest, the females who are sore from cooking followed Ulia found herself on top of the carriage, Rizette accompanied her on Bao's carriage.

Lieg was still sleeping in the middle of the carriage floor, went everyone was seated and getting ready to go. Tetso took the lead carriage and they made their way, along the pathway to the Red Reservoir at a steady 35mph.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" Shouted Hoku.