Chapter 87 Look, Learn, and Excel part 3

As Hoku layed on the ground out cold, Lieg said looking over "This brings me back, wish I could learn and sleep after like you" he stooped down beside Hoku placing his hand on Hoku's back.

(Sfx Chimeing)

As a bright blue aura of healing mana covered Hoku's body, with bright blue strings attached to Lieg's hand slowly started swirling around his arms perfectly covering his chest where most of the hit landed.

"Their, all better… and now for the other one" As Lieg had finished his statement, down from the sky to the ground in a burst of flames crystallizing the sand beneath her; without raising her skirts past the knees, landing gently on her toes with such elegance while the flames burned with a bright red calm light; eliciting a level of higher standing within such a simple action.

"Good morning, lovely day isn't it" Lieg commented,

But was meant with silence as the flames burned out cold around her with eyes still closed Ulia asked.

"Wherefore didst i smelleth one of those spitting lizard?". As the overview of the sun cause a shadow over the side of Lieg's face, he stared at her with a stern expression; replied turning from her full view, his head to the opposite of her side as not to show her his face shaking while holding his composure.

"What does that mean, their no space rock lizard here", Ulia replied walking slowly toward Lieg as he continued to block Hoku body unconscious on the ground; as she slowly walked she began sniffing around his shoulders "Then why do you smell like that outer rock dust lizard bitch again?".

As she moved in closer to his face, Lieg then grabs her face and said

"Too close",

As he slapped his hands together to grab Ulia face, it echoed


Upon contact, pushing her away from his face,


She replied mouth covered with her hands on his. She then pulled it off her face and with that her demeanor changed,

"Oww, owwii yo,u hit my nose!"

Ulia said with his hands printed on her face, Lieg realizing that

"Oh, sorry reflex I guess",

Ulia rubbing her face was about to forgive him, but paused and thought about how he said it with a straight voice.

"…And why is that a reflex?",

Lieg looked at her dead in the face and asked

"Really… what'd you expect, when I have to look out for you jumping me, anytime, everywhere",

"Hmph… If you were willingly to get me pregnant I wouldn't have to be doing that would I?"

Ulia replied also with a straight face killing Lieg explanation flat.

Ulia while tapping her feet on the ground asked, "So art we going to maketh babies?",

"No" Lieg replied,

"But why though?" Ulia asked,

"Because I don't want do" Lieg explained,

"Why not, just one… for now" Ulia bargain,

"Don't be one of those lead, be a man and get me pregnant" she added,

"First of all not that type of person Trust me, I can, could, and would, oh and calm down you can't talk human well when you're like this",

"And whose fault is yond, I mean that don't try to break this topic",

"Why the hell would you want with a baby now anyway",

"I have a good reason",

Lieg paused for a sec, raising his right eyebrow surprised by her response "Really… and not the one you Always use",

"… No",

"Ok, then why?",

Ulia replied shrugging her shoulders "To carry my Father's lineage, raising the rightful heir to the throne and to dethrone you pfft why else",

Lieg paused, he wasn't lost for thoughts, or words, just wasn't even able to regain the control to respond.

"…Princess… THAT'S NOT A GOOD REASON AT ALL!!" As they continued arguing. Over to Raga's carriage,

"Obi's still alive but unconscious from losing so much mana, he should be able to move on his own by night fall" Elika explained to the villagers within the carriage.

Raga attending to the front, slowly moving the carriage along the pathway to the holy Kingdom,

"We'll go as far as I can manage, till dusk where we'll rest, by then the kid should wake up".

(Sfx Air Vibrations)


Echoed from nowhere, only being sensed by Raga has he lifted his head up to the sky but all he could see was a dim light halo rainbow around the sun accompanied by a blurry sense of danger.

"I can take over if you need to rest?"Asked Faki,

"Kid that would be great if you know where we're going, but for now… take the wheels" Faki wondered the sudden change in Raga's eyes as he inhales beside him.

"What's going on here?" Asked Rito,

"Oh nothing… could you go inside we may be having a bumpy ride for a few minutes, tell the others. As he softened his inhale with his hands together at his chest making a upside down zero shape, "Oh and kid, get me five weapons around the back of the carriage any cutting edge will do".

As Rito made his way inside the carriage, Raga slowly began speeding up his pace toward the holy Kingdom.

"Mmhhwwmmhhwwmm" Echoed again like a giggling Hymn in the distance from a small child,

"It figures, only scouts huh" Raga muttered,

"Here's two blare axe, one curved fader sword and two light red daggers" Rito came out holding them between his arms giving Raga all of them.

Stopping him with a halts of his left hand, Raga signal to Faki in hand gestures to slow down the carriage quietly he comply slowly began to stop the carriage.

Raga then turn to the carriage's front, looking at the front plains Pai still sleeping on one of the Villager's who was in the carriage lap, Pai ears covered by her hair started twitching a few times; causing her to wake up and she walked towards the carriage's front,

"Elder Uncle" she mumb still having her eyes closed.

"Ssshhh… I know sweetie I know"

Raga replied with his hands on her head patting her gently, then bented the corner suddenly grabbing the axe by the handle responding to an unannounced attack; sending the axe covered in his cyclone mana from his hands, right in the middle of an red sand ghost ant slicing it clean in two sending both half on each side of the carriage landing onto the ground. Faki and Rito were not even aware of the manabeast approach, looking forward while Raga managed to kill it with his back turned.

"What just happened?" Rito asked,

"Where'd that come from?" Faki asked,

"Uncle!" Pai shouted,

"I Know dear" Raga replied as the battle axe handle landed in his hand the blade edges chipped through.

(Tsk… not even back to 60% uh, these weapons are nothing like my creations. Tetso would be laughing at me right now, teaching them my family's techniques would have made a difference right now) Raga thought.

Pai then closed her ears with her hands,

"It's getting louder"

She said as she crouched down to the carriage floor, Faki and Rito faintly sensing the ground everywhere trembling,

(Sfx Skrill!!!)

"Another one" Raga shouted followed by him facing the carriage's front went he saw something that left him shook.

The manabeast class E special group class C, Redsand ghost ant is a Custer type manabeast with a darkened sandred head and thorax, pale gray glowing eyes a single bright red node hidden under abdomen, a white translucent abdomen, legs and antennae 5ft tall 6ft wide they are the most common in the middle of the red patch that any one with a average C rank or more adventurous person to take it down easily.

Killing one or two stouts would have the others running away and they don't attack unless they're near the Queen's nest, but that's not the case with this one.