Chapter 93 Knowing the basics

Everyone turned their attention to him,

"Let me just say for now old bat, let's just work on that working theory that you have there you don't have to trust me hell you don't even have to like me, but at this moment you need me and while our objectives are in line with each other you'll have me".

Their expression change showing concerns, "What's wrong you don't want me to be frank with you all, there is no one on this planet that will do things for free and all you have to do is just follow a few simple rules and and I can promise no harm will be done to anyone in this group".

Everyone stare moved towards Tetso as he exhaled and state "So we'll be under your protection until the journey is done, establishing this now so we don't get dependence while rallying up our pride for us to defend ourselves... quite the manipulator are we all right then you've established the rules we'll will follow your lead".

"No that's what I like to hear but before we go any further there is one thing that we need to get sorted out as soon as possible and that is... the weak links".

"Weak link" one of the villagers asked,

"Yea weak link" Lieg replied sitting on a Rune stone near the Oasis has the all the villagers gathered and sat down in attendance.

"So what are those" another villager asked,

"Weak Link in this situation are liabilities that might cause problem to the promise that I made to keeping all of you alive until our journey ends... you know what with them saying the group is as strong as their weakest link",

"So in this situation what would be the weak link" asked the villagers,

"Oh... well you guys, girls,children all of you really".

Together out of reflex they all replied


"Well judging by what I'm seeing here almost all the hunter getters are on their way to the Holy Kingdom, leaving behind the weaker males that couldn't leave their wives or not being strong enough to bring their wives with them the children and the elders I can't see a bigger group of weak links than this".

One of the villagers that couldn't stand the disrespect got up and shouted

"How dare you", but immediately froze in place has Lieg's gaze paralyzed her to the bone he then whispered "I dare because I can",

No one else tried to prove him wrong, he then clap his hands together to get back their attention

"Let's play a game how many of you have actually traveled on the red patch before",

Two hand were raised,

"Okay how many people know their element types", Three hands were raised,

"How many of you know how to perform basic magic", One hand was raised,

"Now how many of you can successfully create a weapon", all of a sudden over 25 hands were raised,

"There you go now and you're honest opinion how many of you are capable of being proficient in such a weapon of your choosing... capable of Defending yourself... protecting your wife, your husband, your children behind you while you fend off a Manabeast by yourself?, the arms that were proudly raised slowly started to descend reducing and seconds as Lieg continued

"How many of you are willing to sacrifice the lives of another human who is there to protect his wife, his husband and his children out on the battlefield" no hand remained up, everyone was left silence.

"Like I said weak links... but don't get weak links confused with weaklings, you guys are just suffering a lot from a lack of information",

"Information?" They wondered,

"Sure information... information is key for your survival. So before we save another step out into the world the least you're going to need is a basics on information and where you stand in this world".

(Sfx Boom!!)

A loud explosion erupted behind him, as what could be described as a dead tag link was occurring behind this little lecture. As Hoku runs for his life, while Ulia exclaimed

"You have the speed of a that space lizard in the survivability of a roach" While throwing human size molted glass ball made from heated sand at him, barely missing him due to Rizette defending while consecutively running her own assault on both of them.

"Uhmm...what are they doing?" A a young girl from the village asked, "Oh that... training I guess",

"But shouldn't he be informed as well on the lesson you're about to give",

"Hmmm...Nahh he's strong enough so maybe later, now where were we oh yes the basics. And now if you are going to survive you're going to need to know these simple things for surviving the outside world: your place on the food chain, species status, your magic type, level and attributes, your skill and abilities".

A young woman with a short Bob cut blue hair, red tan skin, wearing a yellow side line and brown Millie full length dress hand was raised, "You...Name and question" Lieg spoke as if he was a old wise sage,

"Ngadah Amilly what do you mean by food chain?",

"Oh... Good question young lady, what I meant when I say food chain is what status you have in the world at this current moment you are somewhere between above slave but lower than any noble citizen even lower denizens won't consider you anything more than a hill people wild and savage, that simply means even the common Soldier who have just entered the rank of a squire will not hesitate capitate your head from the Holy Kingdom and the Beretta kingdom is more than willing to lay your body on a spike".

Another hand was raised it was Howywee "What about species and status?", but before Lieg could answer another villager "What are you talking about of course humans are about higher species, that is what the church has taught us",

Everyone faintly shook their head in agreement to that statement. Lieg then asked with a faint smile "Interesting thought process but hear me out, how many of you lovely people right here can take on that half breed over there" how's he raised his right arm using his thumb finger pointing behind him turning their attention to the gruesome battlefield scene that was being played out behind him.

(Sfx Panting)

Hoku covered in blood and glass shards stuck in his arms legs and one is for it, left arm broken covered in frostbite, "What's the matter with you you're auras getting thinner, do I have to throw more insult at you for you to get angry enough to heal" Ulia asked hovering about him.