Knowledge Most Fowl

I kept repeating the conversation in my head. Gifting someone abilities, the more I think about it the more obscured the thought becomes, and even worse the more obsessed I become with the idea. If I were to walk among the masses, if I were normal, and now there was a way to do it.

"Whatcha thinking about,"

"Christa, what would you say if I was normal,"

"You are normal melody,"

"I meant to say what would you think if I had an ability,"

"you would still be my melody, and I would still be your Christa. Nothing would be different," Christa said, nuzzling deeper into my neck.

I planted a kiss on her forehead to find her already asleep. I rested my head on hers, knowing that everything was going to change in the morning.

"Okay Davey, how does this work."

"We still don't know how our powers work, but we have found that those with abilities have higher levels of brainwaves than you and I," he explained.

"So how do we get our brainwaves to the right level Davey,"

"Well my informant sent me something that will boost our brains ability to create brainwaves, thus giving us a better chance at mutating and gaining an ability,"

"Ok, I don't understand most of what you just said, but let's get to it," I said, smiling at him even though I was quivering with fear on the inside,"

I followed him to a side room off of the war room. Davey flipped the light switch to reveal two metallic cylindrical pods. He informed me that the machine before me was tested, but showed no signs of actually giving abilities to someone. I figured I would take my chances, it doesn't hurt to try. He told me that this was going to take a long time, so my best bet as to not freak out was chloroform. I nodded in Acceptance as he placed the mask over my face. I feel fast asleep, staying conscious just enough to hear davey close the pod.

I opened my eyes slowly, blinded by the lights that I had yet to get used to.

"She's alive," Davey said, sitting on the edge of the pod."feel different,"

"I don't think so, I feel the same,"

"It will happen melody, took me four days before I noticed my ability,"

"Wait, it worked for you Davey,"

"Yeah, I can heal myself and others at an amazing rate, I can even grow limbs back," He said, tapping his leg that used to be wood.

"wait, did you say it toke you four days, how long have I been out,"

Christa ran in and smothered me in hugs and kisses before he could answer. I decided that it didn't matter how long I was in there, I was out now.

I rolled over and found christa laying down next to me. she wrapped her legs around my hips, placing her on top of me as she leaned down to kiss me.

"what is this for," I said, a smile stretched from ear to ear.

"melody, you were in that machine for seven days, I've missed you that's all,"

She kissed me again and again, building up speed as she continued. I ran my hands down her sides, sliding the slowly under her shirt. she raised her arms as I slowly pulled it over her head. she smiled as she began to undress herself farther, then begging to undress me. we moved in a perfect rhythm of kissing and hugging, until the curtain to our buck opened.

"Oh God, um Melody, there's a call for you, I'll just tell the to call you back," the man said stammering at the words that could seem to leave his lips.

"well Christa the mood just disappeared, did you see that happening," I said, refusing to let go of her.

"um yeah the mood is pretty shot, and no I didn't see that happening," she said, pressing her body against mine.

We laughed at the thought that she would have seen that, and just let it happen. Christa fell asleep barried in my neck, but I had slept long enough and could no longer feel the need to sleep. I closed my eyes and just cuddled, holding on to the one person I had left.

I woke to Christa shaking me.

"C'mon melody wake up, we gotta go run an errand,"

"I don't wanna, I hate mornings Christa,"

"Melody its 12:24, C'mon get up,"

I reluctantly got up and followed her out of the colony. We headed into the city, winding through the streets, eventually finding our way into a small shopping outlet. Despite being outcast we were hired for all the horrid jobs that others refused to do, which meant that we always had money. Not enough to live a life of leisure, and most of the time we got stiffed on payment. We went into the market, grabbing a cart that we began to fill up with various items. We checked out, beginning our long journey back to the colony. Christa had a slight skip to her walk as she walked circles around me. literally. I still felt my skin tingle, something was off.

"What's wrong, melody,"

"I don't know, but I feel like we are being watched,"

Someone ran past us, stealing Christa's pocket book.

"Shit, melody that had all of the colonies emergency funds in it," christa said, but I already had my heels to the pavement.

I dodged people left and right, keeping my eyes on the thief. He darted into an alley, with me following from behind. I grabbed ahold of his shoulder and threw him to the ground. He jumped back to his feet, and I immediately regretted this decision. I through myself to the right as he fired a blast of red energy from his hand.

"You stupid knave know your place," he said, driving his foot into my ribs.

I coughed up blood, as I struggled to get up. He drove his foot into my ribs again this time sending me crashing into a dumpster. I felt around, my vision blurred as I wrapped my and around a broken piece of pipe, that had a very sharp end. He fired energy behind him flinging himself toward me ready to finish what he had started. I collapsed after feeling the weight of him plunging down onto the pipe. I blacked out as I felt the warm pool that was beginning to collect beneath me.