Lady Nea The Supreme Being

Height: 4'2

Weight: 100 lbs or less

Age: Nearly 3 Eons old

Or just 1 billon years old

Personality: Caring, Considerate, Merciful, Some what conflicted, Benevolent, Curious, Intelligent, Wise, Slightly Egotistical


Nea is the end all be all in this universe. It was here that created all of these organism in her image.

At first she wasn't even a god. She started out as a alien from a unknown world trillions of light years away. Her planet was attacked by muraders and bandits alike killing all of the inhabitants on it. Nea survived and carried her parents on a space ship constantly trying to keep them alive. Each day became harder than the next but she made it worked.

One day while she was on a barren world. She encountered some bandits that killed her parents in cold blood. She went ballistic and beat them all to a pulp. Unbeknownst to her a bomb was ignited in the planets core destroying the planet internally and eventually leaving the world and Nea to their doom.

Within seconds the planet exploded leaving Nea in space and left for dead.

While unconscious Nea was saved by her planets goddess while nearing death.

Nea was healed and eventually trained with gods of other realm. Eons later she came to the thought of creating her own universe. Eventually all went well she began to rule her universe and created Nius and Hexus both realms with multiple gods even came to fruition.

Likes: Her creations, The other gods in different Universes, Plants, Knowledge, Flirting on occasion and getting drunk.

Dislikes: Her son Psion babying her, Sauerkraut, Being pampered, Chess indefinitely, gambling if its not on her terms and being woke up first thing in the morning