The Five Races of Neo

Story: At first there were only four major races. The Huntings. People who lived in small huts and villages and shacks and some possess four arms and multiple blue spots on their body. Shiftings are those who can shape shift and morph to their own will and teleport.They live in in small cities, going to Jascun(School in the Neotic tongue) and living a normal life.

Cryzls are the more prosperous and is believed to he the second oldest race besides the Huntings, they told the ancient city of Crea and as a species possess crystal and rock oriented power. Such as: forming rocks into armor, shooting shards out of their noses and forming crystal swords in case if a limb is severed.

The third race is called the Pariths, here they are mostly anthropomorphic people. Prime examples are bunny girls and boys, Dragon girls and boys along with a minority of Wolf people and the rare fox women. Rumor has it that if one fox women is ever found. She will be treated like royalty. The Pariths share a common belief of loyalty and effort. Most of them are well tone and muscular. The male Dragon people how ever like to demonstrate their power by fighting against their daughters and younger relatives. If the daughter wins she is the strongest. If the son wins. Nothing happens except a literal pat on the back.

Finally the fifth and most unique race. The Ojoo. Here lies the result of Neas influence and Skyra's creation. This race in particular could be a anomaly and defines what it means to truly be alien. The first Ojoo was named Azou. Skyra instantly called this creature her child. Eventually Azou became the leader of the whole entire Ojoo race. Azou was a benevolent ruler and even helped the Ojoo become a offical race. Not only that but the Ojoo gain their own islands and countries.

As for what the Ojoo do. They simply wander and play and frequently try to developed themselves. Each is different than the rest. As for violence they are much smarter than they let on. Azou was in fact the one that taught them how to fight and use their abilities to protect, survive and defend.