Luna Senla Louise Hrotha

Age: 18

Occupation: Goddess in Training,Wanderer and Adventurer.

Species: Part God,Part Ojoo but mostly Dullahan in appearance.

Weight: 115 lbs

Height: 5'2


Luna was born after the events of the takeover of the Ancient God Fafir. Once peace was once again established on Neo and the heavenly realm of Nius and the underworld Hexus, Skyra and Zuma had received a vision from Nea. As Queen of the Gods she claimed this child would be mighty and powerful. So powerful she was the one who unintentionally saved everyone from Fafir's wrath while still being in the womb. Excited the couple told the news to Luna's older sister Azou. Happy they all build a special little training chamber to hone Luna's abilities.

When she was born however she was diagnosed as being blind in both eyes and slightly deft in both ears. Eventually over time as she grew her hearing got better and improved drastically. She once was told by her older sister she looked just like her mom with her bangs over her eyes. This made Luna smile and decided to grow her hair out.

When she was fifteen years old she was called to Nea's Palace and was requested by Fafir himself to show him her incredible power. Without even thinking she send the old god through the wall. All of this happened by just one misstep causing her to slip. Intrigued Nea herself provided Luna a better walking cane than she already had. What Luna didn't know was the cane helped her control her strength. With this new cane Skyra started to train Luna in combat. She lacked focus at first and would mess up often. One day however while training with her father. He noticed something unusual with his daughter's eyes. They were glowing green. Almost as if her sight was appearing. Luna felt a slight sting in her eyes. She stopped and began to cry. For the first time in her life she felt something from her eyes. Even if it was a minor sting for her it was monumental.

Several days later Luna hoped she could see. She figured if she went on several adventures someone along the way can help her reach her goal. Unfortunately when she turned eighteen years old. Skyra found her wandering in the most dangerous part of Neo. A barren city called Dalistad. Only thugs,rapists,pedophiles and other crooks hung out there. Once Skyra appeared they treated her like a queen. Each bowed down before her and called her the Mother of Murderers. Shocked to hear from one of the crooks inside a bar of her mother's many horrible deeds. Luna unlocked a new ability. She smells the air and sense Skyra following her. Angry she confronted her mother about all the horrible deeds. The two argued on the way home.

It ended eventually. But a change happened within Luna. She started to act more arrogant and self righteous. She became rude and disrespectful. She heard of the vison Nea had about her and looked down on everyone who wasn't a god. Her new attitude became so terrible she resulted to being violent when she didn't get her way. Many people were hospitalised because of her actions. This caught the Evil God Fafir's eye. He approached her in a dream and made her a deal. He'd give her the ability to see and all the power she could ever ask for but only if she would kill for him a specific person. Unsure of what to think. Luna awoke at midnight she felt her sister's presence and told her of the dream. Once she felt her mother's presence she told her also and was told to not accept the deal.

Luna wisely thought it over and left her home to find Fafir. Not too long after she felt a horrible and dreadful aura. The Ancient God stood mere inches from her face and smiled. He awaited her answer. A pause. She moved her head upward and denied his claim.

Angered by this. Fafir grabbed the girl by her hair and put a curse on her eyes. For as long as she lived her eyes would turn into blood if she were to ever have anyone mention her name. Shocked she begged Fafir to take away the curse. Of course he had another deal. She would be given sight if she would face him in a duel. The condition was if she wins she gets her sight and he leaves her be. If she loses. She would be made a champion of his forever serving him. Agreeing to those terms. Luna won the duel after being literally tossed into pillars and eaten whole by Fafir's Spirit Dragons. She emerged scarred,bruised and bloodied along with a broken arm. Once her wounds healed Fafir fulfilled his part of the deal. He gave her sight but a different type of sight. A sight to see people's energy and life force. Realizing that is what Fafir meant. Luna went home and was grounded for the damages she caused to so many people. Her mom and her made up and rekindled there relationship.

To this day forward. Luna still focuses on her other senses and is now glad she is blind she considers it a gift. She no longer needs a cane and has even gain a few friends. Not only that but her mother's lewd and perverted nature.

Likes: Being Lewd and modeling in the mirror, taking selfies, Azou,Skyra and her dad Zuma, Her Dragon grandmother Elena and her Aunt Jaxl, Walking in her panties while shes at home, anime and manga, talking to others about being blind, Carving wooden walking sticks when shes bored and being violent.

Dislikes: Her grandmother Umi immensely, Fafir and his deals, Coconuts, Not having a idea of what her body looks like, Loud noises and sand.