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Chapter 13

"What are you doing here?"

My instinct was to run up to him and give him a big hug, but he didn't look like the Hades that I know.

"Ah… B-b-because, the Temple... High Priestess…" I couldn't even muster the words I wanted to say.

The High Priest stood from his seat and went to circle Hades like he was his prey.

I couldn't move an inch, Hades glared at me with unfamiliar eyes.

I've never seen him like this.

"Last time I saw you together, you we're clinging unto your big sister's arms."

"I know all about your misbehavior, Sir Nikolai Abrevi. Since you have abdicated, it's appropriate to call you by your name from now on."

"HAHAHA! Abdicate? That's funny, I never knew you'd be the type to tell Jokes, Hades."

Hades looked at me, I feel guilty all over again for leaving him behind.

"I am here to congratulate Persephone Athanasios as the new High Priestess of the Temple, President Malvado would like to send his regards. He would've love to come visit himself but he has another appointment to attend, the Blue House has invited you over for a dinner party tonight."

He reached out a blue envelope with UF embossed at the opening.

"High Priestess, yoohoo. Speechless?" Nikolai laughed.

A grown ass man acting like a kid just to annoy people.

I opened the envelope and a letter of invitation was indeed written, probably by Harold Malvado himself.

I doubt he had another appointment, he just wanted to mess with me that's why he sent Hades.

Nikolai nodded to Hades, "Ofcourse we'll go, Hades Athanasios."

"You are not invited." Hades barked.

"I will be after the High Priestess makes me his personal bodyguard."

I can't deny him, he has Hitagi and Vilde as hostages. Magus too.

I looked at Hades' eyes, I wanted to scream for help.

But as he looked back at me, I couldn't see a glint of innocence in him.

What did the government do to my brother?

"Magus, you have to come."

"I doubt, the High Priest would allow that."

"I will allow it, and don't call him that anymore. He's not the High Priest, he's just a Priest now."

"I'll just be a distraction."

"Why do I have the feeling you just don't really want to go?"

Nikolai permitted Magus to stay in my quarters, but I know he's listening somewhere like a weirdo.

"It's not a dinner party, Magus. I'm not going there to have fun. Remember the attack on Japan? If I remember correctly, it's in three days. They'll probably tell me something about it tonight, and I also want to see my Mom."

"I'm scared, Kore. That's why I don't want to go."

"What are you afraid of? Nothing stopped you when you left the army base, you know what you were up against when you left. You told me you trusted me or… you're hiding something?"

We arrived at the Blue House, there were a ton of guards but surprisingly, no guests.

"I think we have the time wrong." I commented.

Hades appeared, a bodyguard was accompanying him at his side.

He lead us inside the Blue House and into a private area, he stopped and, "Only the High Priestess can come inside."

Nikolai stood and raised his hands, "Ok, ok."

Hades stopped me for a sec, "Raise your arms."

He checked my robe, and everything else. Hades found the earpiece.

Nikolai opened his hand and Hades dropped the earpiece, "You stay in the receiving area."

I went inside the room, and Malvado was sitting across a round table with food already served.

Mom was standing behind him.

Her eyes widened as she saw me enter.

I let out a sigh, "Thank you for having me."

Her eyes showed concern! She's okay, she's not like Hades. She hasn't been brainwashed or something!

The president stood, "Have a seat."

Hades sat beside me, I looked at him and he was only focusing on the president.

Where are you, Hades? You're here but at the same time, you're not.

"I'm astonished with the message you gave earlier today, never thought you were such a devoted citizen of the United Front."

I smiled and nodded.

"How was Japan? You stayed there for quite awhile. I heard President Makoto was a friend of your Grandfather."

"Japan was good. Had to recuperate my health for sometime, I've always been a sickly child ever since. Didn't know it would be this bad after fully manifesting my powers."

Malvado thought I was in Japan this whole time.

So it's the truth, him not wanting me as the new High Priest.

"Your friend ask your Mother here for help, what a nice boy. Where is that fellow right now?"

"I don't know, he was a classmate. We got separated after arriving at Japan."

He doesn't know about the hijacking on the ship?

Wait, why is he even asking for Magus?

"In three days, Hades will be the next president. We will broadcast the entire renouncing, at the same time, we will send an army towards Japan."

I started eating as he spoke, "That was the plan, but as you're the new High Priestess. The government has to recognize the Temple's decision."

I didn't respond, he continued on, "Japan will concede to continue the 500 years of peace, the world will follow as Japan is the major supplier of technology. If the United Front decides to incite a war and Japan resists, Japan will lose, so the world will too. The other governments wouldn't allow that."

I waited, but he didn't say anything. He was waiting for me.

"Why would the other countries let the United Front do whatever it wants?" It was an obvious question, they're scared. I'm sure they know something about the prophecy Doxa mentioned. United Front having us as the head of the country, they don't know what they're up against.

"The United Front's mission has always been to unite the world as a whole. That's why we are called United Front, because Unity will bring us to a greater future."

"Hades, tell your sister about our plans."

"Primordial Ancestry."

I winced, the pain in my heart was still fresh.

Doxa loved her sister, she didn't want to leave but knowing that Regina would rather die than be a burden to her, she was forced to run.

"I see. You know. Hades didn't have a clue, how did you know about the Primordial Ancestry?"

"My grandma told me when I was about eight years old." That's a lie.

"I see. Speaking of grandma, how is she? She's probably about Hera's age, right?"

Doxa told me about Malvado knowing about the Primordial Ancestry and he's sick adoration for our family.

"I saw her once in Japan, right after I left to go here. We couldn't even say our goodbyes properly."

"Hmmm… Right, so go on Hades. Continue."

I looked at Hades, "Reviving the Primordial Ancestry as the sole authority of the entire world."

I stayed calm, resistance would just be humor to Malvado right now.

"How would you do that, President?"

Malvado laughed, "Are you talking to me, or your brother?"

"What does he mean, Hades?"

"Japan conceding peace is futile, the army will continue on and wreck havoc. That is the only way for the world to bow down. Japan is the entrance to hell."