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Chapter 18

"We have to bring Magus."

Adelfo looked at me, "Did you see how he reacted earlier?"

"Just make him sleep until the war ends, or after sleeping for a day. Just don't make him fight."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Persie." Althaia commented.

"He'll hate me for it, I know. But, I can't let him die here."

I could hear Magus groan outside the tent, "Is he waking up?" I panicked.

"I removed the suppression, go talk to him. We'll wait for you near the outskirts where we came through."

I dragged him somewhere with less soldiers, he was still groaning from the side effects of the suppression.

"Are you okay?" I grasped his arm tightly.

"Ughh-- Kore? Where's Adelfo and Althaia?"

"They went ahead, can we talk Magus?"

He slowly opened his eyes, he looked like he couldn't believe that I was in front of him.

"You can't be here." Magus whispered.

"Still saying that, can you please stop?"

His eyes keep scanning our surroundings.

"You're in danger here, if the other higher ups know, they'll capture you for treason."

"They can't do that, I'm not on Japan's side. I'm Epineo. But that's not why I stayed behind, I want to talk about us.--"

"Come with me, please." I added.

He pulled me and imprisoned me in his embrace, I was caught off guard.

"Kore, I'm Harold Malvado's son. Every time you'll see my face, you'll be reminded of him and I don't want to burden you with that."

I pulled away from him and held his hand, "Let's talk about that after the war, for now just come with me."

I turned around but he wasn't budging, "Magus, please. Don't make it harder as it is."

*Siren wailing*

We looked at each other once again, "Kore, don't join the fight. That's all I ask of you. After the war, I��ll come back. Is that alright?"

He kissed my forehead and we stayed like that for a bit.

I stepped back and, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

After the siren, all the soldiers were to assemble in the front as of plan.

There's no sign of Hades yet, we still don't know if he reported our intrusion.

"I'm not surprised he didn't come." Adelfo commented.

"Shut up."

Althaia nudged my side with her elbow, "You look different, something good happened?"

I almost gave out a smile but it wasn't the appropriate time.

Happiness can wait after we get out of here safe and alive.

Hades' army would march forward to the assigned point, and we have to find our way back to Doxa and the others.

If Doxa's plan works, we'll win this war without casualties.

After arriving at the rendezvous point, everyone suddenly went quite after seeing me.

"Wow, this feels like highschool all over again."

Doxa approached me, "Sorry, we're just uneasy."

"You think I'm calm? After seeing my brother turn to that monster over there, who's ready to slaughter innocent lives for Malvado? What I feel isn't just uneasy, Doxa."

I snapped again.

I heard Doxa sigh, "I'm sorry."

Adelfo intervened, "Hades and his army are approaching."

Everyone stood and scurried towards the meeting point, the Japanese and the other Epineans are already there.

Time here seemed to stop, no people, cars just left sprawled all over the streets, lights from the buildings still lit even with no one inside.

The large monitor above one of the buildings just showed static.

It looked like a scene from a movie.

"I will teleport you where Malvado is, do what you need to do."

I grasped Adelfo's hand tightly.

"Don't let go." He warned.


A loud boom echoed throughout Tokyo, it felt like a shock wave after a huge earthquake struck.

Doxa planted a bomb at the meeting point and it would explode just right before Hades' army arrives, its to separate them from the Japanese army to buy me some time.

I will be the bait, if Hades reports to Malvado, I will have to divert the tyrant's attention elsewhere.

I blinked and when I opened my eyes, I was back at the Blue House.

That tyrant stayed behind and let Hades' do all his shitty deeds.

I was in Malvado's office, he wasn't here.

I have to find him first and try to get Mom out of here.

I noticed too late, the marble floors were cracking below me and a loud crash resonated the Blue House.


Malvado was an earth type user, he was the same type of unique user as Nikolai who could manipulate anything related to his main power.

Concrete, stones, land, and the marble floors of the Blue House.

He could also remove gravity from his body, and thus allows this bastard to fly.


"Stop the attack." I coughed as I grimaced along with the pain I felt from my back.

"And why would I do that?"

"I have seen your death."

Malvado appeared at the entrance of the house where the second floor fell.

He was unnerved.

"I will tell you, if you stop the attack."

"Trickery won't get you anywhere, Persephone."

I leaped out from the rubble and slowly distanced myself from him.

"I'm not bullshitting you, I saw some of my comrades die in my visions, but they escaped death. I will tell you how, if you stop the attack."

He didn't show any reaction, I don't know what to expect.

"You are in no position to negotiate." Malvado warned.

"If you kill me, you'll lose you're only way to keep on living."

"Do you think I care? Hades will follow through with the plan. He's changed, Persephone."

I will have to trust Hades on this one.

"Harold, stop this."

I turned around and Mom was mowing here way through the wreckage.

"Hera, leave. I don't want you to get involved."


"You're just a kid, Persie. Hades too. Don't do this."

The ground vibrated once again, I looked at Malvado and his whole body was glowing.

He was manifesting his powers, "MOM!"

I ran towards her and lunged to escape Malvado's power, my body felt pain but the adrenaline kicked in. I was numb again.

I dragged Mom outside the Blue House, Adelfo should be here any minute.

"Persie, leave. Just wait until the war is over. Sacrifices are inevitable, don't risk yourselves."

"And what Mom? Leave all the innocent to die in my stead? No. Harold Malvado should be stop. I know that he--"

The ground suddenly lifted from below, it felt like a paper was being rolled into a cone.

Mom and I fell and Malvado appeared.

Soil from the ground was slowly being molded into dart like objects on his palm.

I was lying on my back and tried to sit up but the adrenaline wore off.

Pain climbed up my spine and I could feel a familiar sensation, "NO! NO! NO!!! NOT NOW!"


I could hear voices somewhere, I can't see.

Someone's crying.

A man's voice.

"Hera-- Hera, I'm sorry. Wake up."

It was Malvado.


What happened?

The surroundings began to lighten up, I could see Mom's silhouette sprawled on the ground.

Now the blur was gone, Malvado was kneeling in front of my Mom's body.

I didn't know how to react.

All of the emotions I've felt for these past few days, has made my heart numb.

I stepped closer, I realized I was overlooking my visions now instead of being in the body of someone else.

The darts made from the soil, one pierced Mom's chest, and the others we're deep inside her stomach.

There was no emotion, seeing my Mom dead, I don't feel anything.

The surroundings began to blur again, I was back at Japan.

Adelfo was holding my right hand, "I'm sorry, Persephone. Your mom, I was holding her hand for one sec but when I activated the borrowed power, she let go. I couldn't stop the power on manifesting, it was too --"

He was surprised after looking at me for the second time, "Persephone?"

"I know, I saw her in my vision."