Purple Eyes Get You Far

Yuna and Elvin placed their hands up in the air, in an effort to buy time and avoid getting stabbed or shot with an arrow. "Sorry Elvin, looks like my plan was a failure." Yuna said.

"I am about to summon the vines, be ready to run." Elvin said. "Wait, what are they doing?" She said as all of the goblins started kneeling before Yuna. They associated her eyes with that of an upper level demon. In demon society class is everything. Since goblins were near the bottom of the demonic ladder, they knew their place.

"I think they think I am a demon." Yuna said as she lowered her hands. "You goblins, can you speak?" Yuna asked.

One of the goblins came forward. "Yes, my ladyship." The goblin said as he kneeled directly in front of the soaking wet Yuna. "What do we owe the honor of such an auspicious occasion such as a visit of a high one." The goblin said.

"Wow." Yuna said. "I honestly didn't expect you to be so well spoken. I apologize for prejudging you."

"Think nothing of it my ladyship." The goblin answered. "Many of the high ones never interact with the likes of us lower ones. It is a great honor that you have chosen to visit us."

"I was just in the area." Yuna said. "I needed a place to stay for the evening, so I thought I would come check out your village."

"That is fine my ladyship, you are welcome to any dwelling you feel is worthy of your station." The goblin replied. "Allow me to ask, is that elf you have with you for food or pleasure?"

"Elvin here is my friend." Yuna replied quickly. "She is not on the menu."

"Very well your ladyship." The goblin said. "We lower ones understand that the high ones sometimes take on a mortal as a playmate, until they get bored with them. If you grow tired of your playmate while in the village, please consider allowing us to prepare her for you. Elf is a rare delicacy."

"There will be no eating of Elvin." Yuna said forcefully. "I couldn't help but notice that you established your base so close to a human settlement. Are you planning on attacking them?"

"We would never defy the lord's orders." The goblin said. "We lower ones just wish to live our lives."

"I would like to hear you repeat your lord's orders." Yuna said. This was a technique that she had learned in the academy to get intel from an enemy. "I want to make sure that you understand them." She said really embracing her pretend role as a high demon.

"Of course, your ladyship." The goblin said. "I shall repeat the orders right away for you. No demon shall knowingly or willfully attack a human settlement unless provoked. Should you come across lone humans, assume they are hostile. They tend to attack on sight, especially the heroes. It is alright to defend yourself, but never provoke the humans if you have a choice."

"Very good." Yuna said. "And you have no problem with these orders?" Elvin was impressed as she stood there quietly and watched Yuna interact with the goblins. No one had ever been able to just carry a conversation with one before.

"No problem." The goblin said. "We understand that the lord wishes for peace with the humans. Our wish is for the lord to be happy. That is why we built such a large wall around our village. We just want to stay safe from the human's aggression. Many of our villages have been torched directly after we built them. We do not understand why the humans are so aggressive."

"Maybe because you eat them?" Elvin said.

"We only eat them when they attack us." The goblin answered. "We hunt for boar or other animals. Honestly, humans do not taste good. We goblins just have a rule that no meat must go to waste, no matter how bad it tastes."

"I know goblins have attacked human villages." Elvin said. "They have burned them to the ground and killed everyone inside while they slept."

"You are thinking of normal goblins." The goblin said. "We are demonic goblins. Common mistake to make. Normal goblins are green however and we are not. We have intelligence and the ability to build complex structures. We also have the gift of communication. So please do not lump us all in with the same lot."

"So, the regular goblins do not serve the demon lord?" Elvin asked.

"Of course, they have free will." The goblin said. "They are little more than beasts really." The goblin turned his attention to Yuna. "Please allow us to feed you and bathe you, your ladyship. It is the least we can do for you since you have granted us the honor of your presence. We can feel the void emanating off of you. You honor us with your presence."

"Okay, I would be glad to join you for dinner." Yuna said. "I can bathe myself though. My elf friend and I will bathe together with no goblins okay?"

"If that is your wish, my ladyship, then thy will be done." The goblin answered. "May we rise now?"

"Oh right of course." Yuna said. "Please all of you stand, thank you for showing me such reverence. You honor me with your kindness."

"My ladyship, may I just say." The goblin started. "I have heard rumors about the high ones, that aside from the lord himself they were all ruthless and would kill lesser demons rather than look at them. Yet you have treated us with respect. I thank you. I am glad the rumors of the ruthless high ones are unfounded."

"Oh no." Yuna said. "Please be fearful of other high ones, my kindness is exceeding rare."

"So, you are like the lord then." The goblin sighed. "Let us go to the dining all so that we may feast." The goblin began to walk away and motioned for Yuna and Elvin to follow. The other goblins followed behind them. Together they all walked to a large opening where stones were sat as seats. In the center of the opening stood a magnificent fire. Over the fire there spun a boar on a rotisserie. "Please sit, allow us to serve you." The goblin said and the pair of ladies did as instructed.