What is Money

"You can't be serious?!" Yuna said, flabbergasted by the succubi's words. "How can you not know what money is?" She looked to Tyrell, her hands settling on her hips in annoyance. She was certain that Melody was feigning ignorance. Then she frowned in thought, "Wait, do demons not use a form of currency at all?" She asked Tyrell.

"That is correct, my queen," Tyrell said, her wrists crossing at the small of her back. She was prepared to lecture Yuna and addressed the queen with her full attention. "Demons have no need for money. Not when we simply take what we want." She waved a hand disdainfully at Melody, "A lowly succubi, such as this one, would be clueless to the intricacies of human trade."

"So demons do not have an economy at all?" Yuna said intrigued. "You do not trade or barter for anything?"

"We have no need to trade," Tyrell said. "If I want something I take it. If a demon is too weak to take what they need, then they are undeserving."