Eric meets Yuna

   Albert walked into the throne room and closed the door behind him. "So, who is it Albert?" Joe asked as he sat in his throne with his queen standing by his side. 

   "Just some freshly summoned hero, my lord." Albert said. "Goes by the name of Eric, if I am not mistaken."

   Joe rolled his eyes; this was not the first hero to come to his castle. One of the many reasons he sought peace was to end the constant barrage of idiots. "Might as well send him in." Joe sighed.

   "Right away sir." Albert bowed and exited the room. He looked at Eric, who was still waiting patiently. "You may enter, do nothing that will annoy the lord and lady. Show them the respect their station commands."

   "Of course." Eric said as he flicked his hair back and entered the throne room. He walked to the throne before he spoke. "Greetings, demon lord and demon queen. I am the greatest hero, Ferdinando Alexander Eric Alfonse the fifth. You may address me as Eric, to save time."