Knight Commander

   The echoes of the gallops increased as the horses approached. Yuna and Joe stood up to face whatever came their way. Five riders clad in medieval armor stopped abruptly in front of them. The riders looked down at Joe and Yuna and spoke. "You there of strange garments from whence doth thy hail?" The rider said.

   Joe paused unsure of how to proceed, surely the riders would have never heard of his lands. Yuna spoke up before he could find the words. "We come from a distant land, tell me sir knight, where are we now?" She asked.

   "A distant land would explain your strange garments." The knight nodded. "You have entered the lands of his majesty King Oliver, I am Sir Leopold Knight Commander of the Kingdom. Do ye be peasants or nobility?"

   "We are the King and Queen of our lands," Yuna quickly answered, "we have been exiled by a strong foe.��