
two years later I was not attacked again by my illness,and graduated elementary without anyone knowing my friends I have behavior disorder,. but still going to checkup with Doc.Simon at least once a month.

My dad is coming home next month and I can't wait to see him. Choi and my mother also told me we were going to live overseas " CANADA" where my dad worked as an engineer,maybe I'm exited because it's another country and something different to me when it says Canada there are many great doctors there for me.

(a month later..)

the day my dad came home, I asked my mom why didn't talk to dad so much since i was 9 years old ,my mom just told me that your dad is too busy at work so sometimes he loses time with your siblings.

I never asked my mom so much..

7:20PM finally daddy came and hugged us as a family,,. but I noticed him looking at my face and looking at my jawline .. i have a scar over there..I grabbed my scar and told dad why? he said nothing Henry just miss you.

Mom prepared dad for something to eat, my siblings and I were busy with dad's souvenir.

While dad was eating I heard them talk about me.

Dad : Soledad how's Henry?

Mom : His ok! he never attacked again by his sleep walking..

Mom : Salde Why?

Dad : Never and ever any one know about Henry disorder in Canada..

Mom : Why? there's no Problem about that and Henry has no disorder he is normal as per Doc. Simon if we watch him carefully he may never sleepwalk again!

Dad : it can affect my work and our reputation when we get to Canada.

Mom : Your reputation Salde!!! you know what?!

it's only started when Henry fell to the second floor when he was 4 years old and you were the only one he had,since then you'r not close to son Henry!!!

(I saw my father crying and my mom are too Furious.)

Dad : so let's stay in Canada to forget everything and you said Soledad., that Henry was fine??

Mom : Yes OK ok ok.. (crying)

(I surprised what I heard and asked myself they will not treat me anymore. I'm really good?? I fell to the second floor? so many questions came to my mind and why should not know any one about my sleepwalking?)

I went straight to my room and went to bed ..after a few minutes I fell asleep...

when i wake up i'm surprise why i'm here!!?

In the bathroom and i'm wet.. I'm so shocked and why am in bathroom and bathing i'm sleeping? I was shocked when Mom knocked on the door of the comfort room, and I discover that i had not dreaming..... its Sleepwalking!!!!!

Mom : ''Henry why you too early to take a bath'' its 7am in the morning!

Henry : No problem mom ..im ok!! just need to wash my body ( crying)

Mom : OK.. hurry up and get ready for breakfast..

Henry : OK mom thank you...

I ask my self why i have this and i don't know why I'm here, Maybe dad and mom get angry to me if they notice what happens to me.. so I chose to keep quiet and not to tell them.