To Comprehend

When your younger people ask you often, "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" And most children say something like astronaut or firefighter. but what if their dream is something a little different? I'm asking this because in my younger years when people asked me this question I answered something that made no sense to any of the adults in my life. I was born on earth 5025, And whenever someone asked me what I wanted to be instead of the expected answers of, "Robotics engineer, or Hyperspace flight captain." I said, "I wanna Be a blacksmith!" no one of course believed I would do it as it was hard labor and no one did hard labor anymore, yet for every single person that told me I couldn't A little voice in my head said I could.

I'm sure you know what I mean, That stubborn little voice in your head that pops up whenever someone say's you can't do something. The one that says, "Fuck what they think show them you can!" So you do. That's exactly what I did. I was extremely intelligent, One of the highest IQ scores recorded in the 3 centuries. So when I completed my masters at age 16 everyone wanted to hire me. Yet I chose to work as a free lancer. For 4 years that's what I did, soon though I had enough cash to buy a small house with an extremely good ventilation system. Along with all of the materials and tools id need to learn my true trade...Forging.

Centuries later I was recognized as the last living Smith in the universe that used the old practises and yet My craft was better than any robots no matter how accurate they were. Those who had told me I couldn't do it had eaten their words quite quickly...It was sickening how two faced people are. So soon after my birthday on 5525, 500 long years after I was born, I finally had enough of people and my heart stopped. When I died the only thing I could thing was, "Those fucks think they're gonna get my fortune! HAHAHAHA!" When in reality it was going to a young man who id found abandoned about a decade ago. In his early 20's now the lad had stepped upon the rout i had taken. He was destined to master the craft just as I was.

Yet even as I closed my eye's for the final time I felt...Empty. 'Why? I mastered Forging. It was perfected, why then do I feel so...Incomplete?' I wondered as my eyes dropped close. Soon all i felt was the weightless feeling that comes with zero gravity. Yet I knew this was because I was no longer affected by the laws of physics anymore. I was dead...Okay fine if I was to die then that was fine. I sat cross legged and waited for the reaper, guide, whatever you wish to call it that would take me to the next life, or the void. I did not wait long as soon I heard the sounds of bone rattling but upon "opening" my eye's I saw an army of skeletons marched passes wielding stone clubs and wearing hides or nothing at all..

I did not stand, but as they passed soon they started to change. Standing straighter wielding spears. The spears and shields with thicker hide clothing. Then a sword, an axe... Tools were found. The a few with torches and swords. Then I saw the glimier of metal. A dagger shaped from obsidian, a bow, arrows, and that shinny copper sword. soon Everything they wore was made of copper, then bronze, Iron, steel knights on horses, Samurai, Vikings, then came the first rifles. Sailors with their flintlocks and cutlass, English infintree and American minutemen. Chinese cannon crews, and japanese gunners. it kept going through WW1, WW2, WW3, and WW4. bringing about robotic warfare as well as inter planetary warfare. It was beautiful to watch them march ever onwards to whatever battle may come next.

"It seems you respect them for doing what they did, Yet you chose a different path...Why?" Although the voice surprised me I responded anyway, "Because it was never my calling. I have fought. I have killed. That is not what I was meant to do. I took the path I found for myself much like those men/women found their own." The voice spoke once more a few moments later, "You found your path. Followed it to completion and yet are unsatisfied? How can you be so sure that It was your path?" A smile appeared on my face or i felt like one did, "Empty I made feel now but when I forged a blade, or molded a wedding ring for my younger sister it felt like nothing else could ever feel in this world or the next."

Supprising ly laughter echoed throughout the darkness that is the void before the voice spoke once more, "And what if I could give you that feeling back and more? Your youth maybe? A lover? Perhaps I could give you a task in the forge you'd never truly complete? Then what would you do might I ask?" It was my turn to laugh, "My youth was spent well on learning my craft and building up resources to do my craft, Many a lover I could have had non did I take as they were never real. A task I could never truly complete in the forge? That sounds interesting. A challenge to do the impossible once again? Then I'd say thank you for filling the void left in my soul by the lack of a forge."

A being appeared out of the blackness around me smiling. Male or female I have not a clue. But when they spoke I learned their name, "I am Venteral, goddess of the cycle of life death and rebirth. You intrigue me mortal. Men come feeling empty often but non come here willing to continue down that same path once more no matter how hard or easy it may seem. so I have decided to send you to another world completely intact as a favor to another god whos job it is to syphon magic from this reality to keep balance." A flash of light and I was gone...

The goddess stood there for a moment looking into the distant void. "To comprehend so much in a world of nonbelievers and falsities... Interesting indeed." and with out so much as a sound she was gone.