Judging by the way the sunlight had come in, he was in a room facing the east. Though the window was blocked with very opaque plastic, he could still tell when the artificial lights of the night dimmed and real sunlight started to come up.
There were two vents in the room, but both were too high for him to reach. Two security cameras had been installed sloppily in two opposite corners; they too were too high up for him to reach.
The lock on the door had been ripped out, probably in a haste, and replaced with three padlocks.
Even without his super hearing, he could count out the number of locks the person on the other side was unlocking.
Though Paxton had all of this information, he still didn't know where he was. The last thing he remembered was telling Lea and Nora to run and seeing the mysterious rose gold phantom enter the room from a side-door on the third floor. Then a rush of electricity passed through him before he passed out.
Just like the last time, he woke up about ten hours after the fact and had put himself to checking the room for escape routes just like Nora had taught him. Unfortunately they'd never covered a tastefully decorated guest bedroom.
He considered rushing the person who was entering the room, but he had no extra-special physical capabilities without his Noiz, which they'd taken off of him. Instead, he watched as the auburn haired woman who had practically shocked him to death entered the room and sat down on the chair opposite the bed.
"Hello," he said.
"Hello?" she asked. "What do you think this is, a chat between besties?"
"I'm guessing you've kidnapped me," Paxton said, sitting on the bed and crossing his legs. "If anybody has the right to be rude, it's me."
"Look, kid," she said. "We know everything. All we need is for you to tell us what you know."
"What do I need to tell you if you know everything?" he said nervously. Inside he was absolutely terrified of what would happen next, but he noticed something off about the woman's demeanor. It was as if she was as nervous as he was.
There had to be a reason they hadn't taken him to a police station yet. The thought gave him a confidence he never knew he had.
"Are you who she's looking for?" Paxton asked, steadying his voice. "She doesn't think I know, but our browser history is full of missing persons websites."
"Or maybe she's looking for the rose gold phantom," he said, the gears in his head spinning. "Is that who you work for?"
"Woah kid!" the woman said, seeming flustered. She took a deep breath; this time she was the one steadying herself. "I'm the one asking the questions here!"
That was what she said, but even seemed lost for a moment in her own head.
"What rose gold phantom?" she asked finally.
"While you were trying to kill me, she was watching," Paxton explained, not sure if she didn't know or was just playing dumb.
"I wasn't trying to kill you," she said quietly.
"So you do know, about Phantoms," he said, giving himself a mental hi-five.
"Of course I know!" she said. "I told you we know everything!"
"Except about the rose gold phantom," he corrected, pushing his glasses up his nose.
"Except about the-" she started to repeat before catching herself. She huffed angrily before getting up and tossing the plastic bag she'd come in with at him.
"Food," she growled as she slammed the door shut behind her as she left. With absolutely no qualms, Paxton rifled through the bag.
It was all junk food that they could get at any convenience store in the country, except for the Elide Kettle Chips. They were Nora's new favorite snack, and only made at one mom and pop factory in the industrial business district.
At least he could confirm they were still in Paradox City.
"Could you get me some Doodle Cakes?" he shouted after her.