40 - Street Fight//Lea

Without their amazing jumping ability, Lea and Nora had to settle for running.

Whilst they had been arguing, a muscular, masked figure had descended on the main branch of the Lacombe's Creamery. After firing off a few purple blades of light, he'd been confronted by a woman who fought back with yellow lances.

As soon as they'd turned on the news, they'd caught battle in full swing, with residents either fleeing or joining the circle of people that was watching the fight.

Somebody had even set up a shorttag on the social media network theshortof where people could show their support for #teamSword or #teamLance.

Paxton had stayed behind to make more sense of the third quarter of the Mooar Shee, hoping to find a way to seal back what they had all inadvertently unleashed. Still unconvinced, Alejandra had started making lists of what to pack when their plan inevitably failed.

They couldn't get a bus into the centre of the city because the authorities were trying to cordon the area off, but with a bit of clever maneuvering they managed to make it to the Lacombe Creamery.

Both the Byzantine Phantom and his foe moved at breakneck speed, trying to outwit each other at every turn. The new Phantom had a bright yellow color scheme. She wore a feathery long-sleeved mini-dress that had a long train instead of a cape.

Every flashing purple blade the Byzantine Phantom tossed at her was deflected by a spin of a long yellow lance, which his opponent then tossed with all her might at him. Though her will and strength were on full display, it was an uneven fight that was being kept on track by their matched speed.

"She hasn't been a Phantom long," Nora confirmed as they rushed through the crowd. "We have to stop this before he beats her."

"Right!" Lea shouted as they pushed to the front of the crowd. She took a deep breath and shouted.

"Mr. Fo-" she had started to say when a young man's hand jerked her to one side. It was the man who had tricked Paxton into revealing the secret behind the Phantom Transformation; Navy Dempsey.

"We can't have everybody knowing our Mayor is a vigilante, can we?" he whispered, barely audible above the uproarious crowd.

"Why are you doing this?" Lea shouted, making Navy put a finger to his lips. "You have to stop!"

"Why? So you can go back to taking things that don't belong to you?" Navy argued.

"Takes one to know one," Nora shot back. "Sending a SWAT team to do your dirty work?"

"It was necessary," Navy said. "Mr. Foley has a vision, and we need to achieve it."

"The Very Great Thing will make his dreams, and by extension those of Paradox City itself, a reality."

"That's where you're wrong, man," Nora said. Navy looked bemused, but ready to listen.

Then a scream rang out from behind them, followed by a yellow light so bright that the crowd as a whole took a few steps back.

Before Lea turned back to the fight, she already knew what came next. The Byzantine Phantom was holding a large, regal sword over his head and his opponent was laying unconscious on the ground in a pair of Hawaiian-print Bermuda shorts and a green long-sleeved shirt.

"It's Deanney," Lea said in shock.

"Sir!" Navy said. He started to clap loudly, unable to control himself.

The Byzantine Phantom grabbed the yellow Noiz that was around Deanney's neck and snapped the chain off. The rest of the crowd around them remained silent, with the few whispers and murmurs piping up before dying down with no response.

Mr. Foley undid his transformation, smiling widely as the crowd came to life. He pulled his own Noiz from his neck and put it into a cloth bag, the same bag that Nora had kept their extra Noiz in.

It spurred the girls into action; they broke away from Navy and started to run as fast as they could.

"Citizens of Paradox City," Mr. Foley said. "Heed my words; this is the moment when I -we- become unbeatable!"