Chapter 77

Anne felt nervous and scared when someone followed her. She quickly ran to the dorm, and she turned around for a moment while looking behind her when she suddenly collided with something while running.

She was shocked by who she bumped into.

"Jake ???!"

She assured me while still catching her breath.

"Oh, why are you running?" Jake asked worriedly.

She couldn't answer yet, what she just did was she quickly hugged Jake.

Jake was surprised by Anne's sudden hug that seemed nervous and terrified.

"Why? Is there any problem?" Jake asked again as Anne hugged him.

Anne let go of the hug before saying, "Someone was following me earlier in the field."

"What? Where?" Jake asked and he would have walked away, but Anne held him by the arm.

"Don't Jake, let's just go inside." Said Anne.

"But maybe that's the culprit, about the missing students, he needs to be caught." Said Jake.