When I got to class, I was surprised to find it quiet. The girls I ate lunch with hadn't returned. How much time did an average human teenage girl spend in the school's washroom?

Maria was in class. As were those two girls I still didn't know the names of. Maria stood up the moment I stepped into the doorway.

I assumed she wanted her walk to Dino's class before the bell rang, but the way she rushed over, just a tad quickly, alerted me. I quickly scanned the empty classroom for danger and frowned when I noticed those two girls. They were bent down huddled tightly facing away from me. What was that? I didn't know what it make of it.

"Let's go." Maria told me. And I nodded, deciding it's better to forget what I saw.

We walked, arm in arm. Because it's such a long way around the school to "naturally" pass by Dino's class, it felt a bit like a daily quick patrol. I sensed around, enjoying the familiarity of the after lunch streams of students.

Had it only been five days since school started? It felt like longer.

We got back at the bell. I think we were the last two back to class. Most of the girls were in their seats, or their friend's seats talking and putting stuff in their bags or taking them out.

The guys were more all over the place, sitting on tables, swinging their legs, throwing their stuff at one another, or still tossing and kicking the football about in front of the classroom.

Maria slid back into her quiet corner. I returned to my place with my pack.

I heard Henry and Marcus arguing in their seats. Henry called our classroom a shit hole. Marcus insisted that it was more of a hell hole.

Jasmine was reading a magazine, pretending she didn't hear them.

Liam was in front copying something on the board, no doubt a note or reminder from a teacher.

One of the boys tried to wipe off Liam's note, and another one jumped in Liam's defence to shove him off. More boys join the fray, forming a noisy scuffle in front of the classroom.

And then the large boy started to sing loudly and badly, "Salamander! Salamander!"

I didn't quite register it at first, not over the din in our classroom, but after a while, it was hard to ignore, especially since he had made his way to the back where I was and singing right in front of my desk.

Jasmine wasn't reading her magazine anymore. The two guys behind me did nothing to hide their amusement. Nothing at all.

I felt the heat crawling up my face. It was generally very embarrassing to have a large sweaty messy boy jiggling in front of your desk singing the word "Salamander" at you repeatedly.

"If you can't pronounce my name, don't say it." I grounded out at him.

His face flushed a very dark red, his eyes crossed, and he slammed my desk hard.

I shot up at once, "Oh, you so scary when you mad."

"What you say?" The boy threatened.

"You are so fierce, I'm scared." I mimicked a fake whimper.

The guys behind me were laughing so hard. What was so funny? Marcus had fallen off his chair.

I'm waiting for the big guy to take the first swing. I wanted him to hit me so I could hit him back.

A look of uncertainty flickered on his face, and then he said awkwardly, "You, you don't have to be scared. I won't- I won't hurt you."

Now it was my turn to freeze, "What?"

"I was being sarcastic you know." I mumbled as the teacher stepped in.

He looked at me blankly, and then nodded, "Yeah, don't worry. I know."

Then, he thumped his chest with a fist and gave me a look before retreating, lumbering back to his seat.

I sank back into my chair. The teacher pointed to the list of names Liam had copied into the board earlier. These students owe homework. I double check to make sure my name wasn't on the board.

Troy was singing "Terrence and Samantha sitting in a tree..." He was being too loud as usual.

The big guy slammed his hand on the desk hard at that, his face red again.

The teacher sent both boys out of the classroom and then glared back at us until the snickering and hooting subsided, "Take out your textbooks."

"That's Terrence." Marcus growled from behind me, "I don't think he understands the meaning of 'sarcastic'."

"I don't think he understands the meaning of any word longer than two syllabus." Henry added.

I tried to sink deeper into my chair. I think it would be better to forget what happened just now.