I lay on my bed at the end of the day, and for some reason, suddenly remembered the golden eyes.

Was it just this morning that I woke up from that bizarre dream?

Some wolves had prophetic dreams when the time drew near to their first shift. I didn't want to think of it as a prophetic dream because it felt so out of my league. But the dream was so vivid, and had clung to my conciousness for so long, and was so hard to shake off...

Actually, thinking about the dream just before falling asleep might not be the best idea. I didn't really want to see a part two of the dream.

I think of the dream and feel relieved when I found it so faded in my mind, I can barely see any distinction between the faces or clothing of the men in the arena anymore. It was just those golden eyes.

I don't even remember how I came face to face with those eyes.

Golden eyes that swirled into a darker amber. Definitely wolf eyes. Were they my wolf's eyes?

I knew I was watching the dream from these eyes for most part. Who was the man next to me with the long black hair? And why, when he stepped back, I had a distinct impression that we were very similar in height and build?

So I don't think those golden eyes were mine. But then why did I feel like they were the best eyes in the world? Even as the images from my dream faded, the feelings in them remained.

I remembered it, but whose feelings are those? They felt foreign to me... A depth of resolution that I couldn't quite reach. A force of reckoning, that was both arresting and defiant at the same time.

These feelings were the part of the dream that I couldn't wake up from. That something was about to happen.

By now, I've convinced myself that it might really have been a prophetic dream. One that, at this moment of time, I had no plausible interpretation to.

If it was, perhaps it's a good thing I had written it down, because even as I laid in bed thinking about it, I couldn't remember it anymore. Just those eyes, and the feelings that are too heavy to just float away.

I hope my wolf emerges soon. Liam's wolf was out. So that left Marcus, Jasmine, and me. On our pack, it would be just Dean and me. I'm not sure I want to include the three goons at Wednesday's training.

Usually guys have their first shift earlier. Many of the shifts would occur in warmer weather. Spring was coming early this year. It's only the first week of January, but the snow had melted off this week and it was getting warmer.

The weather is acting strangely again. It's been like that for a few years now. No one knew what to make of it. The human weathermen talk about climate changes, but we wolves think that unless the climate changes affect the magic in the air, there was something else going on.

We all think that something else was going on specifically in the warlock lands. But that's purely speculation... And I'm drifting off topic... I don't remember what I was saying...

Oh yeah, Wolfie, hurry up. Since my first shift is inevitable, I supose it's best to just get it over with.

Don't rush me.

Huh? What?

I'm almost asleep now. It's been a long day. I wonder why I had worried I wouldn't have much to write about today.

From Liam's first shift to lunch with the girls and then catching Aladdin red handed, well more like red fanged... And meeting the three upperclassman in the train ride home, and breaking up with Madison. The last one was still feeling a little sore.

But I'm okay. I heal fast. I can take it. I can take a lot of things.

Tomorrow, I wonder if my diary entry would be shorter.

There's no school, but I have Lycan Study Group with Jessica and Dean (I should ask Dean for my jacket back), and after that I'm going to Gate City to shop a bit with Savy. I need to buy stuff to organise my locker and Savy said there's a sale on fitness apparel at her favourite shop. Knowing us, we'll just end up coming home with a lot of random other things. Oh, I needed to buy air clay for art next week. The rest of the day would be spent completing school work. That's my tomorrow all planned out in a single paragraph.

Goddess, I hope I don't have any more dreams about golden eyes.

Oh why can't I have those really token prophetic dreams?

Common prophetic dreams you could get before your first shift (according to general hearsay).

Can you interprete them?

I was running in a forest and then suddenly I saw a wolf (insert description of fur colour), then he looked at me (insert description of eye colour.)= Congrats! You just saw your mate (in wolf form)

I was running in a forest and suddenly I saw a man (insert description of naked man here), then I looked up (insert description of eye colour). = You super lucky! You saw your mate in human form. In the nude no less!

I was running in a forest in my wolf form. I stopped at a pool for a drink and saw my reflection. (Insert description of fur and eyes here)= That's you girl! Well, at least it's your wolf.

Usually these dreams took place running in a forest and that's usually a good sign. It meant you're where you should be. But there were also dreams where you see a lot of blood or fire. Either one or both of these everywhere was a bad sign.

In my dream last night, I was not running. There was no forest. And I didn't see just one attractive man... But they were all dressed so don't let your imagination go crazy now.

But there was also no blood or fire... Which was why I really don't want to see a part two to the dream.

What were the chances that after giving his speech, I would be running in a forest and stopping to look at my reflection or meet my mate?

What were the chances that this meeting in the arena will end up with something to do with blood/fire everywhere?

I thought so too.

I remembered the golden eyes again. Well, at least I saw eyes.

I wondered if boys had prophetic dreams before they shift? I usually heard these stories from the various women who dropped by and visited my mum to chat, so they were mostly accounts of their own dreams.

I learned a lot about life from the conversations that flowed out from over living room at teatime.

Sometimes I think dad should give it a listen. Then he would know stuff like how most of the pack thoight of me as their future Luna and were expecting me to stop warrior training once I've shifted.

Most girls stopped training after they shift. They got strong enough to survive the shift and they had learned some basics in using their wolf powers. Enough for day to day life in a pack and a bit of self defence.

That's how Dad planned the syllabus. After we shifted, the training got tougher. Only the females who seriously wanted to be warriors continue.

It was compulsory for male wolves to complete the training till they reach 18 so that if needed, every male in our pack has some fighting and defence ability.

After 18, only warriors and elite warriors would require mandatory weekly training on top of their daily training and duties. Not exactly a future Luna route.

Between the sounds of clinking of cups and whispers of gossip, there was always a lesson to learn or a gem of information.

If I were really a future Luna, I probably needed to learn how to have afternoon tea parties. Where do they train you for that?