Savy was sitting on my bed when I got out of the shower. She was flipping through my diary.


She closed the book and plopped it back on top of my pillow. But her expression held zero apology.

"That's my diary!" I grabbed it and stuffed it under my pillow. Great, now she'll know where to look. I'll have to find another place to keep it.

"I didn't read anything...much." Savy was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"What did you read?" I growled at her.

"Just a lot of spelling and grammatical errors." Savy cackled.

Was she laughing at me? Grrr... I threw my towel at her face. She pulled it off and I could see how it hadn't wiped off her smirk one bit.

Yes, please allow me to introduce my little sister Savy, again.

She was a year younger than me and had been my best friend since the day she was born.

Savy was also my number one partner in crime. But for some reason, even though we both got into trouble together, I always took the rep for it.

For coloring in some of the hand painted replica books in my dad's study?

For sneaking out at night to catch fireflies and being caught by the patrol warriors?

For flooding the entire second floor balcony one summer to build a swimming pool?

For flooding the same second floor balcony one winter to build an ice rink?

For secretly saving up our allowance for two guinea pigs to secretly raise in our shared wardrobe?

I was never alone. She always doubled my fun. But whenever we got caught, my dad would bellow "SAMANTHA!" Never "Savannah". Because although I was a only a year older, my dad thinks I should've known better.

And because I also got in trouble when I was with Dean uncountable times too...

For trying to catch fish in the river and coming home drenched.

For eating all the pineapples at a pack party on a dare.

For putting blusher on Dean till his face looked like a red tomato.

For spraying whipped cream in Flynn and Hank's shoes.

You get the idea.

Meanwhile Savy's personal record was sparkling clean. She only got in trouble at home (with me).

Also, I suspect it's because Savy looked like a beautiful princess doll. Soft light brown hair that curled naturally at the ends, fair skin, and an angelic smile complete with rosebud lips and dimples.

What kind of man would yell at a tiny little girl angel?

The tiny little girl angel on my bed, that everyone used to call "the little Sam". I put my Lycan notes and shopping list into my favorite denim sling bag.

"So, what's up?" I asked her. I don't usually see Savy till I reach the breakfast table.

I find my wallet, make sure there was money in it, and stuck that into my bag too.

"I think I had a prophetic dream last night."

I paused, more like froze. OMG what if the goddess had once again messed up, and last night's dream was Savy's? And for some reason I messed it up for her and the bloody golden eyes was actually supposed to be her mate?

"It might not have been!" Savy tried to backtrack, "I mean, I'm not even 15 yet!"

"Well, I think," I tried to choose my words carefully, "if you suspect it is a prophetic dream, you should write it down. Some people get dreams as early as a year before they shift. That's normal too, but you'd want to be able to remember it when you shift since it's probably something important."

Wow, I'm good. I wish I had good advice for myself like that.

Savy nodded, "Yeah, you're right Sam. Thanks. I'll write it down somewhere."

"What did you dream?" I asked her, trying to sound casual. Please don't let it have golden eyes or blood, I mean mud.

"I was running in a forest." Savy told me.

I nodded. Haven't we all? But I kept my sarcastic comments to myself and asked instead, "Were you a wolf or human?"

Savy's eyes widened, "Oh, but I was human. It would have been nice to see my wolf."

Yeah. That's what I thought too.

"I ran till I reached a dark lake. I saw the reflection of the moon in it. And then I turned around when I heard footsteps. I thought it was you."

"Wait WHA-?"

Savy laughed a bit nervously, "I didn't know it was a prophetic dream then. I thought it was just a normal dream."

"Oh, okay. So you normally dream of me?" I teased.

Savy huffed, "Anyway, I turned around and it was a boy."

"Okay, but what were you expecting? A merman?"

Savy huffed again, "I'm not stupid."

Hahaha, yeah, I'm the only stupid who had actually considered that a possibility.

"But Sam..." Every time Savy says "but Sam", it meant there was a problem.

"I think..." Savy seemed to find it hard to say the words aloud, "I think he was just a human."

Oh. My mouth formed soundlessly.

"It might have been just a random dream." Savy reminded us quickly.

"Yeah." I said. A human. Savy got a wildcard.

"Was he good looking?" I'm sorry, it just came out from my mouth.

"Saaaam!!!" Savy protested loudly, and then almost in a whisper, "Yeah."

I raised my brow. "Okay." I decided, "You can keep him if you like. But if he makes you cry, I will squish him into a ball and kick him out myself."

"I've never met a human boy before... I heard they were weak." Savy admitted.

I, on the other hand, sometimes felt I've met enough of them for a lifetime. They were weak... They're stupid too. But I didn't say it out loud.

"Do you think I should continue warrior training after I shift... You know, in case I need to protect him." Savy mumbled.

Wow, for a just a random (and not prophetic) dream, Savy seemed to be giving it long term consideration.

"Do what you want." I told her. It's not like dad would say no to her either, "But I'm strong enough to protect the both of you, so as long as you still think he's good looking, I'll protect your mate too."

Savy cackled softly at that, "Thanks Sam."

"And Sam?" Savy asked just as we were leaving the room, "Don't tell anyone okay? Especially not about him being human."

I shrugged, "Yeah okay, but maybe you might want to tell mum, so she knows to expect your shift sooner."

"It might be just a random dream." Savy repeated.

I nodded, "Yeah."

And we went downstairs for breakfast. Savy seemed her usual self, helping mum set the breakfast table and making the toast. I sat down and let Savy help me peel the eggshells off my hard boiled eggs. She liked doing it, so I just let her.

Mum was busy putting breakfast on the table. Dad was drinking his coffee, reaching out to touch mum every time she came near... He's in a good mood.

"I'll be home with your mum today." Dad announced, explaining his good mood.

Savy and I exchanged looks, and I gave dad a cheeky grin, "Noted. Savy and I won't come home till dinner."

"Sam!" My mum looked slightly mortified.

Savy was cackling.

"What?" I gave my mum the most innocent look I can muster.

"Ah," my mum looked embarrassed, "you girls can come home whenever you like."

"Just make sure you text first." Dad growled. He passed us the extra mobile phone.

Yay phone!You'd think I'll get my own phone by now, since I'm practically a teenager, the alpha's daughter, and have to go to school away from pack lands, but no...

Dad said that we get phones only after we shift because it's a lot of responsibility and he didn't want his daughters to be glued to a screen all day.

I don't know anyone my age who personally agreed with my dad on this, but he's the Alpha. And I don't know anyone who would want to argue otherwise. Not to his face anyway.

Well, besides me. Actually, Dad's minimum phone ownership age was 18! You won't believe how long I negotiated before it dropped down to what it is today.

But because sometimes it was more convenient, we had an extra phone that Savy or I could use when we did need it. Like today, because while my dad won't care that we catch them ah, being loving to each other, my mum's really shy about it.

So thanks to my mum, Savy and I were never exposed to the more mortifying scenarios that our pack friends had the misfortune of witnessing in their own homes.

Anyway, we left to the pack house for our Saturday Lycan Study Groups. There were classes for all school going pups every Saturday morning. It taught us Lycan history, geography, ancient script, customs, magic, mates, etc.

Its fun. Unlike school, I actually enjoyed Lycan Studies. The teachers didn't yell, my friends were all there. And the pack house dining hall provided a nice buffet breakfast and lunch all for free. Well, there was a buffet at every meal for pack members who wanted some, but on Saturdays, I guess because most of the kids ate there, the menu was more "youth oriented".

I had to give Gamma Harry props for this. He had insisted, really. So that the pups would come early for lessons and would stay after lessons for the good food and build strong bonds within the pack. That was the grown up reason.

And it worked just as the grown ups had hoped. Not that any kid in his right mind, or werewolf appetite would complain.

Savy and I came early every Saturday, and even though we just had breakfast, we went for a second breakfast of chocolate muffins and banana milk.

Even Dean was early on Saturdays, but I know it's only because his dad drove the family over. Dean's mum, Florence taught dance on Saturday morning at the pack house studio. So his dad would send her, and his three kids over to the pack house... On time.

Heh, I didn't realize how happy I was to see my pack friends till we walked over to our usual table where they had left our usual seats opened for us.

Yeah, it's good to be back with my pack.