I followed my mum and dad down the stairs. The Lorent warriors stood at attention, but sometimes their eyes would wander. I heard a growl, and turned around to see it coming from my dad. He tugged my arm so that I would walk behind him with my mum.

Seriously? My dad had never put me behind him before. I saw Beta Lucas smirk at that, like he was amused. Gamma Harry didn't seem to notice. He was rushing out front, shouting at the Lorent men to get moving.

All the men Gamma shouted at had looked similarly offended, but they saw their Alpha approach and simply moved to their positions.

Alpha James and Luna Edith said their goodbyes to us again.

Luna Edith was teary but smiling, "I hope my son will come home soon." She said to me.

Alpha James shook my hand and then passed my hand to Luna Edith, who grasped it to shake with both hands in parting.

Dad, Mum, Beta Lucas, Gamma Harry and I watched as the Lorrent warriors escorted their Alpha and Luna into the car, and then they were off. The train of white Mercedes Benz, trailing off down the road and out of sight.

Once they were gone, I pulled off the heels and groaned, "My feet are dying!"

The adults looked at me and then it was Beta Lucas who spoke, "Sam..."

He was interrupted by a mind link. Dad and Gamma Harry had the same expression, then Dad put a arm around Mum and leant in for a quick kiss, "Rogues skirting our border, I won't be back for dinner."

And they were gone, leaving mum and I on the porch. I took mum's arm and we headed back. I could feel my mum's distress and disappointment. Every time my dad had to leave to handle rogues, my mum would be like this. I just gave her space.

I walked silently with mum, bare feet all the way home, and then I went upstairs to change out of mountain princess gear and into more practical clothes, more normal Sam gear. I've got training tonight. I put on a pair of black yoga pants, a sports bra, and a loose grey t-shirt with highlighter orange stripes.

I packed my school bag for tomorrow. Remembering to put Krystal's black scrungee into my bag to return and went downstairs for dinner.

Mum made tuna sandwiches and canned mushroom soup. It was yummy though and sandwiches were my favorite food besides hamburgers, which arguably was just a round sandwich... So you get the idea. I took out the sandwich I made at school to share too. Savy made Tiramisu, but it wouldn't be ready till tomorrow.

She hadn't factored in the chilling time when she decided to make it. Oh well.

Never leave to do tomorrow what you can do today, unless it's eating under-chilled Tiramisu.

My stomach said one under-chilled Tiramisu in the hand today was better than 2 perfect Tiramisus tomorrow.

My brain said those who lived for the stomach were slaves to the stomach.

My Wolfie said "Shut up".

Wolfie was on alert (and frankly rather high strung) since the Rogue presence at our border was announced. She was not in the mood for my internal prater. Usually it hung out at the back of my conscious, or completely out of it. But tonight Wolfie was pretty active and forefront. This wasn't the first time there were rogues at our border, but it was the first time in a while since my dad missed dinner because of it.

There were two parts of being an Aalpha. The everyday part where you grind at your desk to make sure the bills get paid and everyone's daily life gets better, and the occasional part where you pound out into a battle and literally fight tooth and nail for your pack to be able to sleep safely at night.

Maybe when I've shifted, I could help my dad with the second part. Then he won't have to miss dinner with mum, and she won't miss him or have to worry about him.

~Rogues on my land

What? When did you have land Wolfie?

~My land

Stupid Wolfie being Alpha territorial again.

My mum sighed at dinner, "What happened at school today?"

I looked up from my reverie, "What made you think something happened?"

"I am just guessing that something must have happened for you to reach home so late when you knew the meeting was today." Mum said.

"She came home in just her gym attire!" Savy chipped in.

"What did you do, Sam?" My mum gasped.

"Nothing." I answered, "Why is it that it had to be me who did something? Just out of curiosity, what do you think I did?"

My mum sighed and pressed her lips together to stop herself from answering. I felt my grin widen. Hahaha. My mum had quite an imagination sometimes. I let her think her worst for a moment.

"I got caught in the rain on the way to school." I admitted at last, "And I stayed back for archery club selections."

"Oh!" Savy's eyes lit up, "Did you get in?"

"I dunno. But I got to shoot a bow an arrow."

"Did you like it?" Asked Savy, "Next year, I want to join the archery club too."

"Really? Why?" And why was it that even my little sister had long known what she wanted to do when I hadn't the faintest clue?

"Well, it's cool. A lot of cool people use a bow and arrow." She said.

I nodded. I also fully understood that by cool people, she was referring to fictional characters.

But it'll be fun to have a hobby together.

Actually, it would be even more fun if we could run together too. Hint hint Wolfie.

Oh where or where has my little wolf gone? Oh where oh where can it be?

I thought Wolfie was ignoring me as usual, but then she spoke.

~ Deltas approaching.

Eh what?

I stood up from the table, and headed toward the front door. Now that I thought about it, I don't know how I knew to use the front door and not the back one which was closer to me. I guess I was just reacting by instinct.

"What is it Sam?" Mum asked.

"Someone at the..." Ding dong. Our door bell chimed.

"Who could it be?" Mum asked.

"My Deltas" I said. I had responded to mum by instinct too, and the words were out before I even knew it.

I frowned, Wolfie's deltas? Since when did we have Deltas? I swung open the door for them.

"Sam, check the viewfinder first!" My mum gasped from behind me.

Savy popped out next to her to see who it was.

"Luna, good evening." Said Flynn. He gave me a sharp look, "Sam, don't open the door without checking. It's dangerous."

"My wolf recognized you." I shrugged.

Hank shut the door and locked and bolted it.

Flynn turned to my mum, "If you don't mind Luna, we will stay here till it's time for training session. Alpha will be back before then."

So they were sent here under orders.

My mum nodded, "I'll cook dinner. Would you boys like some."

Flynn and Hank nodded, but Flynn said, "We don't want to be trouble Luna, one of us could drop by at the pack kitchen to collect our meals."

My mum smiled, "it's fine, just sit down and I'll get dinner started."

"Yeah, just stay." I told them, "My mum offered, so just say yes."

I plopped down on the first sofa. I pointed Flynn and Hank down on another and they sat. My Deltas? These two? Weren't they going to be my dad's Deltas? We had positions opened. I knew that. At any rate, it was obvious that Flynn and Hank stood out from their peers.

My Deltas? I hardly think they'd agree!

In fact, I felt quite sure that given a choice, they'd choose to follow my dad. Heck, I would choose to follow my dad.

Savy decided to go help mum in the kitchen.

~ Rogues are near.

I felt the hair on the back of my neck crawl. On second thoughts, maybe we shouldn't be hosting an impromptu dinner party.

"Mum!" I yelled, "Savy!"

Mum was quick to reenter the living room, she looked from me to the two older male wolves, her eyes panicked then confused.

The two looked just as confuse.

I paused, how near are the rogues? Do they have our home in sight?

How near Wolfie?

I sighed. Of course Wolfie would choose to not reply. Stupid Wolfie.

(Yes, I know, Wolfie is also me. It's really stupid to call Wolfie stupid. I'm aware.)

"Turn off the lights, and lock everything." I said.

"What?" Mum said.

"Go!" I said. And Flynn and Hank started moving.

I told mum and Savy, "Let's pretend there is no one home. Savy and I will take upstairs. Mum finish up in the kitchen. Flynn and Hank will help secure the first floor."

So we did...

"Why are we doing this Sam?" Flynn asked when we regrouped moments later in the living room. Mum produced more tuna sandwiches. I think the smell was going to mark us.

{Rogues are near.}

You said that Wolfie, like just now.

"Had your wolves ever warned you, like that rogues are near?" I asked Flynn and Hank.

Flynn stopped at that, Hank asked, "How near?"

"I can't tell..." I admitted, "Do wolves answer in KM or miles?" I added in jest. No one laughed.

I remembered Marlow's low growl, "You're not funny, princess." His was the voice that others were too polite to say.

"Wolfie said "near". Twice, now." I said.

"Ah, you need to feel your wolves' urgency and understanding of space and time." Flynn started.

"But she hasn't shifted yet," Hank reminded him.

"Running with your wolf a lot will help." Flynn advised irregardless.

{Rogues are near.}

How near Wolfie? Near enough to smell our tuna?

{Rogues are near.}

{Rogues are near.}

"Rogues..." Flynn breathed out.

"Are near?" I offered helpfully, "Did your wolf sense them too?" (Mine sense them first though. I win.)

My mum looked alarmed. She had an arm around Savy and was reaching out for me.

We heard a truck, two trucks. By the way we all jumped at the same time, we all heard it together.

"Morning Light Teens." Flynn growled. Hank moved forward to the door. Better get them out of the open.

We could hide here and pretend we were not at home, or we could follow Hank to the training hall, and take mum with us.

The rogues were more likely to target a lit pack house than the unlit alpha's house next door. But when I thought of the the Morning Light future beta and the older teen warriors in training and remembered how they were well disciplined fighters, it felt definitely safer to hole up with them.

"Let's all go over to the training hall." I decided.

Flynn nodded. He was mind linking the rest of whoever needed to know, I guess.

"Come on mum." I took mum's arm. Savy came to my side. And we all made out way out the front door, "Let's look casual."

"Why is it, that mum and I are both shifted, but I feel like you're the one protecting us Sam?" Savy asked me softly.

I leaned against her shoulder, "I'm strong. I will protect you."

"Alpha said to take all of you to the pack house. He is on his way." Flynn told us finally.

Which was what we were just about to do anyway. But it reassured me a great deal. We were doing the right thing, and Dad was coming. Right now, would be a really good time for Daddy KingKong to show up.

{Rogues are near.}

Seriously? Seriously Wolfie? How near or far is near? But Flynn looked calm enough to lead us out at a casual pace and I think, while he was obviously on alert, they could not be that near.

Wolfie, don't say they are near unless they are really near. I sulked.