It's late, I almost expected the next whistle to be for dismissal, but Hank sent us out for our run.

"Alright! Guys stay, ladies first! From the side porch, get shifted girls. The guys will be up in 10." Hank barked out at us.

I left with the girls.

Savy automatically slipped next to me. It was somewhat comforting to have her near again.

"So... What did I miss?" I asked aloud with my usual grin.

"The hotness of the guys pretty much co-related to their ranking." Savy informed me.

"Then I'm the hottest guy!" I boasted. Hahaha.

"You're not counted." Savy told me annoyed.

I heard Lola's musical laughter.

"What did the guys say?" Asked Jessica.

"Nothing." I complained, "I was bored to death."

"Should have stayed with us, huh?" Marissa joked.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't get to go all out when we fight." I said honestly.

"Yeah, what was that anyway?" Marissa asked, "Man, you were scary."

"Thank you." I grinned.

Lola laughed again and then she said more seriously, "But that was a merging technique right? I've never seen anyone use it so fast before. Not even my uncle Endo."

I shrugged, "I just wanted to try it."

"Next time try going for his pants." Marissa advised.

"Mari! No! Don't corrupt Sam like that." Lola scolded.

Marissa laughed, "Come on. It's the innocent looking ones who are the most perverted."

We all looked at Savy. She smiled angelically at us, but said nothing.

I shook my head. Not way! But I had never talked with Marissa like this before. Hahaha. She was really cool and her jokes were different from the ones girls usually tell.

Maybe because she seemed close to Lola, that's why she opened up more tonight. Just like how Savy and I were always louder together.

We split up to undress and shift. I was pretty fast... And was first out in the clearing. My dark wolf lurked by the porch. I had meant to pounce on Hank and scare him, but some other guys started coming out first. Their eyes darting around, "Where are the girls?"


They jumped. Hahaha. "Alpha!"

By which they meant Dad. Hahahaha.

Nope, guess again. I stepped up on the porch. By now, mate and the betas and Hank had stepped forward. Mate touched the fur on my head.

{Mate mate mate! I love mate!}

How embaressing. Wolfie was in a good mood. It was time to run.

{So fun!}

"Looks like the girls are all out." Ki said from Mate's side.

"It's late. I need a quick run. Get shifted and keep your mind link open. Listen out for you Beta's commands. Stay in formation." Mate started bossing everyone out of nowhere.

"You heard your Luna, move!" Hank yelled. To Rebel, he said, "I'll wait here. Harvey knows the route. I'll leave the run to you Luna."

Wait what?

Rebel nodded curtly.

They left the porch to shift. I left the porch too. The girls were there. I relayed the message through mindlink.

"Luna is leading the run?" Jessica asked.

I shrugged it off.

The guys were out. Mate followed by Harvey and Killion were quite a sight in the light of the full moon. Two large whites and a red. Mate stopped in front of me, and then continued moving up to the front of the run.

So he wanted me to follow? Fine. I followed, my black wolf holding herself regally as she stopped when he did.

And then he started running. Wolfie opened the mindlinks at the last minute. Woosh, suddenly I could hear it. The life vine of the pack.

I ran alongside Mate, the rush of the wind and the sounds of many wolves, run run run...

I could, if I wanted, also hear any of their private links during this time, but I didn't pry. I didn't need to hear anyone linking home that he was going to be late tonight. It was late... Nearly 11.

But oh, the minds of the pack rushed through me and my wolf shivered in pleasure. This freedom and connection to my pack! I loved it. Why had I avoided it all this while?

Because there were vampires.

And because just as I could read their links, they could read mine when it's left open like that.

They should know better than to pry, but... I've always kept a tight lid on my emotions from the rest of the pack.

Just in case, you know... It's not like the entire pack needed to know when I was stressed or upset or frustrated or anything like that. There was no need to worry anyone unnecessarily.

I was the Alpha. I will protect my pack's happiness. And all they ever need to feel from my link was my strength and protection. I was the Alpha!

Two wolves were louder than the hum of the others, "Keep up!" "Stay tight!" "Follow the Luna!" "Let's go!"

I realised they were running from behind the pack and making their way up front. The two Betas. Last to start running, but they caught up of course, flanking the pack from both sides, checking that everything was just as it should be as they passed. And giving hell to any wolf who dared to run out of formation.

Now I realised that I actually had more than one channel open. I had the trainee wolves from my pack channel open, as well as my links to my betas. I'm supposing Harvey was linked to the Morning Light goons, while Killion was linked to the Night Leaf as I was.

Mate was unlinked then? Except that I could hear the Betas on the Beta channel as if they were talking to someone, "The run goes through the woods there. You would be able to pick up our markings. It makes quite a sharp turn at the bend and then returns us to the pack house side porch, usually within 30 minutes, Luna." Harvey was sending to someone.

"You guys can link Bell?" I asked, "How?"

"Understood Luna." Harvey answered.

Eh, I glanced quickly at Mate who was next to me, he was running just half a pace ahead of me. He was leading well, surefooted and decisive.

"Timewise, we are doing well, Luna." Harvey said over the mindlink. Okay, that's it, "Harvey how are you linked to Bell?" I asked again.

"I think through my link with you, Princess. My wolf accepted him as your Luna. It was only this morning when I discovered it." Harvey linked back his answer.

"Ki... Are you linked to Bell too?" I asked, "Or are you still linked to the Lorent pack?"

"I severed off my link to the Lorent pack from the time I was sold off to the fight cages, goddess." Killion informed me, "I believe a link was formed at your betrothal, and your mating bond with Luna allowed us to link to him since then."

Wait, but if my betas could mindlink Bell, why couldn't I?

I tried tentatively, "Bell?"

There was no answer, and I didn't want to be too loud... Who knew who was listening in? I had too many links opened to be sure nothing slipped out.

That's fine. I am the Alpha. "Keep running! Let's go!"

"Sam!" It was Dean, whose mindlink called out to me.

"Sam, slow down. Please... I can't keep up."

I looked at Rebel who was still in the lead, and the two betas just half a pace behind us. It probably wouldn't hurt if I dropped back to check on Dean.

{Mate says stay.}

Wait what? Even Wolfie was connected?

"I'm on it." Ki answered. He sounded like he was almost sighing. His wolf wasn't pleased at the extra backtrack.

Backtracking in a running pack was hard work. First you had to drop out and slow your pace while the rest of the pack overtook you. Then once you reached the end, you need to keep pace from the back, settle whatever it was, and then accelerate till you overtake all the other wolves to the front again. You also need to check your position, since you are overtaking and flanking the pack, you need to run on the sides least worn by the pack runs, and usually where the tree roots, low hanging branches, shrubs, and rocks were. Not fun the way running with the pack was. The way it was nice and smooth for me.

I remembered Titanium scolding the run we had on Friday for making a Beta run to the back. Tiring a Beta, a key wolf for the pack's defence and attack was just dumb.


Dean was probably in trouble again.

Of course I listened in.

"Hello ladies." Ki was flirting?

Marissa's wolf growled at him appreciatively, but in general the girls seemed quite happy to see Ki.

Particularly Savy, "Hi Ki!"

Ki felt happy to see them too, "Why don't you ladies run ahead? I'll take care of this guy."

"Okay." Savy sounded pretty relieved. The other girls left too. Lola and Jessica seemed slightly concerned but also relieved.

"Alright, the ladies are coming through!" Ki announced, "Gentlemen make way and drop back a bit. Don't leave their backs exposed."

"Yes, Beta!" The guys willingingly did as Ki had commanded. They had such a good attitude (towards Ki).

Ki was to the guys at Night Leaf and Morning Light what Liam was to my class at Winderhill: Mr Popularity.

"And you, Omega, run! We aren't slowing down." Mr Popularity informed Dean.

"But I can't run anymore." Dean said pleadingly.

Ki's wolf snarled. I could hear it from up front. It was ferocious. And then he darted behind Dean and snapped at Dean's heels. Dean's wolf yelped and scurried forward just in the nick of time.

"Keep going. If you fall back and make me backtrack again, there will be blood." And then Ki started returning upfront.

"Keep up, keep the formation tight. F*** you. Tighter." Ki's wolf was in control now. Ki's wolf was a slavedriver.

Ki returned to the front a moment later, Mr Popularity was all sunshine and roses again, "All taken care of."

"We're reaching the turn, Luna. Should we slow down?" Harvey cautioned.

"No time."

{Mate! Mate! I hear Mate!}

My betas were undoubtedly amused. Opps. I forgot, they could hear on the link.

I hope no one else did.

Then Mate spoke through the mindlink again, "We're going to make a left turn. Betas to assist. Baby stay by my side."

Who you calling baby? And how come I can suddenly hear you? You were blocking me on purpose earlier, weren't you? Oh goddess I'm going to kill you.

{Mate! Mate! Run with Mate! Okay!}

Most of the times, this not being one of them, Wolfie and I were merged to the point the wolf and human sides of me were blurred together.

Mate seemed amused at that. What's so funny?

{So cute}

Eh? That wasn't my Wolfie. Who?

But whoever it was cut the link quickly.


My wolfie was running, tail wagging, fun!

Behind me the betas had fallen back but only halfway, we were turning the pack sharply round the bend without reducing speed.

Mate was going to crash us or at least some of us into the large rock marking the turn. I was sure of it.

But he didn't.

Of course he wouldn't.

Harvey and Killion had positioned the running wolves to take the turn in our formation safely.

We swerved like a blur around the bend and straightened out the formation smoothly.

Ki and Harvey returned to the front.

"Nicely done." Bell mindlinked.

"Thanks Luna." Harvey replied.

Killion's wolf was happy. So was Harvey's. They just accomplished something. It was hard, but the effect was so cool. And they were thrilled.

Mate sped up, "Tell everyone good work and speed up. We're going home."

Speed up? Mate was also a slavedriver type I guess.

My wolf bounded along enjoying the ride and the euphoria felt across the pack. The increase in speed was nothing for my Alpha wolf.

Apparently it was doable for the trainee wolves who followed us too. Even Dean.

And we were soon stopped in the middle of the packhouse clearing. Wolves panting large white clouds in the cold winter night.

Hank waved and yelled at us from the porch, "Welcome back, record time!"

Mate shifted back right there... Naked. I adverted my gaze.

"Good run, everyone." He said. He left to get his clothes. To my horror Ki followed suit, shifting before the treeline. Thank goddess Harvey's wolf was blocking my line of vision...and Harvey had the decency to remain wolf till he got behind the trees or I wouldn't have anywhere else to look.

"Thank goddess!" Marissa exclaimed over the mindlink for quite a different reason.

There was laughter. Even though just over the mindlink, it was still a happy sound.

Hank shook his head, but he was supressing a smile, "Guys shift and get down to to hall. Girls, please join us when you are ready."

"Don't shift in front of us and ruin our good impression of what the male body looks like." Marissa added over the mindlink.

Marissa was pretty bold tonight.

"What makes you think we'd ruin it?" One of the guys challenged.

"Please no! Keith, I don't want to see anymore!" Lola begged laughingly.

"I probably shouldn't tell Dad." Savy decided aloud. To all the world, an innocent angelic ALPHA'S DAUGHTER just thinking aloud.

Not just Marissa. Perhaps it was the run, and our wolves in control, even Savy was in an audacious mood.

The guys quickly slunk behind the trees but the mood was fun.

We watched them enter the packhouse. Hank counting them as they passed him on the porch. My wolf ears caught their conversation, "I can't believe we did that."

"I was like woah." Another said.

"I was sure we were going to slam into that rock!"

"Nah, Harv was there. He was s*** stressed though."

"Man, our Luna's crazy."

One of the Morning Light goons hit Dean from behind, "Even the omega did it."

His goon friend laughed, "Ki really f***ed you. Poor omega."

The guys laughed, "No s***, I thought you were gonna be roadkill."

"I thought we were all gonna be roadkill." A third one joined them laughing.

"Just you, idiot." The first goon said, "You were worse than the omega! You kept falling out."

I didn't hear the rest. They had gone into the packhouse together.

Hank looked up, counted the female wolves waiting in the clearing. Satisfied that we were all accounted for, he nodded and turned into the packhouse to give us the privacy to shift back.

Our wolves head back to the trees.

I followed my lucky sense of direction. I found a jacket that wasn't mine. And then I found my clothes.

I shifted and changed.

"Do you know whose jacket is this?" I asked the girls later.

Jessica recognized it, "It's Jack's."

I gave it to her.

Back in the hall, I could now confirm it, the guys now idol worshipped their new Luna. I shall dub it the Luna Bell cult.

"That was an excellent run, Luna." Hank praised at the debrief, "You led well."

Instead of saying how it was thanks to everyone's hard work or corporation etc. Mate simply nodded curtly, "Thanks."

"Did you lead runs like this at the Lorent Pack?" Someone else asked.

Mate nodded again and shrugged. He didn't even smile.

And the colder he was, the more the guys warmed up to him.

Rebel led differently from me. He didn't slow down for the pack, he didn't drop back for the omega... He drove them just further and faster than they had gone before, and he didn't even share the credit with them.

And they loved and respected him for it.

"Will you lead us in another run again, Luna?" Someone wanted to know.

Rebel shrugged, "You'll have to run faster next time."

And instead of groaning and complaining like they usually did, the stoopid guys started boasting that it was no problem, they were usually faster than this anyway.

Yeah right. Didn't Hank say tonight was a record time?

Rebel smirked at the fools who had fallen for their Luna's style of tough love, "We'll see."

Then he came over to me, "I need to wake up for my match."

He picked up a lock of my hair, the way he always did, and touched it to his lips briefly, and then he was gone.

Just like that.

Who was the fool who had fallen?