To be perfectly honest, I was beginning to have second doubts about Sir Sparklalot. He just didn't look teribly reliable, all soft and floppy like that. Plus he was terribly pink and fluffy.

I had sat him on my bed, showered, had dinner, and came back to the room to prepare for the debrief meeting. There wasn't anything in particular for me to prepare, but I did find my homework printed out in a folder on the dresser.

My phone was on the folder. I touched my thumb to the fingerprint sensor for it to light up, fully charged. Weird, I was sure it was on the dregs of its last bar the last time I saw it... Which was this morning or last night... or whenever. The good news was that it had magically got itself back home even though I didn't remember packing it when we left my grandparents' Night Forest pack this morning.

I didn't have much time to deal with homework now! T.T

I forgot about homework due tomorrow. Darn Marcus and his efficiency at sending me missed homework! Grrr....

Tomorrow's Monday! Nooo!!!! I don't want to go to school! I wish I could skip this part of my life and jump into adulthood already!

Said me with the pink fluffy unicorn on my bed, untouched homework, and a phone which as far as I was concerned, had the uncanny ability to pick itself up from wherever I had left in hours ago, charge itself, and apparently answer a my texts and notifications on my behalf.

Why couldn't I hurry up and grow up?

I was absolutely sure that I would kill as an adult. Well, not literally (unless it were a bad rogue or vampire or rat), but I was going to rock adulthood! I would be the type who would kick butt in high heels, wear red lipstick and sunglasses, and have black lace underwear and low cut blouses that showed just a bit of cleavage, because I was totally going to have cleavage.

But most importantly I would be the kind of adult who would be cool. And when I said something, everyone would be serious and agree cos they would know I was the type of wolf who knew what I was talking about.

Plus I would drive a cool car and check my cool phone which would keep me on top of everything because as a busy and successful adult, I would naturally be organised and creative, and resourceful, and I would know the answer to everything.

PLUS I'll be super independent. I'll have my own credit card, and I'll drive the kids out to town and buy them ice cream with it.

And even though I was the most kick ass sexy beauty on the face of the whole continent (because I would know how to do my hair, match my clothes, and apply make up as an adult), everyone would know I was the strongest, wisest, fiercest Alpha there had ever lived. And nobody would dare to ignore or disrespect me ever again.

All I needed was to become an adult.

Those who didn't have it, fake it. That must be how adulthood worked!

And since it has been proven without a doubt that I was incapable of being grown up, I would just have to fake it.

Yes, in all my 15 year old wisdom, that was my plan. I grabbed my bag from today. Killion hadn't unpacked and put it away yet. I'd need to return the screwdriver I "borrowed" from the supplies closet room, hopefully without any of my betas finding out. I mean, I was all geared up to check the traps earlier, but apparently it was supposed to be the Gamma's job.

I couldn't quite explain it but I felt a little embaressed about doing something so unnecessary. Did I not trust Ben and Jonah enough?

I stuffed the trap manual back in the undiscovered pocket of my lucky vest. The pocket was inside the vest, and that was my only explanation as to why Killion the nanny to my things had not found and filed it yet.

By the time Killion knocked on the door to accompany me to the conference room, I had gotten properly dressed in my most grown up pair of black joggers and a completely plain and unfunny black hooded t-shirt. I slid the phone into the side pocket of my jogger coolly. Oh yeah. I'm so adult.

And no I didn't try to use red lipstick nor did I wear shades at indoors at night. I may be immature but I wasn't that desperate or delusional. I also did not own these items. Of course, now that I've made this much effort to look grown up and mature, there was no way I was going to be caught dead carrying the pink unicorn in front of anyone.

I felt a little guilty to even think this, but maybe I should have taken the zebra instead. (But don't tell Sir Sparklalot I thought so!) Why did I have to feel guilty about hurting the feelings of a fluffy pink TOY unicorn. I blame Toy Story 2. Don't watch Disney movies, it messes with your head.

"Goddess, we have to leave now." Killion said from behind the closed door. I opened the door because as much as its cool and respectful that he was honoring my private space, it was really irritating to speak to someone without looking at the person.

"I can't bring him." I lowered my voice to tell Killion.

Killion looked to my bed, "Who? Luna Bell is here?"

I shook my head, "No, him."

Killion looked at Sir Sparklalot, "The pony?"

"He's a unicorn." I corrected automatically.

"Ah, and this unicorn is male?" Killion turned Sir Sparklalot over as if to check his gender.

I punched Killion in the arm, "That's rude!"

Killion grinned, "I feel quite sure Sir Sparklalot is a female unicorn."

"Oh yeah, what makes you say that?" I challenged.

Killion paused a moment, he looked like he did not want to answer, and then he smiled when he thought of another answer to offer, "She's pink."

I shook my head, "Don't judge him by his color!"

"My mistake." Killion smiled. I guess he got tired with the argument, "So, why can't you bring him along, goddess?"

I tried to think of an excuse, preferably a grown up one, "He doesn't match my outfit."

Yeah, that was the best I could come up with.

Killion looked completely nonplussed. I got the feeling that this was not an expression he showed a lot of people.

Finally, he picked up Sir Sparklalot and tucked the pink thing under his arm, "Then, it will be alright if I carried him Alpha?"

The sight of the impeccably dressed Killion, hair swept back and in his perfectly pressed navy blue suit and wing tip shoes, accessorizing with a pink fluffy sparkly unicorn under his arm made me smile. Hahaha.

"Yeah, he matches your outfit perfectly."

Killion's smile bloomed like a flower towards to sun, "Thank you for the compliment, goddess."

As we made our way to the conference room, I watched Sir Sparklalot's pink tail swinging left and right from behind Killion's arm. I sniggered at how ridiculous it looked and wondered how my other two betas were going to take to Sir Sparklalot.

Fortunately for my betas, Sir Sparklalot would be spending the rest of his life on my bed so it's not like they would have to carry him to school or anything devastating to their cool factor like that. Pity.