Right now, I knew that Mate was aware of my presence, the way I was aware he had woken up when he did. But for some reason, he didn't even look at me.

I've become once again purposely ignored to the point of invisibility, just watching the scene again. It was as if the men around me believed that if they ignored me hard enough, the three women would not notice me.

Mate dropped his hand from his hair, "I've said before Ruby, you're not allowed in this tunnel. Leave."

And then Mate promptly turned a cold shoulder to the three ladies to face the other men, "Stephan, report."

Stephan dully reported, "There was a false alarm and the Luna's room was breached at 2300 HRS by the men present. The ladies had been here for 15 minutes, but had not been permitted entry to the Luna's room. A special assembly has been called and we will await the Luna's leisure."

Even though I was standing right next to him, the Captain's report made no mention of me. Ruby was not about to be brushed off though. She raised a brow.

Then she took the few long strides needed to get over to where I was standing. It reminded me of a large cat stalking it's prey. Stephan sidestepped to stand in her way.

This blocked her access to me, but also made it painfully clear that he was aware I had been standing there all this while.

Ruby didn't step back from the large man directly in front of her. She only raised a brow and then turned to Bell who looked completely disinterested. Our mating bond was barricaded. His face was like flint. His eyes never meeting mine.

And then I understood, he was shielding me, as if from a vampire detection. Except I was quite sure Ruby was Lycan. I guess old habits died hard. Or perhaps Ruby was triggering some bad memory he wanted to shield me from.

"Did you know, the little blue she-wolf our Master was looking for was here all along?" Ruby asked.

"I have no master except myself." Bell answered stonily.

"Yes, our former master is dead, now the Jewels of Ciara belong to you." Ruby smiled seductively and bowed, "Why not add a Sapphire to your collection?"

"I am not your master. You're not my f***ing jewels. Leave." Bell all but gritted out.

But Ruby didn't leave. She ran a finger down the sleeve jacket of Stephan's unmoving arm, it was just a finger, but Stephan stiffened.

Something dangerous about her finger and Stephan knew it instincts felt sure even though it made no sense to me.

Then Ruby threw her hair back as she angled her beautiful face to look at Bell, "Where else can we go? Who else would want us?"

EJ raised his hand but Owen shot him a stern look so the younger man retracted it and kept his silence.

Ruby had not missed it. The ends of her red lips quirked up, but her gaze crumpled her brows when she looked back at me, "All this while you denied her existence. I actually believed you. And now, I see her standing along your restricted access tunnel like she owns the place."

That's because I did own this place. I was the alpha.

But as Ruby spoke, her voice started dripping with a bile-like bitterness. I was beginning to regret not heeding Advisor Flynn's "advice" to stay in the room.

I felt as I watched her, that her beauty would melt off to reveal something horrific within her.

Like how Snow White's evil stepmother turned into a old witch.

But I stood my ground and met her wine red eyes squarely (from behind Stephan).

She smiled at me and then turned away to face Bell, she lifted an accusing finger, "You knew. You knew her, you knew exactly where she was, yet you shielded her from our Master..."

"I had no master." Rebel cut her off.

"You betrayed us!" Ruby's voice raised.

"Ruby..." It was Jade who spoke, "Ruby... Stop."

"I will not stop! Did he stop our Master when you were crying out? Did he stop when..."

"STOP!" Jade covered her ears, "Ruby, stop..."

"BUT IT HAPPENED." Ruby growled now, her red eyes piercing at Bell, "All you needed to do was tell him where to find the Sapphire and Jade and Topaz would not have to endure that... You are a monster exactly as our master said." Ruby accused him.

"Your master, not mine. I belonged to no one." Rebel said.

"Topaz died. She died because of you!" Ruby screeched.

"I can live with that." Rebel answered, his deep voice cold and dark.

"You're a monster!" Ruby screamed.

"I think we already established that." Rebel answered.

"I don't think you can judge a wolf by what he did as a fight dog." Owen tried to play peacemaker.

But Ruby was suddenly lunging forward, a dagger gleaming in her hand as if pulled forth by magic.

Everyone moved all at once, springing into action, but six powerful wolves against one she-wolf didn't seem fair. I alpha commanded, "Stop."

Everyone stopped and watched as if in slow motion, Ruby in mid lunge, knife in hand, and Mate also frozen and unmoving. Why was he not dodging the blade? I thought my command would not have effect on my own mate.


And even before the single word sprang to my conscious thought, I was in front of Ruby and her blade. I kicked at her hand and the blade flew across the concrete floor of the tunnel.

But her other hand produced a second blade! And I was open to her attack.

I heard Mate's roar, he did move then, his anger like a wild beast's.

My hand shifted and the black claws caught the blade. I kneed Ruby in the stomach, and sent her flying back. Unfortunately, it didn't knock her off her feet.

Short of time, I kicked mate in his chest, just enough for him stumble backwards out of the way. I managed to toss a "Not now, Bell, I'm busy" back at him before facing front again to face Ruby.

She was now readied with fresh blades in her hands. These blades were smaller and held in a way so I could not quite see exactly how many she had.

She threw them in quick succession. I dodged two, and kicked one that would've landed on Mate who was still standing behind me. Why do wolves circle around a fight to watch? Did they not realize that it put them in firing line of dodged projectiles?

Meanwhile, I worked to dodge another two, but was a split second slow and the blades bit the sleeve of my coat. One of them actually scrapping on my mating bangle. A soft zinging metallic sound rang out.

Which reminded me that my right arm had some seriously blinged out armor, using my bangles under the coat, I swiped my arm to knock two more daggers lengthwise. I needed more bangles. I hadn't realised they had defensive uses.

One more dagger. The pattern of her throws had so far been consistently two, followed by one.

I leaned sharply to the right but not quickly enough. Using my shifted hand I grabbed the blade in mid flight. I figured if I could grab a bullet, I could grab a dagger. I even purposely grabbed it further back, hoping to get the handle, but not too far back. If I missed the grip, the dagger would land in the middle of my face.

Unfortunately it was mostly blade, these daggers. Almost no handle at all. So I got cut, worse than a bullet, but still it healed almost instantaneously.

Mate roared again, as if he was the one hit. Seriously!

Ruby gave a short bitter laugh, "So the Rebel does care about someone other than himself."

"MINE." I said then, blocking her path to him, because Wolfie was never good with words.

A low rumbly sound, but it was a cruel one. Bell's Wolf was on the surface now, his eyes swirling wild with fury.

He was still in his human form but his aura was that of the monster alpha wolf that appeared just now.

"Oh no, he's cracked." EJ panicked. The other wolves instinctively look up at the tunnel's exit, their wolves rearing to flee.


I suddenly remembered Jax's term for it.

Yeah. That's a Chi-Ka-Boom alright.

"Permission to fall back." Stephan asked calmly beside me.

"Pleeeaaaseeee let us fall back!" EJ begged, "I'm too young to die!!!"

Flynn and Titanium were on high alert.

"Fall back." I decided, "Take the ladies with you."

Flynn hesitated.

"That's an order." I flared at them. I'm the alpha, I would keep everyone safe.

Mate made a snarling sound, it was like thunder, curdling across the sky. I turned to face him, blocking his way as the other wolves turn to go.

"Do not stand in my way, princess." Mate's voice was low, rumbly, terrifying, and for some reason, it made me feel that strange sensation as before... My blood sped up, my heart beat steady and loud.

And then I bombed alpha dominance, "I stand wherever I like."

Mate bombed too, "I told you to stay at home and wait for me!"

We were alone in the tunnel. Our combined alpha dominance crackled. I was quite sure we might actually strike up enough static to make a lighting bolt.

Normally, I would run. I mean, I wasn't a coward, but I wasn't an idiot either, but for some reason, I stood my ground.

I remembered, this was the same beast who called me "cute". I didn't actually believe that he would hurt me.

And then I identified the feeling coursing through my veins... I was thrilled. It was the feeling of sitting a giant rollercoaster and just reaching the peak of the first drop.

I grinned.

Maybe I was an idiot after all.

Mate smiled at me and held open the banged up door, "After you."

"Thank you." I smiled back.

Once in the room Mate grabbed me by both wrists and shoved me onto his bed. He was growling, his golden eyes swirling, wolf and man...fighting for control. I had not expected this. I'm not sure what I was expecting to happen, but it wasn't this. I tried to pull out my hands, but he did not release me. I would have shifted at this point except suddenly I flashed back to the dream of Sabre's memory, with her hand bound above her head and the large men, "Nnnn..." I shook my head.

And the the tears started falling, "Nnn..."

I wanted to say no.

Mate was still growling lowly, and he didn't release my hands, he simply stopped and watched as the tears slid down my face.

"Grrrr..." His growling had taken a comforting vibe now, but I really wanted out. My hands... "Nnnn..." I tried again for the word no. Why wouldn't it come out? I felt my breath quicken.

Suddenly, the growling quietened. His thumb caressed my cheek, wiping away the tears.

He pulled me up and I found myself on his lap. He still held both my wrists, but in front of me, on my lap, while he held me, my face in his shoulder, my tears dampening the collar of his jacket.

"I...I don't like to be tied up." I told him.

He looked extremely confused, "What?"

"My hands..." I said, "I don't like that."

Mate looked at me as if trying to decipher meaning. I was speaking in English, I was quite sure about it. Finally, Mate let go of my hands and pulled away from me. He had a nonplused expression as he watched me.

I used the back of my hands and wiped off the wet from my face. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

And then Mate leaned forward a little and kissed the top of my head, "I frightened you. I did not mean to."

"I know." I answered.

I've always known, Mate would not have hurt me. Our wolves were wild and both dominating like hell, that's why it was so thrilling to face off.

But like a ride on a roller coaster, I knew he would not have hurt me.

I don't know what happened in the fight cages, I don't know what Ruby was refering to... But I knew, I knew Mate was not a monster.

And from the wolves I've met so far, the other fight dogs were not monsters either.

I thought of Flynn's words. My advisor had a point though. Compared to the wolves I grew up with in Night Leaf, these wolves were a lot wilder, and fiercer, and I swallowed...they were strangers. How would I know if they were monsters or not?

Trying to suppress the memory of that dream as it resurfaced, I pushed my forehead against Mate's chest quite hard.

He stroked my hair and made a purring sound which comforted me a great deal.

By now, my tears had dried. I was sniffling a little. Mate's phone kept buzzing from his jacket. He took it out and growled lowly at the cracked screen.

Then he looked at me and nodded, "Think you can smile and take a selfie? Ben is throwing a ruckus, he wants to wake you."

Oh, Ben must have felt my fear, his wolf would have known I cried.

I sniffed a bit, "Yep."

I couldn't wake up now. I had an army to meet. You know what they say, strangers today, my army tomorrow. Hahaha. Okay, no one says that.

Mate stretched his arm out to take a selfie of us, "Smile, baby."

Wolfie made some happy whimpering sound. I slapped my hand over my mouth, that was embaressing. I hate it when he calls me baby.

Mate just chuckled.

I looked at the picture, Mate had his usual p***ed off look. He looked like he was hating my company. I was on his lap looking at him like a love lorn puppy.

Embaressing expressions aside, the background was horrible too. It looked like the bed of a dinghy motel or something. Plus my coat was torn, and his jacket was completely rumpled.

Grrrr.... Of course I deleted it.

"What are you doing?" Mate got annoyed all over again.

I climbed off his lap, "Do over. Make a better expression this time."

He stood up to take his phone from me, but I grabbed his arm and gave my best smile. I accidentally double or triple pressed the shutter button so we ended up with three photos.

The first one I was grinning, he was annoyed.

The second I my grin relaxed and his expression softened.

The third, I wasn't smiling anymore, my mouth was opened in an 'o' just as he was about to take the phone back from me. But HE WAS SMILING. A perfectly beautiful smile.

I felt myself smile back at the picture.

And then I snatched the camera back from him and sent all three pictures.

"That's the wrong chat group." Mate's voice was a deadpan.


I flared.

The phone started vibrating again.

B.BEN: [thumbs up emoji.]

LUNA: Where was this photo taken?

B.KI: Apologies, the photos were posted on the wrong chat group.

B. LUCAS: It looks like an underground bunker, Luna.

LUNA: Bell, is Sam with you at the Underground?

G.JONAH: !!!

B.BEN: @PRINCESS You forgot to bring me T.T

LAURA: What cute candid pictures!

G. HARRY: Young love is passionate.


G.HARRY: Look at the bed behind them.

B.LUCAS: @BEN You need to be sensitive to when your Alpha needs privacy.


B.KI: She's sleeping in her room, Luna.

Opps... I had posted on our Gen1 & 2 leadership group, but still why were they making such a big fuss? I scrolled up to check the photos. We were standing but now I noticed behind us was a very rumpled bed. OMO

I pretty much panicked and replied:

JL3: It's not what it looks like mum! I can explain!

It took a split second for me to realise my mistake.

MUM: Sam!!!! Where are you now?

JL3: I'm not here!

I mean, what the heck.

And Bell was chuckling now, his laugh was rumbly and deep, and it filled me with a heady feeling of happiness.

MUM: Where's Bell?

JL3: I'm Bell.


A.KINGSLEY: Sam, return the phone to your mate. I want to talk to him.

JL3: Why don't you believe I'm Bell?

B.BEN: 1)posted smiling picture of himself. 2) called Luna 'mum'. 3) referred to himself as Bell.

JL3: I'm Luna Bell and I have a beautiful smile!

B.BEN: Real cute, Sam. But your parents are outside your room now.

I flared. The real JL3 looked amused. Then he took the phone back and texted my dad directly, "She's safe with me. Bangle still white."

Dad responded, "Ty. Noted."

And then that was that.

I checked my bangle. Yeah it was still white. Wait... Of course it was white... Then I looked at the bed and remembered being wrestled down on it.

But we were just... What were we doing?

While I stared at the bed, Mate started stripping. I glared at the bed some more and refused to turn around until I heard the definitive sound of zipper going up.

"What happened..." I opened my mouth to ask but got distracted because Mate was topless, and his bangle was white too.

So nothing happened. Because our bangles were still white. Yeah.

Then why was my heart thumping like it was guilty?

There was a knock on the door, It was Stephan, "The assembly is waiting, Luna."

"One moment." Mate pulled on a t-shirt and a leather jacket. Then he took out the navy blue Warrior Jacket and passed it to me.

"You can wear this." Bell said, "If we are attacked, then blue jackets are hostages from Night Leaf, held here against your will, understand?"

Oh. Like Flynn and Titanium. The jacket will protect us should a Red Packland Pack find the Underground and storm it.

I took off the torn up white coat, and put on the dark blue jacket which was oversized on me, but not long enough to cover my skirt, far less reach my knees the way my white coat did.

"Can I borrow pants too?" I asked.

Mate growled a little, but otherwise said nothing when he pulled out a black hooded t-shirt and pair of combat pants

"I'll wait outside." And then he left.