If I had thought the media was going to be the death of the peaceful normalcy of my life, I was wrong.

I knew the moment the two new transfer students stepped into the classroom, their smiles as bright and beautiful as any A-List celebrity you'd see on the red carpet.

"Hoi, Hoi! My name is EJ." Greeted the energetic redhead with a friendly wave.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Alaric, but you can call me Fluffy." The golden blond smiled, his cornflower blue eyes bending into perfect crescents, "I've never been to school before, please take care of me."

"This is my first time in highschool too!" EJ said, "Let's have lots of fun together!"

By now, it was pretty obvious that these two weren't normal students. The word "fightdog" and "fluffy" and "the red prince" was whispered among the humans.

"Yes, we are real ex-fightdogs." Fluffy answered when Troy whispered too loudly, "Are they for real?"

They weren't even going to try to hide it.

"Well, I'll just leave you in Mrs Henderson's good hands." Principal Laura smiled and conveniently sailed off.

Mrs Henderson frowned at the papers Principal Laura had passed to her, "Erm, EJ... You wrote your name as EJ in your registration. May I know your full name?"

"Elliot Jeremy." EJ told her, "At least that's what the others tell me. They kept wiping my memory in the fight cages, so I don't really remember."

"That's because you wouldn't stop crying the next day." Fluffy's smiling mask never wavered.

"No way! I never cried in my life!" EJ declared.

"You just don't remember." Fluffy shrugged.

"Okay..." Mrs Henderson looked a little overwhelmed, "Where should you sit?"

There were no other desks.

"Liam, can you bring our new friends down to the first floor storeroom to fetch a pair of desks and chairs up?" Mrs Henderson instructed.

"Yes, ma'am." Liam stood up, "Come on guys."

"Okay!" EJ was enthusiastic.

Fluffy simply smiled and followed the other two guys out, but not before turning back and throwing me another bright smile. The girls giggled.

Ivan snorted, "He's wearing a boy's uniform, but he still looks like a girl."

"What kind of name is Fluffy?" Troy demanded.

"That's Alaric!" Zara suddenly remembered aloud, "Isn't he from your pack, Zammi?"

"They were adopted by my pack." I tried to sound detached about it.

"Her pack adopted an entire army of fight dogs." Henry had to smirk.

"Wha-! You're kidding." Marcus said. His Alpha would definitely want to know about this, "Seriously?"

"Yeah. She sent them over to clean out the rogues here last week." Henry added, "They were very professional. I highly recommend Moon Bell's army. They're expensive, but highly disciplined, top notch efficacy, on time delivery. Worth every penny."

Thanks, but you were advertising on the wrong channel, Henry.

Unless you were advertising to Marcus' Alpha via Marcus... but even so, the rest of the class didn't need to know.

Mrs Henderson opened and shut her mouth, "Well, let's try to make EJ and Alaric feel at home. Henry and Marcus, maybe you can be their buddies."

But I got the feeling she was just speaking on auto-mode and playing her form teacher role. Deep inside she had to know that those two were nothing but trouble. Why were they even here?

Mrs Henderson decided to continue with her Maths lesson - I assumed this was her way to "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

Don't worry, Mrs Henderson. I decided to get to the bottom of this at the earliest opportunity.

Liam came into the classroom with two stacked chairs. Behind him EJ appeared making grunting noises, but only because he was energetically pumping the upside down desk over his head. I think EJ might have what humans called ADHD. Fluffy had his desk upside down over his head too, but also the sense to lower it outside before coming in. EJ pretty much crashed into the top of the door.

"Oowwwiieeee..." EJ complained, "Who put the wall up there?"

The class laughed.

Fluffy dropped his desk behind Henry, "Alpha, may I change seats with you?"

"Me?" Henry growled warning.

"There are two alphas in this class." Liam tried to help the new guys settle in. He put the chairs down.

"Oh, I see," Fluffy didn't stop smiling, "I meant the cute Alpha, not the scary one."

"Why do you want my seat?" I asked. I looked at Maria.

"I want to sit next to the beautiful girl." Fluffy lied. It was amazing how Fluffy's smile was completely unchanging. I should be used to it by now, but haha... I don't think it was something even I could get entirely used to.

Maria smiled, a cold smile.

"No." I decided.

"Hoi, hoi, Alpha, come sit with me!" EJ waved from his new seat behind Marcus, "I mean the cute Alpha, not the scary one."

"Don't call me Alpha. Just Sam is fine." I said. And don't call me cute, but I wasn't going to get into that when the whole class was watching. Knowing these two, it was probably just going to be backfired into my face.

"Sa-" And then EJ slapped his hands over his own mouth, "I can't say that! It's too disrespectful."

"Keys called her goddess." Fluffy decided to inform EJ.

"Keys? Hoi hoi, yes." EJ nodded, "I thought she was the goddess when I first saw her too."

"You thought I was the grim reaper." I reminded EJ.

"Did I? No way!" EJ gasped, "You were definitely the goddess."

"No. Don't call me that! I won't answer you. Why are you two even here?" I was exasperated now.

"We're here for school." Fluffy smiled in all innocence, "To learn."

"Yes, we aren't here guard you or anything." EJ added before laughing awkwardly, "Cos bodyguards aren't allowed inside the classrooms."

My new security roll out! Suddenly all the pieces fell into place.

"Go back." I told them.

EJ looked crestfallen immediately, "I can't come to school?"

"I understand." Fluffy didn't stop smiling, "Come on EJ."

"Awwww... I wanted to make happy high school memories with everyone." EJ whined.

"Once a dog, always a dog." Fluffy smiled, "It was fun while it lasted."

What? Wait, no. I mean... I sighed.

"Fine. You can stay, but call me Sam, or don't talk to me at all. I don't know you." I decided.

"Alpha's the best!" EJ cheered immediately.

"Our Alpha is too kind." Fluffy informed me. Was that supposed to be a compliment?

"And no, you may not sit next to Maria." I decided right then.

Maria hissed her displeasure and mindlinked me, "You should let me play with him a little. I'm sure he would do anything to shield you from me."

Which made me glad I went with my guts and not allowed Fluffy to change places with me. Fluffy would of course had recognize Maria for a vamp, and decided self sacrifice was in order. What did he plan to do? "Entertain" her the way he had to entertain the vamps in his previous life to keep her occupied? Not if I can help it.

"If you so much as make contact with Fluffy, I will tell Dino..."

"You will tell him what?" Maria was immediately alarmed.

I tried to think of something to tell Dino, "I'll tell him that you like him. The next time we walk past his classroom, I'll yell very loudly that Maria is in love with Dino."

Maria's dark flame rose.

Fluffy and EJ immediately stepped forward, but I held my hand up for them to stop.

Then Maria pouted and turned back front, "I was only joking. I'm not interested in pretty boys like him."

Yeah, sure. Whatever.

But Maria was not done, "You have your roles reversed, Alpha. They're supposed to be your guards. Why are you protecting them?"

Eh? Isn't it obvious? I was the Alpha. I will protect everyone's happiness.

Maria's laughter tinkled in my head like pretty bells, "That's why you're so fun to play with."

WTH. I shoved her presence out of my head.

On my signal, Fluffy and EJ sat down at their new seats behind Henry and Marcus. I had signaled them by instinct. I wanted to settle everyone and get back to class, but their instant obedience surprised me.

Henry was right, the new wolves were highly disciplined. I knew this from the bottom of my wolf. Stephan - he had done a good job training the underground army.


My army. Nice.

Back to class, Mrs Henderson decided to continue the lesson now that the new transfer students had settled in. After going through a few examples, and asking Ivan to come up and attempt a question, she decided to assess her new students, "Alaric or EJ, do either of you know how to do the next question?"

I cast them a side glance, their desk was completely empty. They hadn't even taken out their textbooks.

"Is the answer 87?" EJ asked.

"That was the page number I asked you to turn to, EJ." Mrs Henderson said, she walked over to the back of the classroom, "Where are your textbooks?"

EJ rummaged in his bag and took out a couple of books. He found the right one and flipped it to page 87. Fluffy looked over to see the question.

"X is 18. Y is 24."

I looked at my own answer, he was right.

"Yes." Mrs Henderson looked surprised as well, "Can you explain how you got your answer?"

"My wolf told me." Fluffy explained.

"Ah." Said Mrs Henderson, who was human and would have no idea what that meant.

I had no idea what that meant either. Did you see that Boo? Fluffy's wolf could mentally solve parallel equations. Could you?

{I can guess.}

Oh gee, great.

"Can anyone else come up to explain the answer?" Mrs Henderson asked, "What about you, Sam?"

Eh? Oh. Okay. I got up and copied out whatever that I had written into my textbook just now. In my haste, I had forgotten to take my textbook out so I had to write it out from memory.

"Alpha is so clever!" Fluffy praised.

EJ clapped, "Alpha is a genius!"

It was just a textbook practice question.

I felt my face turn red. It had been doing that a lot since yesterday. But this wasn't love. The rest of the class laughed.

"I would personally never remember so many numbers." Fluffy continued.

"I can't even remember my own name!" EJ enthused.

"SHUT UP." I mindlinked. Suddenly I remembered that I could because they were now in my pack, they were MY wolves. OMO why?

Why were MY wolves so... so...

"Beautiful?" Fluffy suggested, alerting me that they were on my mind link.

"Funny?" EJ asked hopefully.

"Infuriating." I told them, and then I cut off the mindlink.

I returned to my seat in a sulk. When I find out who arranged for these two clowns to be my body guards...

Henry smirked when I sat down, "You really need to learn to control your own wolves."

WTH, I flared at that, but said nothing.

He was probably right. I doubt Fluffy or EJ would dare to mess around like this if Mate/Ki/Harvey/Ben/Stephan/Theo... or anyone of the other warriors were around. I was just the "cute Alpha" to them.

{It's only because you allow it.}

I sighed inwardly. Was I really "too kind" as Fluffy said? Would you have allowed it Boo?

Boo grinned. {It's entertaining.}

Which surprised me. I had never thought Boo to be the easy going type. And then, just so I wouldn't misunderstand, Boo quoted:

{The strongest wolves are the wildest.

And mischief is the most common guise of intelligence.}

It was something Dad and Beta Lucas liked to quote when talking about Ben and me. It comforted them a lot during our growing years.

I looked at Fluffy and EJ. They were not pups anymore, but I guess they never quite had the childhood of normal pack wolves either. It's fine. I will take care of them. I'm the Alpha. I will protect everyone's happiness.

I opened my mindlink to them again, to let them feel the assurance of my protection. And then I told them, "It's fine to have fun in school, but don't go too far. Take this chance to learn a lot, and make good friends."

I was starting to sound just like my Mum. But it's going to be okay. I mean, I "adopted" Ki and look how well he turned out. These two clowns just needed time to find themselves.