Just at that moment there was a loud boom from outside. Ben who had been properly frustrated at not getting an answer, had jumped from the second floor landing and disintegrated the floor - or at least it sounded something like that given the fuss the Lorents were kicking up after that.

"Oh my," Lady Amber remarked calmly, "Could that be the monstrous young beta I passed while coming up?"

I nodded, my wolf was quite pleased at her compliment, "Yes. That's Ben."

Lady Amber nodded, "That's a relief! I thought it was a crazed and rabid wolf."

I chuckled a little at that. She was lying, but it was a funny lie.

Lady Amber smiled and opened up the teapot on the tea tray. She refilled it with steaming hot bitter liquid,

"But it's good he's finally sleeping." Lady Amber was looking at Bell now. "Sleep and tea. That's the fastest way for a Lorent Alpha to get back on his feet."

She pressed his lips together at Delta Oran's glowing hand over Bell's chest, "Delta, is our young James still in need of life support?"

Eh? I looked to Bell. He was still breathing. I could see his chest rise and fall, but now that I paid attention, he was using rather shallow breaths.

"Don't worry, Lady Amber." Delta Oran boasted, "I've never lost anyone before."

"He over-exerted." Alpha James grumbled, "I told him to sleep. That stiff necked son of mine will never change."

"His will is unbending." Lady Amber agreed while rearranging the tea tray, "Just like his father."

Alpha James opened his mouth to protest, but he was interrupted by gunshots from outside. Immediately, our wolves rose on alert.

There was a loud crashing sound and the gunshots stopped.

"He's down! He's down!" Someone yelled. This was followed by quick and heavy footsteps.

And then suddenly a snarl and chaos resumed.

"He's not. It's a feign!" Someone else yelled.

"Retreaaat!" A third warrior yelled.

Meanwhile, women were screaming and things were clattering. Lorent wolves were so melodramatic. It sounded like everyone had to throw their arms in the air, and toss everything on hand, to scream their heads off when trying to escape the scene.

Lady Amber shook her head, "It hasn't been so lively for quite a while now."

"How can you be so calm about it?" Alpha James protested, "Do you hear that beta tearing up my warriors?"

"Is he?" Lady Amber asked, but she looked at me.

I shrugged, "He was supposed to fetch Ki. But I think he's just messing around now."

"Ki?" Lady Amber looked up sharply, "What happened to Ki?"

"Alpha James had him taken to the dungeons and whipped, Lady Amber." Harvey answered.

"He what?" I flared now, "And you knew?"

Harvey winced, "Ben just informed me."

"If he knew that, why is he still messing around out there?" Stooopid Ben!

"Brother!" Lady Amber gasped, "Didn't you promise never to mistreat your betas like that again?"

"I treated him very well." Alpha Lorent insisted, "When he came back, I treated him as I would my own son, but he repeatedly refused to comply with my command. It's as if he no longer regarded me as his alpha."

"That's because he's not your wolf!" I flared, "He's my beta. He's loyal to me!"

"And did you order him not to answer me?" Alpha James asked.

Urm... No. That was my Luna. But if I put the blame on Bell, wouldn't Alpha James get mad at Bell again? How should I answer?

"If I may, alpha?" Harvey stepped in to my rescue.

Both Alpha James and I nodded.

"He was talking to me!" I said pettily.

"Perhaps he was addressing the both of you." Lady Amber soothed over, "Young Beta, please do explain it to us. I believe there has to be some kind of misunderstanding."

"Agreed, Lady Amber. Thank you." Harvey said, and then he explained something about legal technicality of the contractual agreement that our packs have signed towards the merger, and that while Ki was now the official Lorent Beta, he would only report to the FAO, because his allegiance had been to the Alpha Princess.

Next he explained how according to his understanding, Ki was a Night Leaf wolf, since he had cut off ties with the Lorent Pack when he was sold off to the Vampire Covens, and was technically a rogue when the Alpha Princess saved him. He had since swore his allegiance to the alpha Princess.

Which was exactly what I was saying! Well, in essence anyway.

"See! I told you, he's mine!" I jumped in to point out.

"Sam, please let Harvey finish." Mum sighed.

But I don't think Mum knew that Harvey was the essay writing type of beta and if we let him keep talking, we would be here all day.

I shook my head, "Just return Ki to me."

"Please allow me, Alpha." Harvey bowed and left the room.

There was an awkward silence. Harvey had shut the doors as he left, but we could still hear the faint noises and a gunshot every now and then. Honestly, I'm quite surprised Ben hadn't been shot down yet. The Lorents couldn't shoot an elephant 6 feet away from them.

Lady Amber didn't approve of the gunshots, "Those warriors are wasting bullets, by now I'm quite sure the young beta would know they have no permission to shoot him."

Alpha James crossed his arms but he was beginning to relax, "Young wolves... they sure like to make a racket."

"Wait, they are missing Ben on purpose?" I asked.

"Well, your beta is also all bark and no bite right now too." Alpha James informed me, "The death toll is still null and casualties are mainly from my men tripping over their own feet."

Dad sighed, "Please send the bill for the repairs to my office."

"No, no." Alpha Lorent waved it off, "What's a bit of money between the two of us?"

"I don't discipline my wolves well." Dad admitted.

"I was the one who overstepped with Ki." Alpha James argued.

Dad shook his head, "You needed the information to heal our son."

"I was too impatient." Alpha James said.

"We were all anxious for Bell's healing." Dad brushed it off.

"Ah, well, what's done is done." Lady Amber decided to end the exchange before either alpha decided to go to war over who was more to blame, "Misunderstandings cannot always be avoided, but it seems that our alphas are wise enough to discern the truth of the matter. This is a good beginning to our merger relationship."

Outside there was a loud cracking sound and then the whole house shook, just a little.

We all stopped and looked up at the ceiling. The chanderlier shook a little, and the fine dust fell like pixie dust in the sunlit room.

"Hm." Alpha James said.

"Oh dear." Lady Amber said to the ceiling.

The blipping sounds from Bell's beside machines quietened suddenly.

"Did the quake take our machines offline?" Alpha James asked sharply.

Delta Oran shook his head and smiled, "Our young alpha pulled through. He should be alright now."

Luna Edith went over to the bedside to look. Mum went over to stand next to her. Bell was just lying there, but his breathing looked more normal now. And my heartburn was suddenly gone too.

And then there was silence... As in outside was suddenly quiet.

"Is it over already?" Lady Amber asked, "That was quick. The last time Anthony lost his temper, his wolf raged for six hours straight!"

"Was there such a thing?" Alpha James asked, "Why don't I remember it?"

"Oh yes, how could you forget?" Lady Amber chided, "I had to leave for work, and when I came home, he was still tearing up the sofa!"

Six hours was a long time to destroy a single sofa.

"Young James was even worse." Lady Amber tutted. Why? How long did Bell spend chewing out a sofa? But Lady Amber did not elaborate, and everyone else made a face like they were imagining much bloodier scenes.

"That felt like a long time ago." Alpha James shook his head.

"Well, yes, it's been a number of years since their first shift." Lady Amber said, "They grow up so fast."

Now she looked back at Bell's sleeping form, "In a blink of an eye, the puppy who would do handstands for chocolate pralines will become a full alpha."

Bell got chocolates for doing handstands? Nobody ever gave me chocolates for that!

"Fat lot the alpha title will do for him if he can't get his act together." Alpha James grunted, "If he can't even move his arm, how is he supposed to control any of his wolves?"

"Brother, have a little more faith in your heir. If he wants it bad enough, one hand or two, he will accomplish it." Lady Amber laughed a little.

Was she still talking about handstands?

Alpha James brushed it off with an impatient wave of his hand, "I'll believe it when I see it."

"Don't forget about the old Night Forest healer." Dad said, "We won't give up until we have exhausted every possible way to help him."

This seemed to renew the hope in Alpha James. He nodded and took Dad's hand in a handshake, "Yes. I appreciate that. Thank you."

Dad returned the handshake, "As I've said, he is my son too."

And it was as if they had forgotten about growling at each other and threatening war just moments ago. I looked at Lady Amber who was smiling at the two alphas in handshake, "Now that's a reassuring sight, is it not?"

Eh? Was she talking to me?

I looked at her blankly.

"Peace is always the best position to move forwards." Lady Amber informed me, "One day, you will be alpha. Do not forget this lesson examplified by your elders here today."

I blinked, I was quite sure they were threatening each other with war until a moment ago... When Lady Amber glided into the room with a pot of tea. Actually, that was pretty unbelievable.

Wait, was she schooling me? I guess Lady Amber was nothing short of amazing too.

I nodded a short bow, "Thank you for your guidance."

"Good girl." Lady Amber nodded.

But she didn't give me chocolates. Humph. Someone should tell her that I would do handstands for chocolates too.