The large doors creaked open, but none of the girls in front of me acted like it was anything out of the ordinary. I followed them into a large hall. It was a very strange hall - not that I was an expert in vampire living arrangements, but the old castle had excessively large and empty dimly lit spaces. I followed docilely behind the two short lines of girls.

Edward sat one leg swung across the armrest of the large ominous looking armchair in front of the fireplace. It would have passed for a throne except for the long dining table on the other side of the room. The large hall was otherwise empty space. It was like they built the castle in giant proportions and moved in with normal human sized furniture.

Oh, and the walls were lined with gargoyles... except these were not made of stone but shadows. I raised a brow at one which moved to scratch its face, now that was a little bit dangerous and a lot creepy.

It probably wasn't the best idea to have just walked in like that. I had only sensed one vampire flame and assumed it was safe, but solid dark minions in the shape of deformed monkey guards was not exactly safe... nor was that single vampire on his easy-chair throne. I remembered belatedly that unlike his predecessor, Edward's dark flame was deceptive in that it liked to take the form of a meek and harmless wisp of its real self.

"Greetings my Lord." Diamond curtsied in a very practiced and sensual way.

The other girls curtsied after and echoed, "Greetings my Lord."

I quickly imitated the action, although not the words. It was not everyday you see a Vampire Lord on downtime.

Edward smirked. He looked very relaxed, "What are we playing today, my jewels?"

Diamond paused, she seemed suddenly unsure for a moment, but she quickly decided to just carry on as planned. Making a very formal and polite bow, she announced, "We thank our Lord for our new little sister."

"Oh?" Edward's brow quirked up and his leg came off the arm rest so that he was sitting with both feet on the ground now, "What new little sister?"

Now Diamond became flustered. I think she realized something wasn't quite right. She stepped aside to turn back. The other girls didn't seem to realize anything amiss though, they stepped back on either side and bowed in the most rehearsed fashion, "Thank you for our new sister, we love her very much!"

Edwards dark flame licked upwards and he stood up, and then he realized who he was looking at, "Little Blue Alpha?"

I stood where I was, but now I was the only one standing upright in the middle of the hall... in nothing but a silk cami and shorts. Having said that, the girls bowed around me were dressed in less. I looked up to the Vampire Lord meaning in every way to inform him that his choice of evening entertainment was just weird... and creepy. Can't vampires just watch netflix or something?

But before I could speak, all the girls around suddenly righted themselves - but my wolf became alert and the little hairs on my body pricked up just because the movement wasn't like a wolf finishing a bow, but like puppets suddenly jerked upwards on strings. I looked around me at the ladies in flimsy translucent cloth and bikini inspired outfits, their expressions blank and empty like my classmates the day Maria turned into a sinkhole... yeah, not safe either.

The gargoyle guards remained squatting along the sides of the hall though. They were not the strongest things in themselves, but I had never seen anything like it before, and there were quite many of them.

Then I looked to Lord Edward Ciara - which I should have done from the beginning since he was obviously the one in control of the ladies and gargoyles. His flame had receded and he was smiling - again, creepy, but also definitely the most dangerous thing in this hall.

"To what may I owe this pleasant surprise, Little Blue Alpha?" Edward inquired politely.

I did my best to put on a brave front and smiled my wide smile, even as I quickly double checked to make sure my mind seal was completely reinforced. To Edward's credit, he didn't try to pry. Instead he rose from his seat, and removed his dark red patterned robe jacket thing.

I didn't step back when he approached me, his jacket in hand. I wasn't going to show fear, "It's nothing, I just dropped by to say hello."

"Oh?" Edward raised a brow, he dropped his jacket around my shoulders, "Please use this, Little Blue Alpha. My castle can be chilly before dawn."

I didn't refuse it. Mostly because I didn't feel exactly comfortable with so little clothing. Again to Edward's credit, he didn't look at me in anyway that should make me feel worse. Overall, Edward was a very polite vampire.

"I was just about to turn in for the night." Edward informed me, his back turned to me while I slipped my arms into the jacket, "Would the Little Blue Alpha care to join me for supper?"

It was nearly dawn. I couldn't decide if that meant Edward slept early or late.

Anyway, Edward took my silence as consent, and moved to the dinner table. I took one last glance as the Jewels of Ciara, now standing aside like puppets hung up for the while. I wondered if they could feel the chill too, but Edward didn't seem to notice.

One of the gargoyle creatures hobbled over the the chair all the way at the end of the table and pulled it out for me. I watched it cautiously, and then glanced at Edward who was already seated at his end of the long table. He looked amused, and then he told me, "You Luna is rather fond of my minions too."

Who would be fond of... oh... like MY luna, as in Bell?

I took a seat when the minion bowed itself away. My assigned seat was really far away from Edward and I was sure any conservation would be awkward and uncomfortable across such a long table, but I wasn't planning on making conversation anyway. It was nearly dawn. I felt quite sure of it. I would be waking up soon.

Two vampires with very weak flames entered with golden trays. We waited in silence for them to serve our meal - it was a single course meal of a raw slab of meat on a white place with a bit of garnish on the side.

"Please." Edward indicated for me to eat, and then he started eating.

I looked at the slab of raw meat, "What is this?"

"It's steak." Edward informed me.

I narrowed my eyes at it, "Steak from what?"

At this Edward's flame flickered upwards, "It's beef, Little Blue Alpha."

I crossed my arms, annoyed at the way Edward seemed all too please and happy in my presence.

"Do you not like steak, Little Blue Alpha?" Edward asked, "Most dogs enjoy it."

Do I look like a dog to you? I looked at the ladies still standing in stasis on the other side of the hall. I wondered if Edward saw all wolves as dogs... were the Jewels of Ciara his pets? What did that make me? A stray that had stumbled into his keep. I suppose if that were the case, I was lucky that the owner of this keep happened to be a dog lover? WTH!

Edward observed my hair sizzling and seemed to note my displeasure, but it only made his flame leap and his smile widen, "I see you have met the Jewels of Ciara, but I assure you Little Blue Alpha, you have no need to be jealous of them. None of them would be able to hold a candle against you - neither individually, nor together."

If he thought that would please me, he had to be stoopid - which he was, because when I didn't look any happier he offered, "If you dislike them, you are free to dispose of them when you become my queen."

I narrowed my eyes at my vampire host. I guess I should adjust my expectations since I was dealing with a vampire here. And yes, that queen thing. I had wanted to talk to Edward about that.

"No, I like them." I told Edward, "They're pretty."

Edward nodded and cut another bite of steak for himself. I couldn't help but notice that his white plate now had a red pool of liquid spread over it. It made me feel a little sick. I mean, I know I was a wolf, but my meat at the table had always been cooked, and cut in small bite size pieces. Anyway, I was not one to eat at a vampire's table. Actually, I didn't even know vampires ate.

"I don't remember agreeing to be your queen." I told Edward as coldly as I could.

Edward stopped eating, "No? Well, I suppose that's only natural. You're still only a puppy."

I shook my head. It's nothing to do with that. (And I'm not a puppy.)

"I refuse." I told him point blank. Some things are best dealt directly with, "I already have a soul mate, and even if I didn't, I won't mate a vampire."

I said this as politely and objectively as possible, without growling or telling Edward that I'd rather die and that vampires were just over-sized mosquitoes.

"Perhaps not now..." Edward started.

"Not EVER." I told him firmly.

Edward shrugged, and quite to my horror, his dark flame licked upwards around him... For some reason, my refusal to be his queen only perked his interest more. Oh no... but what was I supposed to have said? It's not like I could say yes to him.

"I knew you were different from the first time we met." Edward demurred.

"Never." I maintained.

"Never say never, Little Blue Alpha." Edward smiled.

I hated vampires - even the good looking charming ones were a pain in the neck. Oh. Hahaha... get it? Pain in the neck? Cos he's a vamp?

Anyway, Edward's flame was properly aroused now. It was like Maria's flame when something had caught her interest. With all my experience with Maria, I only had one way to deal with the situation - just ignore it. Any reaction, especially that of distress or upset would only fan the flame further.

"Shall we make a wager Little Blue Alpha?" Edward asked.

He must think I was a fool to make any kind of deal with a vampire.

"I will change your heart about me, Little Blue Alpha." Edward was quietly confident, "One day you will love me. In fact, you will adore me completely."

Excuse me while I barf. No, it was just an expression. My stomach was stronger than that, but gross. Never. I'd rather die. It was that kind of feeling.

Edward took no offense at my internal disgust (even though I was quite sure it was written on my face), "If you do, you will yield to me and be my queen."

I shook my head. No way that would happen!

"But... " Edward continued all on his own, "As long as you do not fall in love with me, my coven will continue to pay tribute to your pack."

Edward paused for me to process that, and then continued with one of those beautiful smiles that could rival Ki's or Fluffy's, "AND I offer you my personal protection and support unconditionally."

I actually considered it. I hate to admit it, but I really did, "Even after our contract?"

"Yes." Edward promised, "As long as you continue not to love me, I will abide as your faithful servant, Little Blue Alpha."

I was sorely tempted.

"I might not be king of the vampires yet - but I promise you, my influence is not light among those of the night. In a century or two, my First Aunt will regain her place on the throne, and I am promised the role of Prime Minister for my assistance." Edward smiled before divulging, "Even if her coup fails, my Second Aunt will still be queen. And it is no secret that I am her favorite relative. And in the slim chance that they should they both kill each other, I will be next in line."

Ah yes, good old vampire politics. LIKE I CARE!

"With my protection, Little Blue Alpha, you would be invincible in all the plains." Edward promised, "Even the goddess would not be able to snuff you out."

"And all I have to do is keep hating you?" It almost sounded too easy. Red flag.

And it didn't make any sense. What was in it for him? Red flag +1.

Plus Edward was a vampire. Red flag +2.

And if it sounded too good to be true, it probably wasn't. Red flag +3.

"Not at all, Little Blue Alpha." Edward answered smoothly, "You don't have to hate me. You can even like me. You just can't fall in love with me."

He had to be joking! As if an alpha wolf like me would ever fall in love with an ancient vampire like him. I mean, did he not notice that he was a VAMPIRE?

But my lucky sense of direction was waving red flags - like one for every alphabet for the word "VAMPIRE." Red flag +7.

This was a very bad idea. I shook my head, "No can do, mister. I don't do bets."

I congratulated myself inwardly for my clever answer. I mean, I did make a bet on Henry's allowance the other time, BUT that was on behalf of Henry. I'm not a betting person. Sometimes, especially when dealing with vamps, staying on the straight and narrow was the wisest choice.

"So you admit there's a chance you might fall in love with me?" Edward asked.

Wow, now I knew he was messing with me, but it didn't stop my reaction.

"No way!" I flared and got up on my feet, "Over my dead body!"

And then I woke up. Unfortunately with Edward's jacket still on, except now I could smell his "scent" on my shoulder. I stripped it off and threw it across the room still in full flare. Grrrr....