Ki, sweet Ki reappeared at the end of my scheduled tea time. I felt very relieved. By now, Mum was fully convinced that Sir Wolfgang was goddess sent and his every word, like the dew of wisdom. I needed backup! Ki always backed me up.

"Tea with my daughter was a lovely idea." Mum smiled, "Thank you for suggesting it, Sir Wolfgang."

"It is customary for young alphas to spend a half hour with their mother every day." Wolfgang informed us.

Only half an hour?

Ki smiled, "Should I arrange for it from now onwards, Luna?"

Eh, not you too, Ki! I wasn't THAT kind of Young Alpha. Was this what Henry lived with?

"Yes, thank you, Ki." Mum beamed.

"You're most welcome, Luna." Ki beamed back.

Why did I think my Lorent beta would take my side over Wolfgang and Mum's? The three of them should just go have tea on their own.

Okay, so I've wasted half an hour learning to hold and clink a teacup perfectly, but there's still time. I could still take a quick bath and read some of the reports. Or at least the agenda... And then skim through all the appendices... It's okay. I'm the alpha. I can do this.

Except that Wolfgang didn't go away.

"Alphas do not run up the stairs." Wolfgang informed me when I bounded up the first flight 2 steps at a time.

"What if there were an emergency?" I asked without stopping.

To which Wolfgang only raised a brow, "Is there an emergency, Princess?"

But it was in such a tone that he could also have just said, "You know very well there's nothing of the sort!"

But tutors who only told you what was "not inferior" would not know how to say things so directly.

"Why am I suddenly princess again?" I stopped abruptly on the third-floor landing, "I'm the alpha!"

Ki stopped just a step behind me.

Ben and Harvey stood up from where they were working at the sofas and bowed.

"Excuse me for a moment, Princess." Wolfgang stepped up in front of me to face Ben and Harvey.

"Do not be lackadaisical in your greeting." Wolfgang eyed my betas critically and then he pointed, "Up front."

Harvey and Ben wordlessly stepped out from their little nest of screens at the sitting area to stand side by side at attention.

Wolfgang reached out with one hand and fastened Ben's jacket button, "One must be circumspect in attire and address."

So at first, I thought Wolfgang was nagging at Ben, but then he continued, "You are Princess because you are not yet the Young Alpha until your inauguration in April. After which you would continue to be addressed as the Alpha Princess, or Young Alpha until your investiture. There can be only one Alpha."

"In a similar vein, your father is now the reigning Alpha. Your mother is his Luna. Your betrothed is the young Lorent Alpha until his upcoming investiture, whereby he will be conferred the Lorent Alpha title..."

Wolfgang cleared his throat, "His Luna title will only be conferred after your mating ceremony, and only on condition that your mating ceremony is held upon or after your Investiture. Should it be held earlier, he will remain the Lorent Alpha, and you will be conferred Luna status."

You know how I had always wished for a Jiminy Cricket? I realized that was a mistake. The fact was, I probably should have been a lot more sympathetic to River for surviving two years under Wolfgang's "guidance".

"The rest of your men would follow your dressing, Princess. Your betas are the young betas of Night Leaf unless they are transferred to your father's office or the Young Lorent's office. The gammas and deltas attached to the future Alpha office will also be only the future gammas and deltas, sans Delta Flynn and Delta Hank whom I believe your father is keeping on his payroll."

Wait, but Flynn and Hank were MY wolves!

"Your dad plans to transfer them over when you're alpha." Ben explained the moment my hair rose, "We are allowed to borrow them since Alpha appointed them your advisors. Just take it as your dad's sponsoring two Deltas for us."

Okay... It's one of those formalities thing again.

"Your alpha father is most supportive and generous to your stepping up to the plate." Wolfgang nodded, "You are very blessed, Princess. Do not take it for granted. Do not overstep your line. It will only be a matter of a few years before you become Alpha of the New Moon Bell Pack."

"When that happens, your Alpha Father and Luna mother should be honored as the Elder Alpha and the Alpha's mother. Your father's betas and advisors, the Elders, unless they are transferred to your office."

"Yes... I think I get it already, Wolfgang." I couldn't stop the feeling of irritation, "But what happens when I have pups?"

There was a pause, in which I worried that Wolfgang would actually start listing all the correct titles for 3 generations of wolves. But luckily, Wolfgang caught my sarcasm, "Were you goading me, Princess? Or should I really have to spell it out for you?"

I wouldn't say I was goading, I shook my head quickly, "Just sassing..."

"Good, then I'm sure you are able to write out the progression of your titles and that of the wolves following you for the next 3 generations - by name." Wolfgang instructed, "An Alpha's words are like a sword. It can be used to protect or it can be used to attack, but always remember, Princess, a sword swung in jest is more likely than not to end in tears."

I was just going to remember that sass would lead to extra homework. Therefore the T.T.

How did River survive two years of this?

"Pardon, but Princess is due for her cadence in half an hour, Sir Wolfgang." My good beta spoke up like a knight in shining armor.

Wait, half an hour? I flared. I haven't even seen the agenda yet!

Wolfgang nodded, "Good. We are on time."

In what was this "on time"? I was still in my uniform! Do not forget, I had a run-in with hunters, spent a whole day in school - mostly in a stuffy music studio, and I don't know what else, but the smells on my hair and clothes were less lemony and more assorted than I'd have liked it to be.

Wait, if I didn't change or shower, I still had half an hour!

"Please go shower and freshen up, Princess." Wolfgang instructed, "No time to dally."

Wth. You were the one who made me have tea with my Mum and then gave a mini-lecture on title progressions!

But I only pressed my lips together and stormed into my room. Haha! Wolfgang couldn't follow me here! My respected tutor would just have to wait outside!

I was this close to locking myself in the bathroom and soaking for 2 hours, but I was too sensible to do something like that. There was a cadence to lead in less than 30 minutes.

Okay, new plan. I take a super quick shower, get changed, and speed-read through the agenda. I probably won't have to know what was in the appendix. I needed time to think about how to organize the discussion but I technically have till the last minute before sprinting to the conference room. I won't be more than 4 minutes late - which was easy enough to gloss over.

I can do this!

I showered, slathering and sloshing off the worst of the smells. My long hair was like a magnet for smells! I realized how tired I was only after I stepped out of the shower, but I had no time to roll around in my golden clam shell bed.

My clothes had been laid out for me. The traditional Lorent white little ceremonial dress. Right, because Alpha James and his Lorent wolves would be there.

Okay, I can do this! I squirmed into the tight brocade and buttoned up the ribbon knots along my shoulder. White heels, the softest knit cashmere shrug which felt like an expensive cloud across my shoulders. Watch of many wishes, and mascara. I think that should be fine.

Normally, I would think what was in my head would be more important than what I was wearing... but it couldn't be helped. I had a tutor in charge of my time now, and unless this meeting is about title progressions, I don't think I'd have anything useful to contribute.

Okay, now where was my screen? Gah! I left it in my school bag in the living room. I burst out of my bedroom door to run down and fetch it. I nearly crashed the door into Wolfgang who was waiting outside with my betas.

He blinked but stepped out of the way in time - which earned him some grudging respect for his reaction speed and the steady and reliable warrior stance he demonstrated, but only a very little bit of respect. I was still sore from the extra homework and having my afternoon at home hijacked.

I KNOW I was the one who asked him to teach me... But I didn't mean he should actually butt into my life to do it! Look at Lady Amber or Alpha Gunter - that's how mentors should be... A distant busy presence so I have the time and space to figure out how to run my cadence.

Maybe I could just go in and smile. Maybe that would be enough.

Wolfgang gave me a critical once over, "This would do."

Really? Why thank you, your mighty tutor-ness. I'm so glad to meet your expectations. But of course, I knew better than to say this out loud.

I was an "intuitive learner" after all. And my intuition had long indicated that it would be best not to get more homework.

"Your next appointment is the Monthly FAO Cadence." Wolfgang informed me, "This is a meeting of unparalleled importance with the rest of the leadership in the Green Packlands to discuss current issues and solidify the merger progress of the three major packs here. This would in turn impact the lives from the greatest corporation in Gate City to the least omega wolf in any of the minor packs."

Yeah, thanks. No pressure.

"Such meetings are often also the cradle from which new measures and balance changes are met to counter potential instability." Wolfgang continued, "It is a critical platform for resolving misunderstandings and conflict among the undoubtedly large and diverse leadership and all its shareholders."

"I was personally surprised that such key responsibility was placed on the FAO." Wolfgang remarked, "Although I must say, your FAO had been doing remarkable work since its inception this year, Princess."

Oh! I knew the answer to this one!

"It's because we sit on the shoulders of giants!" I chirped happily, "And because my betas are geniuses and my wolves are OP!"

"OP, Princess?" Wolfgang asked.

"Overpowered." I explained.

"Ah, you mean empowered." Wolfgang misunderstood, "Yes. The wolves in Night Leaf have indeed been afforded much freedom. I believe your leadership style mirrors your Alpha Father's in this regard."

"Princess had been appointed the chairperson of the cadences. This is a high honor and a testament to the good faith and trust the other leaders have in you." Wolfgang began.

Yeah, so I probably should stop standing around and get cracking over the agenda? How many more minutes? I checked my watch of many wishes. Just 15.

I spied my school bag on the side counter, the magic wall was opened right now and my surface pro was charging.

"Are you ready for the cadence Princess?" Wolfgang inquired.

"I would be if I could just look at the agenda!" I had never felt so unprepared for anything in my life. All Wolfgang's talk did was make me feel worse about the preparation I didn't do.