"Alright, fine." Ben said, "Tell me how we're going to wing it now."


I know it's just his usual deadpan, but he didn't have to make it sound like I was such a pain in a butt to deal with!


"Shut it, Ben. I really do have a plan this time." I was cross at Ben (again). I was cross at the Timelines (again), but most of all, I was cross at myself (new). I suppressed another sigh, it was going to be a long night.


"We send sneaky wolves to go help Uncle Louis." I decided, "Just a few to keep us in the loop."


"Sneaky wolves, Sam? Really?" Deadpanned the real pain in the butt.


My good beta on the other hand, was immediately focused on the possibilities.

"Hmm... yes, in such a position, they could also sabotage the operations on their end - if needed."


Wait! That was more sneaky than I meant to be! I wanted to tell him no, but I changed my mind, "Nothing more than a bit of pranking to slow them down a bit, and only if its very necessary."


"Pranking, Sam?" Ben was still amused at my choice of vocab, "You're seriously regressing Sam. We aren't playing make believe in the backyard, you know."


"Shut up, Ben!" I flared. I did not need him to remind me. Ben wasn't at all affected by my flare up, he pointed out from the wolves in the room, "That'll be Ram… and Barry... with Cobra in the shadows. That sneaky enough for you, Sam?"


I nodded, "Okay."

I didn't know Ram well, but Barry was nice, and among my assassins, even though Cobra was the least smiley, he was also the one with the most heart.


I know I said sneaky, but I've been realizing of late that employing the sneakiest wolves (think Fluffy-level) might really be more trouble than I bargained for. These three should be safe enough.


"Uncle Louis is still family." I told them sternly, just to be safe, "No matter what he does (because I know he's crazy), you will keep him safe until he gets back."


"And yourselves too." I added quickly, "I don't want to lose any man on this mission."


"Yes, Alpha!" Barry bowed, "We receive your order."

"Shhh…." Said Cobra. Which meant the same thing, I guess.

Ram was still sleeping on his armchair. He was flopped over the armrest at a weird angle. It couldn't have been comfortable. Oh well. I guess Barry could fill him in later.


I nodded and moved on to the others, "The rest of us will split into smaller teams to track down Grandma Wanda. Report once you're on her scent."


"All of us, Sam?" Ben asked. He was just clarifying, but his tiredness coupled with his usual deadpan sounded like he was challenging me.


"No. Just the ones who want to go." I snapped back because I was tired too, and sarcasm just happened.


Ben shrugged, "Whatever, Sam."


He looked around the room, "Okay, Ki and I will go with Sam. Harv gets Ink and EJ."


Ben stopped for a moment, "What do you wanna do with Hotstuff, Sam?"


Why was he asking me?

"Do you want him to run with you, or what?" Ben asked because he couldn't just shut up and let me think.




"What do you think?" I asked Ben.


"I think he could lead a team but..." Ben said.


Wolfgang was just standing there, and I realized I could just ask him directly, "What would you like to do, Sir?"


"If it pleases you Princess, please deploy me as you would any of the wolves who follow you." Wolfgang dramatically dropped onto one knee and bowed his head like he was starring in a Lycan drama. I guess he seriously wanted to run out. Ben seemed to have concluded the same.


"Okay," Ben decided, "Hotstuff, go get Torque and a few other guys. You will lead the charge on my signal."


"Wait... What charge?" I mean, we were just going to sneak around, find Grandma Wanda, and come back like nothing happened right?


"Don't worry, Princess." Wolfgang looked up, still from kneeling knight position, "I will return to you victorious."


"We're rescuing Grandma Wanda, not going to war!" I said because Wolfgang's words alarmed me. I mean, the last time we had a heart to heart talk, he was of the opinion that my invitation to join our time traveling trip was a trap and a test that was going to cost him his life. And also that he thought my Dad was a super genius mastermind that was controlling the entire continent like puppets a string.


If I learned anything across these timelines, it was that everyone had their own POV, and also that their POV could be very different from my own.


Just for the record, I was here to accompany the GAP Analysis team and represent Dad to his home pack - NOT start a war!


"Chill, Sam." Ben said, "Hotstuff will be fine."

I wasn't worried about him!


And then Ki raised his hand because he felt he had a brilliant solution.


Wolfgang could make the excuse of tutoring me and my betas tonight and spend the night at my suite with me, Ben, and Ki.


This way, there would be someone in the room guarding us while we sneak away via dream travel.


"Hm." Harvey nodded, "I would definitely feel safer this way than just leaving Neil and Jax on guard outside her door.


Well, yes. I suppose.


The moment anything goes wrong, all Ben, Ki and I had to do was wake up. That would be Wolfgang's signal to run out with Torque and the other men to lay siege on whatever dared get in our way.


There would not be a single rebel force on this land that would survive it.


This was really brilliant on all fronts: it would give us an excuse to have the guys at my suite (extra tutoring) and serve as an alibi ("But Uncle Louis, my betas and I were in my suite listening to Sir Wolfgang's lecture." Uncle Louis' guards would definitely be reporting all the ins and outs to him so he'd know.)


It'll also officially give Wolfgang a profile boost among my agents. The last time he tried to give pointers to some of my men, they told him they didn't want to take s*** from the princess' fancy lapdog.


"You know our guys," Ben shrugged, "They don't respect fancy pedigrees. You need to let him run his share of missions too…"


He stopped as if just noticing Wolfgang still bowed on his knee, "… and get up, Sir."


Wolfgang stood back up.


"Hoi hoi!" EJ cheerfully agreed, "Let him bring hell to the rebels here! Then he can go home and s*** on anyone he wants!"


WTH. My wolves were idiots.


I would have believed that I already had Wolfgang running for me around the clock - or at least across timelines, but according to my betas, in the eyes of the other warriors, Boyfriend #9 was just a fancy face that I was currently keeping around.


"Of course, I know I'm your favorite!" EJ boasted, slinging his arm around the back of our sofa, "That's why Hotstuff and me are good bros."


Wolfgang folded his arms and looked offended, but they must have been truly friends - at least enough for EJ to know there was no real offense taken.


The red head happily dropped his head back and showed me his puppy eyes, "You know Boo, some guys can be real bitches too."


"You all got that?" But Ben wasn't talking about boyfriend gossip, he was back on task, "This mission is on FAO Black Out, status Green Light."


"Undercover Team, Ram and Barry, grab a couple of warriors and report to Alpha Louis. Cobra will be tailing you."


"Yes, Beta!" Barry said. He hoisted Ram over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, and followed Cobra out the window.


Harvey stepped forward with a bow, "B Team will head out now."


He turned to EJ, "Come on, Red. This is your chance too."


"Eh?" And then the Redhead lit up, "Oh right! I'm totally gonna break Fluffy's headcount tonight!"


He bounced off the sofa to where Harvey and Ink were waiting, "Mou, Ink, you need to help me keep count. You know my stupid wolf never tells me anything."


"This isn't a war!" I felt I had to remind them.


"Understood, We'll be discreet." Harvey bowed, "Thank you for your guidance, Alpha."


WTH? I don't feel understood at all! But with that bow, EJ, Harvey, and Ink dropped straight out the window.


"Alright. Our turn." Ben smirked, "Time to pay our neighborhood rebels a friendly visit."


(You know he's being sarcastic, right?)