Chapter 399: Second round (1)

Both Lin Fan and Qiao Yi Fei immediately knitted their brows when they heard this.

They turned to look at the person who had just said this and when they saw what he looked like, they couldn't help being surprised.

It wasn't that they were actually surprised, but rather they found it funny because he looked exactly as they had expected him to look.

This was a person that was covered in muscles with a bald head and a big beard. There was even a large axe that was on his back, strapped to him.

The only thing that was considered missing was the fact that he was wearing normal clothes instead of clothes that were made from the pelt of an animal. Otherwise he would have been the perfect example.

But before either Lin Fan or Qiao Yi Fei could speak, there was someone who came over from the front of the room and said, "Is there a problem here?"