Chapter 411: Giant tree of light (2)

The white dagger flew straight through the air, aimed right at the head of the ghost, or rather right where the ghost's head would be when the dagger approached.

Lin Fan hadn't killed one before because he never thought that he would need to, but this sudden appearance of this boss ghost made him want to analyze them closer, so he chose to attack this. Since he hadn't killed one before, he wasn't sure how to kill it, so he followed the rule of every zombie movie and aimed right at the head.

The ghost didn't seem to notice the dagger that had suddenly appeared until it was too late and it was already about to pierce the ghost's temple.

This told Lin Fan that these ghosts must have had weak spiritual senses since they were only able to detect the attacks that were aimed at them at the very last second. This was the case with the attack of the dead rat before and this was the case now with the white dagger that Lin Fan threw out.