Crypt (6)

When Mo Ze Chen pulled out the glow stick, he found that what he had expected to happen didn't happen.

The light of the glow stick remained inside the glow stick and wasn't sucked out of it like the other glow stick that he had thrown previously.

Mo Ze Chen couldn't help looking around and he found that the first glow stick that he had thrown wasn't that far away from him.

These glow sticks of his were made of a special material, which meant that it was much harder than normal glow sticks. It wasn't strange that this thing was still intact after falling down all those stairs, but this glow stick no longer lit up.

Mo Ze Chen looked closer at the glow stick and found that there wasn't anything wrong with the glow stick itself, the only thing that was wrong with it was that it wouldn't light up at all. It was almost as if there was something that had sucked out the essence of the material inside that glowed, so that it no longer glowed.