The main war begins (9)

This black figure came out of nowhere, but it dropped down near Lin Fan and Bing Jun.

It fell all the way from the sky and when it landed, there was a large crater that was formed in the ground.

After this black figure landed on the ground, there were streaks of red that also appeared in the sky. People couldn't see what it was at first, but then as it fell, it created a storm that drenched the battlefield.

Blood, it was all blood that was raining down!

As this blood fell over the battlefield, everyone who had been fighting suddenly stopped fighting and turned to look at the crater that had been formed.

Even if the aura coming from it was faint, they could still tell that this was the aura of a World Realm Expert.

The fight in the sky must have come to an end and they all wanted to see who won. After all, this would be what decided the battle.

When the dust settled, the appearance of the black figure was revealed.