Abandoned world (3)

Seeing this, Lin Fan couldn't help asking the system, "Is this harassment or is this some kind of prank?"

The system didn't respond when he asked this.

However, that was all the answer that Lin Fan needed.

Since he was already here, he would see what he needed to do.

So he raised his hand as if he was about to create some fire in his hand to generate light. But then he suddenly stopped himself as he remembered something.

He put his hand back down and then pulled out the lantern from before.

With a bit of life energy, he lit up the lantern and used it to see the area around himself better.

He could see a bit without light, but it was much more clear when he had light.

He immediately saw that the green stuff on the floor was some kind of moss. This was a very soft looking moss that was able to withstand all kinds of impact, which was something that Lin Fan had no knowledge of, even with his intensive knowledge of herbs and such.