Triumphant return

The Lu Astral Empire army just watched on in shock as the situation of the battle changed.

One moment, they had been fighting the Beast Race troops and the next…they were watching the Beast Race troops killing each other.

They didn't know how it happened, but one demon beast started attacking another and soon…it was like a wave came over them and they were all attacking each other. At the same time, the more demon beasts were taken out, the more demon beasts joined in attacking other demon beasts.

They could see that there was some kind of green mist that came out when the demon beasts attacked each other.

When this green mist came over the other demon beasts, they all suddenly lost control of themselves.

They didn't know what this green mist was…but they could tell that it was dangerous.

So when the fighting came close to them, they made sure that they did all that they could just so they could avoid this green mist.