Chapter 2️⃣

"Mika wake up" Mika's mom, Stella, shake her like some kind of dough. "Mika, come on wake up" Mika grumble and hid under the blankets and now she look like a dumpling.

Her mother sigh at her and looks around her room, an idea pop.

She grab her controller.

"Oh my, look at your...saved would be such a shame if they accidently got deleted"

"Oh look at that I'm already in the bathroom"

"What the-"

After her normal routine, she grab her bag and her ID, walking down the stairs and grab a hand full of waffles. "Oh, good morning Mika" her dad, Francis, said while holding a cup of coffee and wearing his oversized fluffy slippers.

"I'll be heading out first, tell Miko that his new shoes are under his bed!"

Closing the door, Miji sigh, then she start to walk towards her school.

One of the most prestigious school, the OwlHood University, one of the finest, the best and respected school in history. This is where Mikawas enrolled and this is her second month, nothing out of ordinary happened.

"Oh look at her"


"Fat M is here"

A normal

"Ugh cant she ever decided to go on diet?"


Mika look down, holding the strap of her bag tightly, she walk to her class and her classmate can't help but snicker and look at her in disgust, not all can enter OwlHood, only the smartest ones or you have the money for it.

And Mika parents does have that much money but they're not rich, still, they enrolled her and Miji become a scholar, thanks for her brain.

Mika walk to her desk and saw a writing on her chair.


She sigh and grab a tissue and alcohol from her bag and start to clean it.

'pfft- this people makes me laugh, bet my neighbor is more good at bullying than them'

Mika cant help but smile a bit from that thought then it turn upside down once that GIRL talk to her. "Aww, poor Fat M, can't afford wet wipe to clean her chair for her fat ass butt cheek"

'wait, wipes cost more than toilet paper?'

This thought made Mika stop, the GIRL grin. "Oh! Why did you stop? You just realize your poor and do not belong here?" She then laugh with her friends, are they even friends.

'i thought wipes are cheaper...oh my god, I should tell this to Miko"

This made her sweat thinking her allowance is about to go bye bye if she bought another box of wipes for reasons. the GIRL, scoffs at her and grab her bag taking out a wet wipe and throwing at Miji's face, slightly moving her glasses.

"Since your oh-so poor, I'll let you have one" the GIRL said, with a big grin on her face. Mika only came back to earth once she felt the coldness of the wipe in her face, grab it and look at it.

"..." Should I be thankful that she gave me a wet wipe? Nah. She evil than cockroach in 2pm.

"Thanks" but nothing beats a cockroaches in 3pm. Brrr..

Teacher finally arrive which mean class is starting and everyone, including the GIRL went to their seats.

"Alright class, take out a piece of pad paper" said Professor Nick while writing something on the board.

"Fuck I forgot to bring my pad"

"Eh I run out"

"Hey girl, got any?"

"No, I used it for making a giving my numbers to the hottie"


Mika smile slightly after softly, and carefully pulling a sheet from her bag, but looks like there are things is just inevitable, like hiding a new, full pad in class.

While everyone is busy looking for paper in their bag.

"Huh" the guy behind Mika named, Martin, look over Mika's shoulder and saw the sheet of paper. "Hey Mika!"

"Wh-what?" Mika said not turning around.

"Can you give me a sheet? Come on!"

Said Martin tapping her shoulder.

"Eh, why should I?" She said scoffing at him, Martin rolled his eye and tap her shoulder again. "Hey that hurt...!"

Said Mika rubbing her tapped shoulder.

"I'm your classmate"

"You don't even treat me like a classmate"

"Ugh just give me one or I'll tell the whole class you have a new pad!"

Mika glared at him and shove the sheet on his desk. "Fine, just shut up..!" She said huffing silently.

The rest of the class is somehow normal, unless you add the throwing ball papers at Mika's head situation it's rather normal.

Lunch came and everyone does their own thing, eat or do something other than to eat. Mika smiled once she pull out her lunch, a full set of bento made by her mom, she grab her chopstick and start to devour- I mean, eat the food.

Mika's family runs a famous restaurant, thus why she's fat, the restaurant has been visited by many and known people such as YouTuber, bloggers, celebrity and other known people in the world.

"Yo Fatass!" The door slide open in a harsh way causing some of the classmate to jolt, yelp and even choke on their foods. Mika only tremble while the end of the chopstick, which was holding her food is in her mouth, nervously, her hands tremble and set the chopstick down and swallow her food as the one who yelled approach her.

"Ohh your lunch looks good! You don't mind if I took just a tiny bits, right?" Said the person, putting her arm around Mika's shoulder with a tight grip, slightly hurting her. "U-uhmm-"

"Oh come on I'm your friend! You won't be selfish to your one and only friend right?" The grip tightens more.

"N-no! So-sory Sishi Go ahead! I'm a-already full anyways" she said giving a small smile.

'Full of your crap'

"Wah thank you Mika! Your the best" Sishi said and released her grip on Mika's shoulder, in which she hissed in slight pain and rub it. "Aight ba-bye now~" she said and waving, leaving the classroom and Mika's sighing and looking outside the window.

' *Sniff* I'm still hungry doe '

"Man did you see Sishi? She look so beautiful as always!"

"I wonder what kind of hand cream she use, she always smells nice"

"Pfft, Fat M deserve that, she's already fat so she shouldn't eat that much, Sishi is actually doing her a favor to help her get thin"

Mika decided to left the classroom and went to the computer room to get some fresh air, the computer room has big windows for the student to breath fresh air rather then AC, the room does have an AC for the computers not over heating.

Mika sigh thinking about Sishi and that GIRL in her class, which her name is Raquel.

Mika is being bullied but not physically, only verbally thanks to Sishi, Sishi and Mika made a deal that if she gave Sishi her lunch, no one will dare to lay a hand on her, but she didn't said she won't stop the bullying since Sishi do enjoy seeing Mika being harass by her classmates for some reason.

And Raquel? Oh she's just a brat happen to be in a same class with Mika.

"Oh, you're here" Mika turn around from the window and saw one of the people who's kind to her. "Oh, you're here too Daisy"

"I'm only here because I need to get the files under the desk, but when you're here that means your stressed" she said walking towards her and stand beside her, her long peach brown hair flowing as the wind blows, while Mika's nose is starting to run cold from the wind.

"Oh it's just Sishi" she said sighing.

"Ugh, she took your lunch again?" She said, completely irritated and angry about what she heard. Mika sigh again rubbing her stomach. "I'm hungry I could eat a roasted pig"

"My god" Daisy pinch the bridge of her nose. "You really need to stand up for yourself Mika, this shouldn't be happening to you, if she keep on taking your lunch your going to get skinny!"

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"No, that's who you are, you like eating and someone is taking it away from you"

"Hmm....what can I do? Talk back to her and everything would be worse"

"Not if I'm with you"

"..." Mika stared at her for a couple of hot seconds. "You sound like you have a crush on me"

"Yec-yuck! Not in a million years! Pweh"

"Your overreacting, I was just joking, besides I'm going to be a wife a guy not a wife of a girl" she said, her face turns dreamy looking up in the sky.

"Oh, your talking about Zeus?"

"Yeah, his so handsome, I wish I grow up and marry him, and we'll have 5 babies, I mean did you see his broad shoulders!? Like wow, yum, I wouldn't mind having more than 5 babies" Daisy sigh to her and flick Mika's forehead. "Why?"

"Dumbass, Zeus already has a fiance remember?"

Then Mika's dreamy face turns into a face like she lost everything.

"Ouch, Don't remind me of that, at least let me dream for a few more minutes, better yet forever"

"Ugh, he'll only be yours in your fantasy"

"Well at least I can have him in my imagination" Mika said doing the SpongeBob imagination meme.

And the bell rings.

"Well looks like it's time to go" said Daisy said stretching her arms up.

The two separated their way and head to their class.