" Lord Cooler, Lord Cooler, Lord Cooler
*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* "
Cooler's hand shoots out and grips the Soldier's hand, almost crushing it.
" L-l-l-loord Cooler, Please!"
Cooler releases the Soldier's arm but he doesn't speak, he just looks himself over and flexes his muscles then he smirks and turns to the soldier again.
" Yes, What do you want?"
" Your dinner is ready, he you go." The soldier responds as he slides Cooler his food and Rosè wine
" I forgot, where are we going?"
" Currently we are on the way to planet Vegeta to watch its destruction."
" Ahhh, After the planets destruction bring us to planet Namek."
" Yes sir my Lord."
The soldier responds respectfully, however the obvious confusion on his face gives away the questions in his mind.
12 hours later....
" Hello Brother."
" Hello Cooler, How are you? I've missed you so much, it's been too long come let's have dinner together."
" No, I only came to watch this destruction because father asked me to, I did not miss you nor do I care about your poor decision making skills. Goodbye Brother."
" Honed, set us on a course to Namek.
" Yes Lord Cooler!"
" Do you Soldiers have a Training room on this ship?"
"Yes, My lord."
" Does it have a gravity control system."
" Yes sir it does."
" Good, You and the rest of the Squadron will be training with me until we get to Namek, in a year."
" Yes Sir!!" Salza yells out with shock evident on his face and in his tone however what really shocks him is Cooler yelling and transforming into his first suppression. The rest of the crew shares his shock as they haven't ever seen that form before.
" Salza are you going to bring me to the training room or am I going to have to find a new squad leader?"
" A-A-A I will bring you to the training room sir."
Cooler stands at one end of the room with his squadron facing him down on the other.
" Before we begin, let me tell you this, no holding back if I see or feel you are holding back I'll kill you myself and mount your corpse on the wall as an example for those who don't follow orders, understood?"
"YES SIR, LORD COOLER!!" The squadron says in unison
" Good, now COME AT ME!"
Cooler watchs calmly as the three members of his squadron launch towards him at speeds close to that of light itself. Salza launches a punch, Cooler dodges effortlessly, but fails to understand how good they work together as the other two members launch attacks following Salza, with one throwing a kick at where Cooler's head moved to and the last member launching a beam at him in the position he is in when he dodges the kick, the kick is narrowly dodged and the beam scrapes his bio-armor. Then Cooler retaliate brutally slamming his tail into Dore and using that momentum to spin himself into a roundhouse into Neiz's head before gripping Salza's skull and slamming him into the ground.
" Try harder next time, you only touched me because I underestimated your skill as a team, it will not happen again."