Grant Ward-The Taken King

Sometimes people are born to be a part of someone else's story, a side character to another's life. Agent Grant Ward was one such person, a side character to Skye's story and history sometimes he is the villain, or a lover but never the star. All these terrible things, Brainwashing, Severe Abuse, Dying, all for the sake of making his evil and cunning interesting. Grant Ward will and has never gotten the chance to be the star but this time at least the man in his body will get to be.

???- "Look man your dead, you get to pick one video game character to get the powers of and I'll put you in the body of Grant Ward right after he tried to kill himself."

Mark- "Alright, a few questions if you don't mind-"

???- "I do not."

Mark- "Awesome, Look so

1. Why Grant Ward?

2. Why a video game character only?

3. Protagonist or who ever?

4. Why am I so calm?

5. How did I die?"

???- " Sure no problem let me answer you in order *Clears Throat*

1. Cause

2. Why the hell not

3. Anyone but it has to be a game you've played

4. I'm making sure you are cause panicking won't get either of us anywhere

5. In your sleep you had a heart attack."

Mark- "Awesome, I chose Oryx."

???- "Fine, I'm limiting you a little but you can get to where Oryx was and I'll be taking your worm away so you won't die if you stray from Oryx's god domains."

Mark- " Thank you very much, so how do I get to Ward's body?"

???- "Like this."

??? snaps his fingers

Mark, now Ward opens his eyes to light shining in his room. Looking around Ward sees the Lazer grid wall, the cameras, his shitty bed and a toilet. His powers hit him after he settles and the true breath of a God's powers expand his senses, giving him several more and making his original 5 immensely more powerful. Time it self stretches out before him as every version of him connect on the physical, mental and spiritual level, every him is the same as the other and time stops effecting him. He feels that nothing can change what or who he is. Looking through instances he sees that Skype will be coming down and talking with him and 3.2.1...

Ward- "Hello Agent Skye, long time no see."

Skye- "Hello Grant, Creel do you know anything on him?"

Ward- "Even if I did, why would I tell you Skye? If you want info on Creel, his abilities, and location I have a request."

Skye- "What you ask for me just to deny me anything just like the others. Go to hell you're not getting a request."

Ward- "Is that right, well then I wish you the best of luck is your search Agent Skye."

Before the Lazer Grid even goes back to opaque Ward turns around and sits on his bed, in a meditative position. Unbeknownst to S.H.I.E.L.D. his powers grow and increase every time he does this or pretends to sleep. Skye walks away, turning the Lazer grid back and walking up the stairs. Right as she hits the top of the stairs a voice goes over the intercom, "What's the request Ward?"

Ward- "Ah, Active Director Phil Coulson I figured you'd want this info well then send Skye back down and we can discuss."

The Lazer grid changes once more, becoming clear and Ward sees an agitated Skye.

Ward- "See it's not that hard, Now my request is simple, a better living area like I want a better bed, toilet and food."

Skye nods in agreement with something and then says- "Fine now What's the info?"