Chapter 38

"And you know nothing about this?" Imtiaz, a special force agent with a clean-shaven face and an intense gaze, turned to Amara for the fifth time. Her response was no different than before—she rolled her eyes in exasperation. The agents had come here to investigate, not the shootout; that was cleared out as self-defense. There would be some paperwork, but other than that, Amara was being left alone, but it was too much on her part to wish that this would all be gone.

"Someone attacked Rakesh Malhotra and took his eye out after you got shot, and you know nothing about it?" He sounds sceptical; again, everyone in the Special Force sounds sceptical. Amara concluded.

"I got shot, was out for four days, and after that, I have been here for three days. I don't think you are quite following this right, and besides, he is behind bars; it seems like Delhi prison security should be pulled into question." Amara gave him a deadpan expression.