Chapter 5: Arts

"So the kid is finally ready huhn, this should be fun"

"Huhn, You alway end up going to far, Just take it easy on the poor lad okay"

"Don't worry, he'll be fine, I can feel it"


Was a brand new day at dawn before the first rays of the sun even made an appearance. Ryan had interrupted Noah's sleep the previous night telling him to be up at dawn and go to the field. he wasn't allowed to ask questions nor skip it which was why he had to take a break from his daily cycle.

Ryan was standing in the open field without any regard for the atmosphere orthe gloom the darkness brought with it. Right next to him were a few logs and crystals. Noah could be seen running around the field in laps seemingly being forced to by the one watching over him.

'He really is fit. Looks like I was right about him'.

Noah had been put to work the moment he arrived, a warm up according to the words of Ryan.

"Alright, that's enough, you can come over here now"

Ryan had gotten enough information about Noah's status from that exercise,and he had determined Noah could handle what he had in store for him, now he just to properly begin the lessson.

"Diara told me it was time to teach you about the arts as you had passed her test yesterday. While I don't know what sort of deal you had with her, all that matters is that during these hours, I am your teacher and you are my student.

For both our sakes please listen to all you're instructed to and we'll have a wonderful time together, Is the understood?"

" Yes"

Noah replied.

"Thank you for the oppurtunity"

'Well his manners sure are refreshing, I hope he can keep then even after I'm done with him'

Ryan chuckled to himself.

"What you're here to learn about are the arts and the elements of combats. While I can't claim to be the most knowledgeable on the subject, I sure know enough to make you a worthy opponent for your future enemies, now listen carefully, You can note down your questions for later."

"Aether arts or arts as they're commonly referred to as are the techniques and ways people use the elements. Now this is broad as arts can be classified into various categories depending on which class uses them and what each art is meant for. But generally, there are the path arts and route arts and the rare universal arts."

" If you read the books in the library about the paths available to all races, you'll see that each route and path had their specialties which could not be emulated by the others, yet shared some similarities at the same time, well that's where the arts come to play."

" The sage path has some arts that can be used by both the body and the soul routes and the divine path has the same. It is said that this is possible because the Origin remains the same.

Arts that fall under this category are usually combat and movement arts for the sage path and magic arts for divine path.

Most path arts can be used by all elements while few are element specific. The specific path arts are mostly found in the divine side of things though. One can use as many path arts as one wants as long he can comprehend it"

" As for route arts these are the foundation and pillars of one's strength, there's a strict requirement to be met before one can practice One as the element the route and the constitution must match it.

It is not ununusual if one dies or have his pathways crippled from using the wrong route art. One can only use one route art at a time and it's what makes one walk the path of ascendancy.

By advancing in one's route art one ascends, going beyond the limits of their race"

Noah paid attention to when Ryan was saying as this was the explanation to every question he had in mind after he read the records of a certain scholar in the temple library.

What Ryan said in summary was Route arts were responsible for growth and ascension and path arts was the flashy techniques and skills the warriors and mages used in combat, One complementing the other.

Ryan saw Noah had no problem following his teachings so he kept on going.

" Starting with the route acts, they have different functions depending on the route in question but the basis is this.

Sage path

Body route - Elemental control and Body Refinement

Soul route - Elemental Control and Soul weapon refinement

Divine path

Embodiment route - Domain creation

Spirit route - Spirit nurturing.

Small differences will be apparent because of the quality of route art employed by the user and the compability of the art to the user.

As for the path arts, they come in various form and their usage differs. some crazy ones even aim to perform the same as the opposite path, as to how successful that is, I have no idea."

Looking over to Noah, He asked

"Any question?"

After a moment of thought Noah asked

"When one awakens how do they determine the path and route they possess, and how does one get an art then."

"As for how one determines his chosen route he gets a vision of himself performing his embryonic art and not to mention that all practitioners have a mark that signifies their paths when exposed to a probe unless it is hidden Intentionally which newly awakened can't do."

"Now about how get's an art, every practioner at the moment of awakening possesses an embryonic route art. It is unique and differs from person to person.

Most people tend to practice other arts though as an embryonic art is a new path that one has to thread alone without any assurance, some persist with it but only a few stick with it and the number that reached the ascendancy stage with it are even fewer.

Other ways to get an art is to visit a temple, for no cost one can find a technique that suits them but can only happen twice in one's lifetime. No the temple does not have the technique at hand. It is the will of the world that acts.

You can try to join a sect an academy, explore a ruin or dungeon or visit the right markets."

" Royal and noble houses are known as such because apart from their wealth mist have long lineages with multiple powerful arts which have passed down from generation to generation, so any noble house definitely has enough acts to fill a small library at the very least and I can't even begin to think how much a royal family has.

'You could also find legacy sites, become subordinate to a noble house or join the underworld but those are not options for you Noah so there is no use telling you'

Ryan thought to himself.

" So now that you understand how arts work, You're gonna use these crystals over here to check your affinity towards the elements and if you show affinity I'll train you in hopes for your awakening.

Rest assured even if you show No affinity, I'll still teach you enough to survive any problems"

Ryan added after seeing a blank look on Noah's face.

"Now let's get to it, shall we? "

Ryan said flashing a smile Noah could swear was downright sadistic. He started to fear for his safety but that didn't stop him from approaching the crystals.