Chapter 52: Grandpa's gift

Initially, Valdor had the box on his back when he got into the dungeon, but it got in the way of his combat and he was forced to discard it, tossing it back into the storage space. The item in the box was something he could have utilised to clear the waves faster, but Valdor's pride didn't allow him to use it.

Him jumping into using that piece of Godly equipment would indicate he wasn't proud of himself and his efforts in the past years. The creatures Valdor had encountered ranged from low level awakened to high level awakened, opponents he didn't even consider worthy of his time, if it wasn't for their numbers being threatening, he would have waltzed his way towards the dungeon core, where his objectives lied.

The young halfling did more train to be a craftsman in his time In the village. His combat skills had also grown to an unprecedented level. Dwarves with their gifts in the aspects of creation were like a reasme chest in the eyes of other races. Regardless of ones ats, route or path, all a dwarf needed was materials, time, and understanding of the one who was to use the equipment, and a masterpiece would be created

This had caused the dwarves to be enslaved in various times across history, forced to create weapons and other items for other races, they had to watch on as their creations were used to create strife and misery. All this continued until one dwarf, tired of it all decided to stand against his oppressors, if he could create weapons, why couldn't he wield them?

It wasn't like they couldn't use aether either, as it was an important aspect in the creation process, so he did it and began the dwarven revolution.

It took a lot of time and effort, but the dwarf eventually did it, he liberated his race from their enslavement, and they also became a major race. Since then the dwarves had emphasized the need for personal strength.

It wasn't enough to be gifted in creation, they also needed the strength and power needed to protect their creations and themselves.

Valdor naturally also inherited this teaching when he returned to the clan, and because of the path he had sworn to his brother, he had put in his all to learn all he could, not just his route and path arts, but he grew to be proficient in diverse weapons.

It was amazing how much he was able to achieve on just a few years, and that was why Valdor was adamant on clearing the waves he had encountered with what he had learnt, as proof of his growth and efforts, he wasn't going to turn his back on all he had achieved just because of a new weapon.

Valdor without activating his soul weapon, used the weapons he had crafted and aether to face thirty waves of undead, this truly was an impressive feat, a shame that no one was available to witness it. He used to countless waves to refine his skills and his wielding, the undead army serving as a whetstone for his weapon and his instincts.

The prowess the young halfling had displayed as he wielded diveset weapons in diverse positions, dual wielding the most absurd weapon combinations splendidly without losing momentum or form. He had not just dominated the battlefield but he had made it into his playground. It was pure genius, proof of his own existence

He was no longer Noah's lackey, no longer one waiting for orders and directions, he no longer lived in his brother's shadow, but sadly when he made this metamorphosis, the brother he looked up to was no longer around to see it.

Opening the box, Valdor set out the pieces that was lying in it. A number of metal pieces, each with intricately woven patterns woven into them were spread out across the floor in a concise manner, as it following a pattern, if one looked from above, they would see it did form a pattern, one similar to a magic circle

Although the box looked small and shouldn't have been able to hold all those pieces, it had a spacial manipulation array imprinted into it, allow it to carry more than it should be.

After a taking out all the metal pieces, a large magic circle had been formed around Valdor, with the his position along with the box being the centre.

On an afterthought, maybe she should have done this before he entered the dungeon as what he was about to do might take a considerable amount of time, he wasn't sure, not even his grandfather was sure of how long it'd take, but if he wasn't going to get to his objective, he had to do it now.

Tossing out 8 ornaments, he tossed them in select position outside of the circle, forming the 8 trigram, and used his aether to link it to the metal pieces on the floor, then he dropped a giant aether stone into the opened box, before slicing open a piece of his skin, just enough for blood to flow into the stone and the box and recited the spell.

לִיזוֹם, טרנספורמציה, לִקְשׁוֹר.

The blood activated the circle and blue light glowed around Valdor, the bonding process and calibration process between man and his artifact had begun.

But if things went smoothly, it wouldn't be any fun would it? The next wave was initiated at that moment and it was bigger than any of the previous waves, although there was no peak level awakened undead the amount of low levelled undead was overwhelming and the other fodders were spread out across the entire field.

Valdor was right to have initiated the bonding process when he did, as even though he was more powerful than the undead army, there sheer number was enough to eventually bring him down.

The frontline of the undead army and rushed in from all direction, running towards the huge source of life energy in the dungeon, which ofcourse was Valdor. The binding ritual he was carrying out had enlarged and made his life energy all the more stronger and that was what triggered the appearance of such a huge wave, it wasn't supposed to happen.

They dashed in and threw themselves against the pillar of blue light in the centre of the field only to be bounced back, that didn't stop them however as they went back right to it, trying to break the pillar and feast on massive life energy

At intervals the pillar of light would release a wave of energy that would wipe out all undead in its vicinity, only for a new set to take its place.

This cycle continued until eventually a crack occured on the pillar, and the life essence flowed out from the crack and caused a frenzy among the undead. In their thirst for life energy, they didn't distinguish friend from foe, tearing into one another.

More cracks appeared on the pillar and the frenzy continued across the army, until the high level undeads, with their limited intelligence decided to put an end to the chaos.

Roars of these undead resounded across the battlefield, as the high level undead raced towards the field, destroying all the in their path, their target the pillar that was the cause of all the commotion.

When a majority of the high undeads got to the pillar they exchanged looks as deciced to strike at the same time, their repeated strikes spreading the cracks across the surface of the pillar, it was only a time before they succeeded, and it eventually happened.

The pillar shattered and the a huge blast sent the undead in it's immediate vicinity flying. The wave was so bright and powerful that even some high leveled undead were crushed underneath it's force, the undead didn't need their eyes to see so the brightness however was useless.

Valdor looked on from the centre of the pillar, all around him were undead, the perfect test subjects to see just how wonderful the artifact was

He might have been the one to create the blueprint and the plans to create it but he wasn't involved in the creation process, his grandfather had surprised him by creating the artifact even though Valdor had only showed it to him once as a joke.

"Thanks Grandpa"

He muttered before stretching his body, staying in a single position during the attunement and binding was taxing for a dwarf with his active personality.


Valdor commanded as he walked forward

The power stone had melted into the box, making the intricate designs glow even more, (these patterns were the same inscriptions one would find embedded in a magic circle), the box floated towards Valdor and its form changed to a a stick figure like exoskeleton, one that only had the spine and the limbs outline, and attached itself to Valdor from behind.

The first set of metals, the one in the inner circle floated towards Valdor and linked up with the exoskeleton, forming a thin suit of metal around Valdor's body, leaving only his face uncovered, as even his head and his feet had this layer of thin metal.

Valdor didn't stop his forward movement, but the undead all felt the pressure he was releasing as he moved and they subconsciously moved backwards.

The last later of metal, the one in the outer circle, also came floating towards Valdor, this time forming a thicker suit of armour, one that completely covered Valdor.

"Now then"

Valdor spoke as he flexed his body, getting in position for attack

"Let's get started"